Basketball Commander

Chapter 263: did not hear clearly

If Chris Paul gets serious, from the point of view of the Hornets fans, he can slap Han Miao...

Of course, Han Miao is not that bad. He doesn't lose Paul in terms of pass control. Even if the offensive end cannot be beaten, the gap is not particularly big. The only place to lose is defense. Paul's defense is too strong!

Both are 183cm tall and have won the steals, but on the defensive end, Paul is more reassuring than Iverson.

Although Iverson’s steals are also very powerful, but he is more of a gambling steal. Once the steal is unsuccessful, he will lose position. Fortunately, he is fast, even if he loses position, he can quickly rush back to make up. Bit.

So for the 76ers back then, Brown had to equip Iverson with four defensive masters to balance the team's offense and defense.

Paul is different. Although he is also a short point guard, almost no point guard in the league can relax his vigilance in front of him. He has strong defensive ability, fast hands, and sufficient strength. Unless he uses his height and weight to beat the strong back, otherwise. It's really difficult for Paul to be upright.

Especially Paul, who is still at the beginning of 2011, young and energetic, and his skills have reached the level of perfection. Only a fool chose to attack him positively.

Han Miao also walked inside with his back against him, and had to learn back-playing from Kobe, otherwise he would be really useless against Paul Han Miao.

One click, two clicks, three clicks. Although Han Miao's **** is not big, he can still sit and fight like this. After all, he weighs 10 kilograms more!

Sit all the way into the vicinity of the free throw line, Han Miao suddenly took off and turned back to shoot a jumper!

Paul reacted quickly and stretched out a hand directly to steal the ball. If Han Miao didn't lean back this time, I'm afraid the basketball will be picked before he can raise his head!

But backwards are different. Paul is not a gibbon like Rondo, and he can do nothing about this backwards.


Score in cricket!

That's right, it was playing board. Han Miao was shocked by Paul's hand suddenly stretched out. He had to adjust the angle of his shot and almost missed the shot.

Paul glanced at Han Miao and didn't say much. To avoid him, Han Miao did have two shots.

"Return to defense!"

After Han Miao scored, he quickly greeted everyone back to the defense. The Hornets' counterattack was also very fast. He had already seen Ariza running forward!

Thanks to his reminder, Hayward hurriedly chased him back, and Paul also gave up his original idea of ​​stealing a fast break.

"You are really good, much better than when I was a rookie."

Paul controlled the ball slowly, and then talked to Han Miao.

"Thank you Chris, I just thought you were complimenting me."

Han Miao didn't dare to be careless, Paul's possession of the ball was really steady, and Han Miao couldn't see any flaws.

As for trying to induce Paul to pass the ball to himself... Hmm... If his exclusive badge is a gold level, he might try it. Now, let's forget it.

Changing direction in front of his body, dropping the ball from his hips, Han Miao was like a big enemy, waiting for him!

Paul moved, his right foot stepped out first, and his weight moved forward. Except for his right foot, it was completely empty!


Han Miao unconsciously moved his center of gravity. Although he knew it would be a fake action, sometimes his body's reaction was not controlled by his brain!


Sure enough, as soon as Han Miao's center of gravity moved, Paul slammed the ball with his right hand and instantly shifted the ball to his left hand. At the same time, his right ankle slammed and kicked the ground hard. The whole person quickly completed a change of direction. !

And this is a short body breakthrough, Paul came under Han Miao's arm almost instantly!


The center of gravity of Han Miao's body is very unstable at this time. The foot that originally moved to the left hasn't stood still, so now he has to forcibly twist his body to move to the right! The whole person covered Paul from behind!

Fortunately, Han Miao's body is not bad, otherwise he would easily cramp his feet!

But how could Paul finish with a fake move?

Feeling Han Miao ready to pounce behind him, Paul hurriedly stopped! Then change your hands again and step back!


This time Han Miao was helpless, his footsteps were already mixed with garlic, if he pursued forcibly, he would have to fall to the ground.

Although he didn't fall this time, he staggered back, and had to hold his hand on the floor to stabilize himself.

As for Paul, he took a step back and came to his favorite middle distance position. For Paul, the middle distance is the graveyard of his murder!


Scored very simply, Paul's answerball made New Orleans fans very enjoyable.

"Go back to Philadelphia as a rookie!"

"You and Chris are missing a galaxy!"

"How does it feel to be shaken!"


After all, it was the Hornets' home court, so Han Miao was naturally booed.

Han Miao naturally ignored this kind of booing. This season, he has been booed on the road more often, and he has long been used to it.

There are too many people booing me, how old are you?

After taking a deep breath and calming down, Han Miao didn't fight Paul head-on, but played tactics together.

Pick and roll vs. pick and roll!

The tactics that both sides are very good at were shown vividly in this game, because both sides know the pick and roll very well, so this feeling is similar to playing in the mirror!

Whiteside successfully attacked the Hornets' basket twice. Okafor's jumping ability is not as good as him after all, and it is impossible to block every time.

However, West also went smoothly in the 76ers' mid-to-long distance. Whiteside has reacted very quickly. However, Paul's passing is so fast that he can't catch up!

"Chris! Chris!"

"David! David!"

The fans at the scene shouted the name of the Hornets duo. They cooperated very well tonight.

"Go faster, faster..."

Whiteside was dissatisfied with his performance tonight, every time it was a little bit worse, if he was a little faster, he would definitely block the shots!

In fact, West is also very susceptible. He always feels that he is in a good position and he can take action with ease. As a result, every time Whiteside can rush over with his teeth and claws, he can almost cover himself.

"Fortunately Chris has a good pass, otherwise it's really hard."

West didn’t make a breakthrough today because his breakthrough speed was not fast, and Turbrand was okay. Turbulent Whiteside was really not good. Whiteside, who moved fast and with long arms, could press him even one step behind West. Come down.

It was another arc-top pick and roll. Han Miao still went straight to Paul. Whiteside rushed directly to West this time, even if he had physical contact with Han Miao because he rushed too fast, he could not stop him!

Paul still chose to pass the ball, but he regretted the pass. He didn't see Han Miao and Whiteside collided a bit earlier, otherwise he should have broken through the ball himself.



Paul originally wanted to remind West, but before he could say anything, Han Miao, who was chasing him, roared back!

Because of the noise, West didn't hear what Paul said clearly. He just reflexively raised his hand to shoot!

"Get down to me!"

This time, some Whiteside who stumbled and rushed over did it, pushing **** the ground, and then extended his arm as much as possible, and covered the basketball in West's hand with a slap!


This sound changed West's face, what the hell, although the basketball was not shot flying out, but this time, it was indeed the sound of Whiteside's hand touching the ball!

Covered! Whiteside really overwhelmed West's machine-like shot!

West looked at Paul in surprise, as if asking again: "I didn't hear clearly just now, what are you going to say?"

Paul did not speak, but gave Whiteside and Han Miao a deep look.

This pair of rookies is kind of interesting...


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