Basketball Coach Li

Chapter 394: Bullying


   The first quarter is over!

   The score of both sides is 38-29

   The Heat's offense is already very good, but it is still no match for the Pacers' full bloom.

   Especially Reggie Miller. This guy scored 19 points in a single game and made 4 three-pointers!

   And Li Nan?

   played 7 minutes, 0 shots, 0 points, 1 rebounds, 1 assists, 0 steals, 0 blocks, 0 turnovers, 0 fouls.

   In the rest area, Pat Riley also stood in the crowd.

   "Listen, Chinese Li played so cautiously because he didn't healed! Next up...Jamaal, next time, you like this..."

   Hearing the coach's arrangement, Marsh hesitated, "Coach, do you really want to start with a wounded person?"

   "He dare to return to the court, then he is not a wounded!" Pat Riley glared at Marshburn.

   Marley sprang out, "Coach, let me come if he doesn't work!"

   Marley is worried that he has no chance to take revenge.

   "You? You can't! Shooting is your strong point. You're still a bit short in singles." Pat Riley didn't give face at all.

   Indeed, Marley uses three-pointers and defense as his strengths. In addition to these, other things, he is not reliable.

   Marli turned away angrily.

   And Marsh is a bit unhappy on his face. Hit a wounded and bully the weak! It's so sad! Also, if I hurt him again, I won't be named a villain by the media, will I? Just like Artest.

   At this time, Tim Hardaway said.

   "Hey, man, that was last year's FMVP, if you win him, wouldn't you be better than FMVP?"

   When Marsh heard this, he immediately opened his eyes and smiled and clapped his hands. "Hey! That's right! Why didn't I expect it?"

   Li Nan on the other side suddenly felt a few warm gazes, "hen~ is this going to take me for surgery?"



   The second quarter begins!

   Pacers do not have Li Nan and Reggie Miller, the lineup is:

   Travis Best, Clarence Witherspoon, Derek McKay, Derek Coleman, Austin Crowhill,

   The Heat are led by Tim Hardaway and Jamal Mashburn.

   "hen~ is a group of substitutes, not enough to play!"

   I thought I would face Li Nan as soon as he came up, but I didn't expect it to be a group of substitutes.

  It is Witherspoon who is facing Marshburn.

   Looking at the idiot in front of him, Marsh also felt so boring.

   However, as soon as the match started, he felt even more boring.

   Marsh is 203 in height. Don't be too easy to hit a 198 Witherspoon.

   With a false shooting, Witherspoon was fired.

   "Sure enough, it's boring!"

   Marsh was in the penalty area and faced Coleman's defense.

   Marsh still didn't put Coleman in his eyes, and leaned directly up, with a beautiful turn, he passed Coleman with his footsteps.

   face the basket, layup!

"Be careful!"

   Someone yelled behind him, but it was useless, it was too late!


   "Wow! Pretty! Clarence gave Jamal a great hot pot!"

   "It's worthy of being a teammate from the championship team! Derek and Clarence's cooperation is too tacit."

   Off the court, Pat Riley wiped his face, embarrassing someone.

   Originally thought that the Heat would have the main lead to get the score back, but that was not the case on the court.

   The Heat have been playing against Tim Hardaway and Marshburn. They rely on their personal ability to constantly play singles and challenge the 76ers' defense.

   and the Pacers are all soldiers.

  Best’s breakthrough points constantly create opportunities for his teammates;

   Witherspoon also has a good low posture. In the 76ers, he not only learned defense, but also learned a lot of offensive moves.

   Coleman's condition declined, but that hand shot in Indiana was better trained, and a heavy dunk from time to time is even more brilliant;

  Crossill’s three-pointer is daunting...

   The Pacers’ backup momentum is very strong, even though the American Airlines Center is shouting loudly, but it has not affected their performance at all. On the contrary, the higher the voice of the home fans, the more vigorous they played.

   played for 4 minutes, the Heat failed to recover the score, instead they were opened by the Pacers by two points!


   points difference came to 11 points!

   Pat Riley off the court shook his head and waved his big hand.

   The main players on both sides are back.

   Marsh immediately had a pick-and-roll with Marley and found Li Nan.

   Originally, Reggie Miller wanted to help, and Li Nan pushed him away.

   squeezed Li Nan with his back, and Marsh had also deliberately added force.

   I didn't get a bargain on the bench before, and Marsh wanted to find something back from Li Nan.

   "Boy, don't blame me!"


   Marshburn suddenly increased! Hit Li Nan's chest directly!

   The previous few times were all temptations, this time it was really hard.

   However, what people did not expect was that Li Nan stepped back directly, one step to the side and back in that instant.

   Then, Marsh fell out with a sigh of "Oh" at the scene!

   The ball was "passed" to Li Nan by accident.

   Without any hesitation, Li Nan led the ball forward and accelerated with a big stride.

   Marley followed closely, he had already given up Reggie Miller, he just wanted to guard Li Nan.

   Even if Li Nan gave the ball to Reggie Miller, Marley still assisted Li Nan tightly.

   Reggie Miller is not welcome and shoots directly from the three-point line.


   did not enter!


   Basketball bounces high!

   There are only two people under the basket!

   Li Nan and Marley!

   Marley took a good position, a little proud.

   "This guy is injured and has not healed ~ How could it squeeze me?

   Seeing the whereabouts of the basketball, Marley calculated the time, ready to jump straight.

   However, Li Nan behind is a step ahead. Marley tried to get Li Nan down, but he didn't succeed!

   Marley hasn't given up yet.

   There is another good opportunity to grab a rebound when the rebound is off, and that is when the opponent is falling. Just put your hand between those hands and hug the ball directly with your arms!

   That ball is mine!

Marley thought very well, but when he jumped up and ran for the ball, he found that Li Nan was holding the ball and turned around in the air. The ball was gone, and Marley’s back was still covered. The man's **** squeezed.

   Marley jumped afterwards, but landed earlier than Li Nan, staggered when he landed, and almost fell to the ground.

   Marley was about to turn around, but there was a "swish" above his head.

   Then, with a "wow", the fans on the scene exclaimed. And also at this time, Dong?


   Marley's head was hit by something. I just stretched out my hand to point at Li Nan and said, but at this moment I forgot all of it.

   Looking at Marley's embarrassment, Pat Riley couldn't help but cover his eyes...


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