Basketball Commander

Chapter 252: See through you

"Very good Richard, continue to hold in the second half."

The 76ers are not happy, but Thibodeau is very happy on the Bulls side. Who says he can only use Rose? Hamilton will use it well.

"Coach, they will definitely be prepared for me in the second half, and they need to get Carlos out as soon as possible."

Hamilton deserves to be a champion general. He is very sensitive to this situation. He can tease Han Miao and others in the first half, but this group of people will definitely give a strong response in the second half.

"Yes, Carlos, you didn't perform very well in the first half."

When Thibodeau heard Hamilton say this, he quickly said to Boozer.

Boozer didn't score much in the first half, only 8 points. Although he was the third-highest in the team, he didn't provide much help to Rose.

Instead, Hamilton scored 14 points with a snakeskin move, which helped Rose very well.

Rose had 19 points in the first quarter and 7 points and 5 assists in the second. He scored 26 points and 7 assists in the first half in just one half.

However, it can also be seen that the Bulls' scoring is serious. Rose + Hamilton + Boozer have 48 points. The others only scored 10 points?

Therefore, the statement that Thibodeau is the main force of death is really not nonsense.

"Okay, I just scored a few more goals in the second half."

Boozer is lazy. He has never been a particularly hard-working player. When he was under Sloan, it was because there was no way, the old man kept a close eye on him, and he hadn't played well at that time and didn't have much money, so Boozer has worked hard to develop a muscle.

But when he became muscular and cooperated with Deron Williams better and better and became a star player at power forwards, Boozer became lazy. He was unwilling to practice defensiveness and bad position. Working hard, anyway, I can eat with my muscles and CIC.

Therefore, Boozer has gradually fallen out of favor in Sloan's eyes. How could Sloan, a person who cannot tolerate a grain of sand in his eyes, allow Boozer to be a lazy person under his command?

In addition, when Boozer was injured, Millsap played well, so Boozer left without an appointment, and the Jazz let him go.

Hamilton thinks Boozer is a bit too paddling. After all, Hamilton is one of the representatives of hard practice. Since Hamilton played under Brown, he respects the old coach. It can be said that Boozer is a person, Hamilton is in the Pistons. I really look down on it when

But now that he is a teammate, Hamilton can't say too much about it. After all, Boozer is still quite useful when he is running.

"Carlos, remember to pick up my pass in the second half. I will give you the ball anytime after I move."

Because he was worried about being killed, Hamilton also communicated with Boozer before going on the field.

"No problem, no problem."

Boozer raised his hand to signal that he knew it, really, what the trouble is, just score the ball, right?

For the inside of the 76ers, Boozer said that it didn't matter, as for Brand and Whiteside, Boozer would not take it seriously.

In the first half, it was just that he did not get the ball, so his score was not high.

At the start of the second half, the Bulls had the ball and Hamilton began to run wild again. Although Han Miao still followed Hamilton this time, he obviously didn't feel like he was slid like in the first half.

Because, he has been staring into Hamilton's eyes.

Why look at the eyes? This is what Hayward taught him just before he played.

"Look at his eyes?"

Han Miao was surprised, what does Hayward mean?

"This guy's position gives me the feeling that he is inducing you. He will suddenly appear in a predetermined position every time, so that you can just hit someone. It feels like a God’s perspective. At this point, there will definitely be eye contact, so staring into his eyes should help predict the action."

Hayward didn't know whether he was right or not, he had to try anyway. He didn't believe that Hamilton really didn't make any eye contact with anyone.

"Okay, then I will try."

Han Miao retracted his thoughts, no matter if Hayward was right or not, he had to try first.

"Hey, it's not good for you to be distracted."

Hamilton was still talking while running, but obviously he felt proud.

At this moment, Han Miao really caught the change in Hamilton's eyes. Although it was only a moment, Han Miao could see clearly. Hamilton should have seen him right behind him just now!

With that said, if Hamilton continues to run in this direction and he continues to follow, then Han Miao is certain that he will bump into someone next!

If it goes in the other direction, it means that Hamilton is tricking himself into a fake.

Han Miao shifted his gaze down. He wanted to use Hamilton's toes to judge Hamilton's next direction.

After all, it is very difficult for a normal person to move his toes against the direction of his toes, and Hamilton generally does not jump up to catch the ball, so his toes will definitely show himself a clear way!

"The direction remains the same? There was a pick-and-roll!"

Seeing that the coach hadn't changed much, Han Miao immediately concluded that Hamilton's breakthrough was in the original direction, and there must be an ambush behind him.

Taking a step forward again, Han Miao determined that Hamilton was going to hit someone this time, so he took the initiative to take a step. Not only did he get closer to Hamilton, but also cleverly squeezed away anyone he might have hit!

"Oh, not bad."

Hamilton was a little surprised, he didn't get rid of Han Miao? Or, what did Han Miao see?

"Richard, visual guidance plus psychological hints plus a solid foundation, this is whether your snakeskin is in the right position."

"Not bad, you can see the three most important things, you were not abused in the first half."

Although Hamilton thought Han Miao was great, he didn't feel depressed or anything.

It’s not the first time that his position has been noticed, but what's the use of seeing it? It can be seen whether it can be cracked is the key!

Suddenly retreat and received a pass from Rose, there are still two steps away from Han takes off and prepares to shoot!


But at this moment, a hand suddenly stretched out behind him, and he slapped Hamilton's racket into the hands of Han Miao!

"I can do something like sight-inducing. Just now, you seemed to be leading your position. In fact, you were also induced by me."

Han Miao murmured in his heart. Hamilton just ran right between himself and Hayward. He took a step back in order to avoid himself. He was naturally closer to Hayward, so this time he shot the ball. , It was easily covered by Hayward from behind!

Seeing Hamilton's snakeskin position is equivalent to breaking one of his arms. Han Miao didn't believe what new tricks the old guy could have in the next game.

"Give the ball to Derek! Give it to Derek!"

Look, even the head coach is gone, he will only give the ball to the trump card. If this can't be won anymore, then it's Rose is too good B...

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