Basketball Commander

Chapter 412: The clash begins

"Miami Heat, today's starting lineup is—"

"Greg Oden!"

"Mario Chalmers!"

"Chris Bosh!"

"Dwyane Wade!"

"LeBron James!"

Although the Heat are the visiting team, the DJ on the scene also read the name of their starting lineup.

I have to say that the Heat's lineup is really good. If it is all in a healthy state, it is true that the Heat's lineup is invincible.

Of course, Oden is a pit, he basically has no hope.

Unless Han Miao sends a badge, but that is impossible, unless Oden comes to the 76ers.

Oden is really sad all his life, what a breach of contract when he was in college! Single-handedly beat Noah and Horford together, if it were not for injury, he would be the hope of the American center!

Howard? Sorry, the healthy Oden is against the equally healthy Howard. To be honest, Howard has no advantage.

"Next let's welcome our starter—"

"He is a defensive player and a three-pointer. He is the new lottery player, No. 7-Klay Thompson!"

"He is a hungry rookie rebounder! He is a flying orc, and he is our No. 35-Kenneth Faried!!"

"He is an almighty warrior, a powerful wing finisher! Number 20-Gordon Hayward!"

"He is a giant from the East! He is the Great Wall guarding the team's inside line. He is our No. 11-Yao Ming!"

"He is our commander! The hero who saved the team from the quagmire! He is our number one-Han Miao!"

The 76ers will appear, especially the first few guys. Everyone's appearance caused the whole Wachovia Center to applaud.

"Tsk tusk, the Chinese group really brings a lot of things."

Wade also saw the extra Chinese elements in the Wachovia Center. For a little thought, Wade can also guess how much the 76ers boss earns.

Although the Heat have him and James, they can't attract more "foreign capital". In terms of attracting money, Han Miao and Yao Ming, who use the world's most populous market, will undoubtedly make the 76ers a gold mountain for nothing.

Yao Ming and Oden jumped into the middle circle. Looking at Oden's old face, Yao Ming was also very emotional.

He is only in his 20s, why does it look the same as someone in his 50s? Does this child really have not changed his age?

And when you see James and Oden again, you will inexplicably feel that the two of them are relatives!

Yes, it's just a weird feeling.

Oden couldn't jump the ball to Yao Ming, because after this guy was half disabled, he basically lost his jumping ability. He used to be an inside tiger who could only jump and jump. Now he is a sick cat half dead.

Yao Ming won the jump ball and the 76ers won the ball first!

"start running!"

In fact, Chalmers' defense was nothing to Han Miao, but in order to save him face, Han Miao still signaled everyone to start running according to tactics.

After all, it would be too unsparing on the face of being directly aggressive.

The lob was given to the inside, and Han Miao gave Yao Ming the opportunity to show off.

Oden is already very tall, but he is just average in front of Yao Ming. Yao Ming plays singles on his back. Oden can't stand it alone.

So Bosh is ready to withdraw to help at any time. He knows that Faried is inaccurate in his shots, so even if he doubles, Bosh doesn't feel any pressure.

After Yao Ming recovered his health, it was true that there was no one-on-one person who could guard him. Oden did not try it in 2009. One-on-one, Oden was in front of Yao Ming and Horford was in front of Oden himself when he was in college. It feels similar.

You can blow it up with one hand!


No, use force and push into the inside against Oden, Bosh can only come over immediately to cover it, and when the two of them are together, they can force Yao Ming to stop!

Yao Ming is not easy to provoke. Although he was forced to stop, he leaned back his upper body, raised his hands high, and looked like he was about to throw a fall back!

"Don't you want to vote!"

Oden couldn't jump up, but Bosh could still do it. As soon as Yao Ming raised his hand to make a shot, Bosh jumped up immediately. He wanted to block!


Facing Bosh's blocked shots, Yao Ming didn't panic at all, still kept shooting, and then threw the ball to the backboard!


Bosh did not cover the ball, and at the same time a very grumpy roar came from behind him! This moment made Bosh feel cold!

I'm going, right? The newcomer?



Amid the inspiring shouts of the live DJ, the black figure with big dirty braids jumped up, covering the inside of the Heat like a dark cloud!

Duck dunk! Even if Faried does this trick, he can stand in the 76ers!

"Double-team me? Are you Kenneth eating dry food?"

When Yao Ming used to be in the Rockets, his partner power forwards were basically pits. Later, he finally came to a decent Scola, but Yao Ming was injured before Scola could fully grow up.

For a violent rebounder like Faried, Yao Ming hasn't really been a partner before.

what? You say Swift? I'm sorry, that no-brain short guy can do nothing but dunk a few.

Bosh obviously didn't understand the meaning of "eat dry meal", but the person who scored the goal was his defense, so he had to be responsible.

"Chris, don't make it up so early, you have to trust Greg."

After a word of warning, James went to the bottom line to prepare for possession.

Many times this season, James is in control of the team's possession of the ball. Wade sometimes helps him with it. Anyway, the point guard Chalmers on the Heat's surface has already completely and organized this task saygoodbye.

He has only two things to do: one, defense. Second, shoot the ball passed by It's just that, this is not an easy job!

James has the ball, Hayward goes up first, because Iguodala, a strong defensive player, is on the bench, so Hayward can defend James as soon as he comes up.

Physical problems? If you are tired, go to Iguodala!

Obviously James himself is not willing to fight his opponents at the beginning of the game. Really, he always fights hands-on. James feels that the reason why he is not good at being sprayed is because he has too many hands-on fights, so that everyone ignores his skills. !

He is not someone who only relies on his body to play, he is a technical talent!

But obviously, in the eyes of fans, the representative of technology flow is not him, but Kobe, Iverson, McGrady and the like.

Therefore, this season James decided to use technology to conquer everyone, and then win the championship!

The ideal is full, but the reality... How about you can move Barea with the back first, and then discuss the technical issues together?

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