Basketball Coach Li

Chapter 319: Disturb


Did not enter!

Coleman grabbed the rebound, and he handed it over to Li Nan the first time!

Finley hugged Li Nan! Send Li Nan to the free throw line again!

97-94! There is 1 second left!

Li Nan walked to the free throw line under the spotlight.

The whole game was watching this free throw!

"Can't get in! Can't get in! Can't get in one!"

The Mavericks fans are clamoring and making the last effort for the team.

At the commentary, the old groom suddenly heard the sound in the earphones and his eyes widened.

"Mavericks fans may still be praying, but now I have to interrupt your dreams."

Some data appeared on TV:

In this game, Li Nan made 8 of 8 free throws.

This season, Li Nan made 91.8% of his free throws, ranking first in the league!

Behind Li Nan:

2. Ray Jimiller, 91.5%,

3. Ray Allen, 90.3%,

4. Hornacek, 89.3%

213. Duncan, 69%

Looking at the data, the old groom also sighed: "Today Li's free throws are already 10 of 10, and he didn't lose one!"

"I think there is no simpler thing in the world than Li free throws, right?!"

On the free throw line, Li Nan shot.


First goal! Still hollow into the net!


"No chance!" This sentence sounded in many people's hearts.

The drum noise of the Mavericks fans stopped abruptly! Vanished!

However, one trades up! Another voice rang.


The fans in the stands actually shouted. There are 76ers fans, many neutral fans, and some Mavericks fans.

"Wow! Lee actually enjoyed the MVP treatment in Dallas!" The old groom smiled with open eyes.

On the court, Nash looked at Li Nan on the free throw line, with some envy and admiration in his eyes; Duncan was a little dazed, and seemed a little distracted; Finley, his eyes were turning around, I don’t know what to think...

Standing on the free throw line, Li Nan raised his hand and threw the ball in this nice shout, everything went as usual!


Go back in!

12 out of 12!


The Mavericks sent the ball and Nash grabbed his hands directly, running out of time!

Beep beep! ! !

The game is over!

There is no streamer in the sky, no cheers from the audience, but it's cool to win the game!

The 76ers huddled together, excited!


Field data:


Duncan, 29 points, 13 rebounds, 3 assists, 4 blocks,

Nash, 15 points, 13 assists,

Finley, 15 points, 3 rebounds, 2 assists,


Li Nan, 36 points, 7 rebounds, 6 assists, 3 steals, 3 blocks!

Iverson, 29 points, 4 rebounds, 7 assists, 3 steals!


In the commentary, the old groom is doing a summary after the game. "Dear viewers, tonight, the two top teams in the league have dedicated a wonderful game for us! And what impressed us the most was the performance of the two MVP-level players at the last minute."

"Tim has been very good in this game, 29 points, 13 rebounds, 3 assists, 4 blocks. In fact, this is already very, very good. But today we still feel that he is not good enough.

Why is that?

Because all his excellence was covered by Li Ji.

Lee scored 36 points, 7 rebounds, 6 assists, 3 steals, 3 blocks, and 0 turnovers. At the last moment, with a piercing three-pointer and an unsteady six free throws, Li has an unparalleled big heart!

In contrast, Tim was inferior at the last minute. Free throws at critical moments are a bit unstable, which is a mentality issue. Of course, it is also a problem of insufficient basic skills. Tim still needs to work hard.

As for the MVP battle in the regular season, I think after watching today’s game, the audience will have their own new ideas, right? "


On the court, the players high-five each other.

Duncan found Li Nan seriously and shook hands with Li Nan.

"Li, you won today. But next time we won't lose again!"

This guy refused to admit defeat and felt that Li Nan won today because of good luck.

Li Nan suddenly added some strength in his hand, "That's not necessarily. If you can **** you down once, it will keep you from getting up."

"Hiss~" Duncan frowned, and said calmly: "hen~ you are so confident!"

Li Nan let go of Duncan's trembling hands, his mouth bends, "Tim, see you in the playoffs!"

Duncan is very smart and understands the meaning, "I hope you can hold on to the end!"


News report after the game.

"99-94! The Philadelphia 76ers won the Dallas Mavericks to top the league!"

"ALi65 points>T59 points!"

"MVP battle, China Li Sheng!"

"Good offense and defense! Tim or Lee, who is your MVP?"

In the next few days, the controversy about MVP in news reports became even more heated.

"The Philadelphia 76ers won the Dallas Mavericks, Lee won Tim, and the number one in the league is the Philadelphia 76ers. That's all!"

"It's just a game, and it doesn't explain much."

"Tim's teammates are so bad, but Lee has Allen Iverson."

Among the public opinions, the most prominent is the air dialogue between TNT TV and NBC TV.

NBC TV commentator Marve Albert supported Li Nan's election to the top of the MVP list.

TNT commentator Kevin Harlan thinks Tim Duncan’s election to the top of the MVP list is the right thing.

The old groom talked about the record and the game, "In the win against the Mavericks, Li Wan beat Tim. After that, the 76ers have recently won the second and third consecutive Eastern Heat and Pacers, sitting firmly in the first place. Lee has been very stable lately, averaging 29 points, 6 rebounds and 5 assists.

After losing to the 76ers, the Mavericks lost two consecutive games. Trailblazers, Kings! From second in the west, it fell to fourth in the west. Tim has fallen recently, averaging 22 points, 10 rebounds and 2 blocks per game. "

Kevin Harlan of TNT TV said:

"Mavericks Tim Duncan is a solo leader. Before he came to the Mavericks, the Mavericks were just a big team! His joining allowed the Mavericks to reach the height of the league's top team in the second season. A qualitative leap.

In contrast, Chinese Lee's influence on the 76ers is much smaller. The reason why the 76ers can reach their current heights is more because of Larry Brown's system. Of course, there is Lee's teammate, Allen Iverson! "

Kevin Harlan forgot the S and M in T!

The old groom said from the personal technical level:

"Lee is a perfect swingman! The technique is very good ~ both offensive and defensive. He has a big heart performance at critical times.

Duncan's long-range investment is unstable, and his performance is unstable at critical moments. "

Kevin Harlan said:

"In terms of technology, Tim has mastered the offensive skills of all the inside players, and he is dominant on both ends of the offense and defense. Lee has a single technique and is just a pure shooter."

Even Kevin Harlan thought, "Don't talk about Tim, Lilian Shaq, Karl Malone can't compare to..."

The old groom immediately released the data, "Lee has an efficiency rating of 32.2 this season, first in the league. O'Neal 30.6, second, Karl Malone 25.6, third, Tim Duncan 23.2, eighth in the league..."

Both sides disturbed one after another, and no one could convince anyone...

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