Basketball Coach Li

Chapter 510: The most "unlucky" player is ~

Local media also interviewed some NBA stars about their views on the two 70-pointers.

Kobe said in an interview with reporters: "Lee and Allen are both my close buddies. I have always known that they are great. Seriously, I am envious of their dedication. A great game. Of course, I also know that I am still a little behind them. For this, I will work harder and hope that one day, I will also have a 70-point performance."

When McGrady heard this it happened to be the end of the game. He didn't know the birth of two 70-point gentlemen. He was very surprised by this, "Wow! It" amazing! The two of them are really amazing. Seriously, I also want to have such a close battle. what? You ask if I can do it? It might work. As long as I have so many ball rights and time, I should be able to do it. "

When Vince Carter faced the interview, he said: "Awesome, yes, their scoring ability is really great. But what I want to say is that I am no worse than them. Wait and see."


Probably because Li Nan and Iverson scored 70 points. In the last few days of March, more people began to try high shots, and there were many more high scorers.

The Lakers vs. Bucks, Bryant made 19 of 40 shots and scored 50 points.

The Raptors played against the Wizards, Vince Carter made 20 of 39 shots and scored 49 points.

The Magic played against the Cavaliers. Tracy McGrady made 43 shots and hit 22 goals and scored 54 points.

In the Celtics' game against the Bulls, Paul Pierce hit 20 goals in 38 shots and scored 51 points.


On the score list,

1. Iverson, 32.2 points

2. McGrady, 32.0 points

3. Li Nan, 31.8 points

4. Kobe, 31.6 points

5. Carter, 31.5 points


Competition has become more intense and tense.

Although they did not play against each other, these people are secretly exerting their strength, all thinking about pressing the other side and fighting for the highest throne as soon as possible.

After March, April came.

At the beginning of the month, the league awarded again, the best of the month, to Vince Carter.

Although Li Nan and Iverson had 70+ outstanding performances that shocked the league this month, Carter was the most outstanding!

He averaged 33.5 points, 6.7 rebounds and 6.1 assists per game. In March, the Raptors had 14 games and 10 wins and 4 losses.


On April 1st, the entire Nuggets team came to the training ground early. This is the rare time for the whole team to come to the training ground happily.

Today is an important time for the Nuggets to announce the "Most Unlucky Guy" in March. Of course, there are also some outstanding people who are here to prepare to receive the award.

Bobby Jackson slammed Fortson on the shoulder. "Danny, why are you so happy?"

"Of course I am happy. I have performed very well in the past half month. I have never been off the court by six criminals. I also made a lore goal. Why, should I give me an award today? Eighteen million, Give it whatever you want, I don't mind at all."

"How come you are rewarded? I think I should be rewarded. I am the best on the bench."

"Ahem!" At this time, Patrick Ewing next to him also coughed.

"Hey hey~" Bobby Jackson also raised his hand, expressing embarrassment, how offensive he was, then he quickly turned his head back, and said to Fordson again: "I am the best assaulter on our bench. I might as well tell you, this season’s best sixth man, brother has already booked! As for our team, I will definitely have a copy today."

Fordson just couldn't understand this kid being so blind and self-confident, "Cut~~Don't talk too much. If you don't have you later, your face will look bad."

"Impossible! Absolutely I! Definitely! Definitely!" Bobby Jackson was really confident. He also brought in Li Nan, who was about to shoot, "Li, don't you think? I will definitely get it today. Awarded, right?"

"You? I shouldn't be able to. If you want a prize, you should also give it to me."

"Hahaha, Lee, don't even think about awarding you, you are definitely the penalty."

"Hahaha, Li, imagine how you will be punished then, I can't help but want to laugh now, hahahaha."

Isn’t it very funny that the team’s big names are arrested by the coach, criticized and educated, and have a dinner party?

The caretaker of the drinking fountain has always been bullied and educated. How could the core of the team be bullied like this?

"Come, here, old Jim is here."

There is no need for old Jim to blow the whistle, and today the players gathered by themselves.

Seeing the self-confidence on everyone's faces, Old Jim smiled.

"Well, I will first announce the player with the'worst performance' last month."

Those guys like Fordson looked at Li Nan with malicious eyes.


I didn't expect it.

At this moment, Old Jim spoke.

"Richard Hamilton!"

"Li, you, uh~ what?" Fordson was about to watch Li Nan's joke, but it wasn't!

It turned out to be Hamilton!

"This, isn't it possible?" Hamilton himself was dumbfounded, this shouldn't be!

Although it's just a dinner party, money is not a big problem, but Hamilton doesn't want to be fined just like that.

"Coach, today is April Fools' Day. You must have swapped the names of rewards and punishments, right?"

Old Jim smiled and shook his head, "No! Calculated based on our offense and defense, this half month is your worst performance."

Hamilton is very unbelievable, but the coach has said What can he do? Hamilton accepted the facts.

I have no shortage of money because a company can help me find endorsements.

Seeing Hamilton walked out very aggrievedly, everyone couldn't help but laughed out loud, "Hahahaha."

Hamilton also glared at Fordson and Bobby, who had the most heartless smiles, you guys wait for me!

"Okay, next is the time to announce the'best performance' player, he is,"

Old Jim sold it, and glanced at these guys several times.

"It's me, it must be me!" Fortson raised his hand, squeezing.

"No, it's me! It must be me!" Bobby Jackson is also not to be outdone.

"What are you squeezing? This prize must be mine!" Ben Wallace pulled the two back and came out by himself.

"Impossible! You have been fined twice for the treat, it can't be you." Bobby Jackson also came out unceremoniously.

"Get out!" Ben Wallace sullenly gave Bobby Jackson a stare.

"Hey, what are you arguing about, isn't it okay to wait quietly like Wang?"

"My performance is not very good, I will not fight with you, you are free."

Everyone also gave Wang Dazhi a look that counts you.

At this moment, old Jim also spoke.

"This person, he is, Wang!"


When Old Jim said Wang Dazhi's name, the audience was shocked!

No one thought it would be Wang Dazhi!

Fordson's few people were stunned, their eyes blinking.

Even Wang Dazhi stretched his neck, his mouth closed, "This, this, is it really me?"

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