Basketball Commander

Chapter 515: Random

The double MVP of Yao Ming and James certainly caused a lot of trouble.

Especially in China, the fans of the two have turned upside down on the Internet.

However, the current situation is that James fans are losing out. Although they have confidence in James, in the eyes of anyone, James, who is not dominant in record and data, is really praised for winning the MVP this time. .

If there is only one place, then James is definitely at a disadvantage.

Moreover, Yao Ming is the first Chinese to win the MVP. At this time, who in the country jumped out and sang the opposite of the tune, not just looking for death?

The 76ers are of course very happy. After Iverson, they finally have another MVP, and it is not in vain that they have been wronged a few years ago.

"Next year you will try to win the MVP! I will give you a shot!"

When Yao Ming celebrated the award day, he said this to Han Miao. Obviously, the loyal and honest Uncle Yao understands why he can win this award this year, without Han Miao feeding him the ball, and everyone in the last few games. Working together to help him brush out the 30+10 data, to tell the truth, Yao Ming could not succeed in grabbing half of the country from James this year.

What else can Han Miao say after listening. He can't say anything except nodding his head. First, there is nothing to say. Second, he heard the system tell him that the regular season settlement is in progress. Now he is full of thoughts. It's all about what rewards you can get.

Of course, those who are happy are those who are unhappy. That's how the Heat are. On the day of the awards, the Heat laughed reluctantly. It seems that they haven't recovered from the shock of the double MVP.

James's smile is also very reluctant, and he is tied with others, then this MVP will definitely be considered to have a decline in gold content, which will help him rebuild his image a lot.

Damn 76ers, why do you have to jump out and fight me this year? Can't you just serve me as a foil? Do you know how many people are not qualified to be the background board for me!

Hmm...understandably, after all, the little emperor now bears a lot of infamy, he must use various awards as soon as possible to wash himself off, otherwise, the commercial value or something will lose a lot.

To be honest, in terms of business acumen, James is really good!

He is more like a basketball businessman than a basketball player.

The MVP battle is over, but the real test for the playoff team has just begun.

Championship, that is what everyone yearns for!

However, before playing in the playoffs, Han Miao must first upgrade himself.

"Xiao Hui, have you settled the regular season?"

In his own home, Han Miao lay bored on the bed and chatted with the system.

"Don't be noisy, I'm doing the calculation for you." Xiao Hui was a little impatient, and it seemed that he wasn't very happy today.

"Let’s take a look, the league first in the regular season. Okay, this rewards 10,000 free proficiency, a burst of defense... This combined rewards 40,000 free proficiency, what else? The assists king? Don’t reward... um..."

"Hey, hey, are you going to swallow my reward? You feel like a beggar, okay? How do you drop it? Can't I behave? If you are not 22 years old, choose a defense, you just Can't you reward me with a card or a lottery?"

Han Miao is dissatisfied, and is ready to dismiss himself with 50,000 proficiency? Is this bullying? Don't bring such fun!

"Don't talk nonsense. The hidden mission will give you cards and upgrades. Don't be too greedy."

"Hey, I have a bad temper, Xiaohui, you stinky shameless system, do you believe it or not, I will die with you?!" Han Miao put on a desperate posture.

"Come on! Come on! Hurt each other!"

Xiao Hui is not afraid of the system. Anyway, after binding with Han Miao, the two people are both prosperous and both of them. Han Miao wants to die together? Okay, then come!

"I strangle myself to death, I will die with you!"

"Hey, what are you doing?"

Sister Han Xiaoya appeared at the door, watching Han Miao who was tossing on the bed and asked, at the same time thinking, this guy is not under too much pressure, right? Why did you pinch yourself?

"It's okay, sister, I'm having fun with myself."

After being discovered by the old sister, of course Han Miao could only make an expression of nothing. Otherwise, what else?

"It's too difficult to strangle yourself. If you really want to have fun with yourself, you can try hitting your head against the wall. It will definitely feel good." Han Xiaoya said slowly, and then stepped on her slippers and went back "click" Own room.

After the sister left, Han Miao thought carefully, and finally gave up the suggestion that seemed very good. After all, it hurts to hit the wall with one head, and Han Miao felt it was not a good deal. And his handsome face can't cause problems because of hitting the wall.

Forget it, then forgive the system, after all, people have helped me a lot.

"Upgrade, upgrade, anyway, I accept my fate." Han Miao indicated that the system can be upgraded.


The system looked at Han Miao very contemptuously. This counselor, if he has the ability, he will die.

"First of all, I will upgrade you a badge."

This is a reward for hidden tasks. The system must be completed first, so Han Miao saw that all his badges were flying out of his body, and then shuffled the order to save money and arranged for himself. At the same time, there were irregular lights on the badges. The ground flickered.

At the same time, Han Miao suddenly heard very happy music in his mind, and he was lying on the bed, but he unconsciously shakes himself with the music!

"Xiao Hui, what are you doing?"

Because the music that sounded in my mind was nothing else, it was the "dogleg dance" that was popular in the streets and alleys back then, so Han Miao's whole body is now lying on the bed and shaking unconsciously, which is particularly ashamed.

"Relax, when the music stops, which badge will flash on, which badge will be upgraded! And you, just follow the music and rhythm hahaha!"

Damn, this system is clearly taking revenge! Now Han Miao can't control his body, this rhythm is caused by the system!

And take a look at what the jump is! How ashamed and ashamed of a big man lying in bed to make those actions!

"How do you drop? I don't like the music of your ambiguous partner? Then I change it? How about the nunchakus? Jump up hahaha!"

When the system says it convulses, it convulses. Han Miao's consciousness is forced to dance in the system space, let alone. In reality, his body is overwhelming on the bed.

"You won, I made a mistake, can't we, let's stop making noise, or my sister will come in directly and throw me downstairs, and we will really die together."

Han Miao admitted that the fact that the system can control his body really didn't count, so he had to be decisive when he should be counseled.

"Cut, it's good to have done so early, I have to force me to zoom in...but, you are lucky, and the result of random upgrades, your gold level is fast, you are upgraded to the hall of fame level!"

Ok? What, the speed badge has been upgraded? Wow, okay, okay, I knew that there would be good results, and we will dance like this every time we randomly...

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