Basketball Commander

Chapter 546: How to grow without being abused? (2 in 1)

Knicks who are ill in S2 are not easy to deal with, even if the 76ers are already very serious, they can only be beaten at the beginning.

However, everyone said that they can still accept this situation. After all, this is their home court. Isn't it allowed that they are not allowed to lead a little at the start? We just play late.

Hmm...That's right, but how can there be such a good fight later? If it has been suppressed by the Knicks so much, today's late comeback will definitely be unsuccessful.

"Strike inside!"

At this kind of moment, you need to know how to be flexible. Originally, the 76ers had a slight advantage inside the Knicks (the outside is half a catty), and now the best choice is to attack the inside.

Although Stoudemire cap Yao Ming looks fierce, he can’t block every shot like this. First of all, his body can’t stand it. Then, if Stoudemire really has this ability, then this year He will definitely have his name after a while.

So, don't be persuaded, just go inside. Chandler is the center of the match anyway, and he can't stop Yao Ming at all!

Sitting with his back and hitting inside, Chandler was forced to retreat directly after several collisions!

He wanted to give Yao Ming a hat like Stoudemire, but the conditions were really not allowed!


Yao Ming may be trying to vent his anger. After turning around, he chose to dunk directly! Not a layup!

"Good shot, just hit it like this!"

Stevens is very happy. Yao Ming played that ball very well just now, which stabilized the team's situation.

At the same time that Yao Ming made efforts, Han Miao also began to attack the inside of the Knicks. Using the fast-moving Faried's pick and roll screen, Han Miao was also very determined to attack the inside!

The Knicks were a little dizzy by the 76ers. They finally stabilized and started to explode with the 76ers. However, due to the Knicks' lead at the beginning of the game, they are still in the lead. .

"Can't let the 76ers come over!"

The Lions and the rabbits need to do their best. Seeing the 76ers have a feeling of struggling from a difficult situation, the Knicks will immediately stop doing it. Are you kidding me, you still want to guard the sky? Did you put us in your eyes?

Therefore, the Knicks relentlessly suppressed the 76ers!

After Kidd took possession of the ball this time, he threw the ball directly to JR, and then signaled JR to attack.

"Yeah? Let JR attack? Are you kidding me?"

Han Miao said Kidd, you are taking a big risk. In the case of JR, it seems that all depends on luck, right?

Today, both sides did a good job in defense of the outside line. In this case, let JR take the lead. Kidd, you really have to have confidence in your little brother!

JR holds the ball to face Thompson. Thompson’s defense is not a boast. After he corrects his mentality, his defensive ability seems to be stronger. 3D3D, without 3, if D (defense) can't do well What's the use of Thompson? It's better to take it out earlier and sell it in exchange for money or replacement.

Defending Dafa with one hand covering his face, this is what Yao Ming told him, once the Rockets outside defensive core Battier's fame stunt. This kind of defensive method that does not deliberately block shots, but blocks the line of sight between the player and the basket is absolutely top-notch, unless the opponent has closed his eyes and does not look at the basket and can accurately shoot with his hand and muscle memory, otherwise If you do this once, you will definitely lose it.

But JR, he is no ordinary player.

Normal JR, if you encounter blindfold Dafa, it will definitely be worse, because he can't make a goal by feeling. If it is JR in the state of Iron God, it will be easier, because you can strike iron without guarding him.

However, the very serious problem is that if JR convulsions, then blindfolding Dafa will be useless for him, because JR in convulsive state is the kind of people who cast and have casually.

So before being uncertain about JR's status, no one dared to guess his status and mood, and no one dared to let him go.

This time, JR felt very good the moment he got the ball, so he didn't hesitate to shoot without saying anything!

As soon as he shot, Thompson's block came, as if it would be blocked as long as it was a moment later!



There was a crisp three-pointer into the net, which caused the 76ers to tremble. Everyone shook their hearts and looked at JR with a bad expression on their faces.

It feels like this JR is not ready to convulse, right?

Yes, everyone is not afraid of the gods, but they are afraid of being like gods after playing in this state. This will give people a feeling of "we are not the same", which will seriously hit the ordinary Human basketball dream.

"Watch tight, move faster next time, don't give JR a chance!"

A JR in the state is more terrifying than Anthony, so I would rather miss someone next, and resolutely not let him out!

"Hehe, it's late, you can't type it if you can't type it?"

Kidd was very happy. JR made a steady shot just now, so Kidd concluded that he had improved instead of getting in blindly.

"Jason, don't just talk about the ball, this is the first ball, it's really a fate to keep it wrong."

Of course Han Miao had to sing the opposite, otherwise it would appear that they are bullying.

"Hmph, you are also a pitcher yourself. Are you blind? Can't you tell?"

Kidd didn't talk nonsense with Han Miao. In his opinion, Han Miao was jealous, jealous of JR was in a state so soon.

Looking back, the 76ers’ mid-range score was scored by Han Miao. This shot was more difficult. First, he jumped up in the air and drifted to shoot. The big drift directly dodges the defending player. However, the drift may drift a bit far away, so the ball was thrown. He hit the basket and didn't score the first time!

But this shot was taken by Han Miao after adjusting it in the air. How could it be that he missed it so simply?

"Bang, 哐, 唰"

After playing the board, he jumped on the basket, and then reluctantly got into the basket to finish the goal. Han Miao scored this goal, very imaginative!

"It's just a two-pointer..."

The Knicks don't panic here. Three-pointers are one point more than two-pointers. The 76ers are now behind three-pointers and are in a state of backwardness. It is difficult to chase after two-pointers alone.

