Basketball Coach Li

Chapter 448: 1 million is mine!

Before the game, the US team's locker room formed a circle.

"One million? Really? Just take the first dunk on the head of the big man of the Chinese team?"

Mourning looked at Garnett with a puzzled face, with a lot of expectation in his eyes.

"Of course!" Garnett definitely ticked, but his eyes couldn't help but look at Carter beside him, and he turned away tacitly in a moment.

The big McDyess immediately signed up, "Such a good thing? I'm coming!"

Everyone joined them one after another, a few big men eager to try, and a few small men around the corner.

This is one million, and one dunk is one million. It's not too cool.

The little guys like Ray Allen are also gearing up...

"This million is mine."

"Hahaha, Kevin, thank you for sending me the money."

"Vince, aren't you coming?"

"Of course, this is a million."

Seeing Carter joined, some people didn’t forget to tease,

"Vince, don't take part. You were covered with 3 caps last time."

"Go!" Carter hated the number 3 recently.


The atmosphere in the Olympic Basketball Stadium is very hot.

As long as it is a dream team game, the scene must be full.

"Friends of the audience, friends of the audience, the players from both sides have entered the stadium. Wearing a white jersey is the US team. The US team has won 6 games so far, averaging 24 points per game. It is the biggest favorite of the Olympic Games. .

Wearing a red jersey is the Chinese team. The Chinese team is currently 4 wins and 2 losses. In the semifinals, relying on the 40 points of NBA FMVP Mr. Li, the Chinese team beat the host to reach the semifinals. The media say that the Chinese team is the biggest dark horse in this competition, but I think it is not!

This team with two NBA stars, Li and Wang, has always been a very competitive team. At the World Championships the year before last, the Chinese team stepped on the American team to reach the world's top four historically. Since then, the Chinese team is no longer a team that others can underestimate. Now they are even more powerful.

In the group stage, although the Chinese team lost to the U.S. team, it was the case that the Chinese team could retain its strength. Today, in this game, if the Chinese team does their best, I think they can play against the American team! "

The host on the scene quickly got a starting list for the two teams.

"Oh, here is good news. In the starting roster of the Chinese team, I saw the names of Li and Wang. Yes, that's right. Many media speculations before the game were all wrong. The Chinese team did not back down! The world's best team launched a challenge."

Hearing this, many viewers are looking forward to it, and many people are dismissive and scornful.

"If the Chinese team wins the American team, it will be the biggest upset in the new century."

"The Chinese team won the US team at the World Championships last year. Of course, it was a fake US team."

"If China's Li goes crazy, I don't think the American team can stop it either."

"The Chinese team is really that great? I think it's a bit better for China Li alone, and no one else can look at it enough."

"I don't care what game or not, I just want to watch dunks!"

"This game, the U.S. team will definitely win. We are here to watch the dunk."


Beep beep! ! !

The referee blew the whistle, urging the starting players of both sides to come on stage.

The Chinese team starts:

Guo Shiqiang, Zhang Jinsong, Li Nan, Wang Dazhi, Yao Liang

US team starting:

Jason Kidd, Steve Smith, Vince Carter, Kevin Garnett, Alonzo Mourning

I don't know why, Yao Liang always feels that the other five people are looking at him, just like staring at a lamb to be slaughtered.

At this time, someone patted Yao Liang on the back.

"Xiao Yao, kill them, just like before."

Hearing what Li Nan said, Yao Liang also smiled and nodded.

What Yao Liang didn't know was that the guys opposite had a purpose.

However, Li Nan believes that Yao Liang can definitely do it. It is not so easy to dunk on Yao Liang, who is 220+.


With a whistle, the referee threw the ball up.

Yao Liang and Garnett jumped up.

Jumping ball is more than reaction, bounce speed, bounce, height, and wingspan.

Yao Liang's CBA's height is 223, and Garnett is 211. Both of them have different data. Yao Liang should have 226, and Garnett should be 215.

Although Garnett is shorter in height, his wingspan is longer, and it should be 226. Yao Liang's wingspan is worse, about 224.

Whose will this ball belong to?

Yao Liang got the ball!

The ball belongs to the Chinese team!

Just after Guo Shiqiang protected the ball, the US team rushed forward.

Guo Shiqiang didn't panic at all, and the guards stood up, found an opportunity, and gave the ball out.

High! Wang Dazhi!

Organize power forward!

This is the national team play under Jiang's guidance.

Inside, Li Nan has already started to run. With the help of Yao Liang's cover, Li Nan slipped through the bottom line, and just got out of the restricted area, he broke the line directly and went 45 degrees outside the three-point line.


Wang Dazhi looked at the front right and made a fake pass. After Garnett was slightly distracted, Wang Dazhi passed the ball to the front left.

The ball is here!

After receiving the ball, Li Nan turned around, bounced, and shot a three-point jumper.



Carter who chased Li Nan could only look at the ball and sigh. Looking at Li Nan's back, he angrily cursed: "Li, you are a pervert!"

The Chinese team scored a three-pointer, and the US team soon counterattacked.

Alonzo Mourning got a chance to beat Yao Liang in the paint.

"One million, one million, one million!"

Mourning began to exert force, his sturdy arm opened the way and swept directly.

The road is open!

Mourning turned right and walked the bottom line.

Although Yao Liang is still beside him, Mourning thinks this is an opportunity!

Stepped into the restricted area and bounced off the ground.

The basket is getting bigger and bigger in the eyes, dunk, Mourning wants to pour the ball in!

"One million is mine!"

At this moment, a relatively fair hand pressed against the ball.


What Mourning saw was no longer the basket, but the eastern face on his side. In the air, Mourning was still able to exert force, but he found that he was unable to exert force, and he was not rising, but falling.

"No! My one million!"

The ball was pushed down by Yao Liang.


There was also an exclamation in the stands.

No one thought that the Chinese team would have such an inside line.

That's the NBA superstar Alonzo Mourning!

It was covered like this!

But this ball is not over yet!

Upon landing, Mourning took the dropped ball back.

Being a rookie like this is of course looking for face.

Put up the elbow, another arch.

It didn't even arch away.

Yao Liang held his hands high, his movements were very clean, completely covering the sky above Mourning.


The height is flawed.

The dunk is not enough, Mourning propped his left elbow and chose a small hook.

Klang Klang, the basketball had a lot of hard bumps, and finally got into the net.

Mourning showed the biceps of both arms and yelled, "Ah!"


There was enthusiastic applause. Some were for Yao Liang just blocked shots and some were for the goal Mourning finally scored.

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