JR took the ball again, still facing Thompson, this time JR did not directly take off, but slammed backwards, quickly opened the distance between Thompson and Thompson, and then shot!

Retreating a three-point shot, it seems that JR is preparing to convulsions today!

Facing the retreat step, Thompson could only helplessly watch the basketball go to the net. There was no way. This kind of big retreat step, this distance is not something Thompson can prevent!


Goal again! JR! He hit two three-pointers in a row, the state is coming!

"stick it on!"

Han Miao motioned to Thompson to post it. JR's three-pointer was very threatening, but he couldn't just let him shoot it so easily!

Thompson bit his lip to make himself sober.

Yeah, isn't it just a step backward drift? I can't just give up like this!

"Don't give him room to shoot, Clay, you must pay attention to his actions!"

Stevens was also shouting off the court. Although JR's convulsion is terrible, as long as he doesn't score consecutively, it is easy to interrupt his convulsion state, so close press is the king.

"Just stick to him, what if he breaks through?"

Thompson expressed his concerns.

"It's okay, let him in, I dare to hate if I dare to suddenly!"

Yao Ming patted Thompson on the shoulder to encourage him, this little rookie has a good personality and is very humble on the court, but sometimes it is easy to think too much. You are just a rookie, don’t worry about so many things, otherwise you let Why are the team's big buddies so embarrassing?

The 76ers still used the inside offense to chase points. This time Yao Ming used a solid inside footstep to sway Chandler and Stoudemire and scored with a small left hook!

The left and right hooks at the basket and the left and right turn jumpers are Yao Ming's conventional weapons. Now that he gets better, he can still dunk one or two from time to time.

"I scored two goals and 6 points. You scored two goals and 4 points. That's one goal. I see how long you can last!"

In the case of JR convulsions, his mind will be blank. There is nothing but the basket. He can't see his opponent or his teammates. He just takes the ball and makes a shot.

I can still think about it now, which shows that JR has not completely convulsed, but judging from the feel, it is a matter of time for the convulsions today.

It was JR vs. Thompson, and Thompson was tight!

Judging from the figure, Thompson is a little bigger, and he is tighter than it is. To be reasonable, JR will be more miserable.

But we all guessed wrong. Today JR wants to make a three-pointer to the end. He doesn't relax in the face of close defense, and he still makes a three-pointer!

"Don't even think about voting!"

Thompson saw JR ignoring his defense and making shots. He was so angry that he was a little angry. What is it? Is this looking down on me? Do you dare to vote like this if someone is close to him? Then it's unreasonable that this ball doesn't cover you!

JR accumulates energy, squats, and protects the ball with both hands. This is obviously the action of preparing to shoot!

Thompson squatted down like him, but he always maintained the appearance of holding one hand high, and it seemed that he was ready to jump up and block shots at any time!

When the two people met their eyes, this time Thompson saw the color of ridicule in JR's eyes!

Laugh at me? You are not stupid. I can jump and interfere at any time. I can touch the ball no matter how fast I shoot. Who gave you the courage to make you so proud now? !

At that moment, Thompson's heart was full of doubts.


Exhaled and opened his body, JR raised his hands directly above his head, and at the same time, his body bent as he squatted began to straighten, and he seemed to jump up and shoot at any time. There was a pause in the process without leaving a trace, but Thompson was paying attention. I was too focused on basketball and didn't notice this little movement.

In the face of JR's actions, Thompson was not far behind. He also kept his body up and always raised his hand in front of JR. He believed that this time as long as JR shot, he would be able to send a good hat!


"Cover you!"

Suddenly, JR stopped his body, then jumped up suddenly, as if he was about to jump up and shoot!

Thompson naturally yelled and prepared to jump up and block! However, when he finished roaring, he realized that something was wrong!

Wait a minute, why, why didn't I jump up?

JR's face with a mocking smile was getting further and further away. He could only watch JR slowly lift into the air and then shoot, but he couldn't jump up at all!

Why on earth? This is less than a quarter, why can't I jump?


JR hit another three-pointer! He has hit three consecutive three-pointers today! This sudden rain of three-pointers made the Knicks fans very excited. In their opinion, JR is so handsome. Didn't you see the 76ers' guard just stupidly motionless?

"JR! JR! JR..."

The fans chanted JR's name and cheered for him, mixed with words such as "I'm going to give you a monkey!", "My phone is XXXXX", "Come to **** hotel at night" and so on, just because of the live comparison Noisy, JR didn't hear it clearly.

"Can't jump?"

Han Miao, Hayward and Yao Ming looked at each other. Thompson was definitely not distracted just now. It's really impossible to jump at that moment.


Yao Ming is a bit weird. The outside line is more troublesome than the inside line. Even if one day you really can’t jump, many inside lines can directly buckle with their arms!

"You were fooled by Klay. JR was one of his ace shots just now. Can you understand? If you can't, you will be treated like someone else has played a big move and you want to exchange your blood with a flat A."

Han Miao and Hayward know what's going on, but it's Hayward to comfort Thompson now. After all, in the team, Hayward is Thompson's mentor.

"Ace shot? Big move? A tie?"

Hayward’s words confuse Thompson even more. This is not a game, senior, why do you say nothing about the game?

"Don't understand? Okay, let me ask you, can a person jump up when the lower body is completely straight?"

Can you jump up when the lower body is completely straight?

Thompson thinks this is a nonsense question. It goes without saying, definitely jump... wait? What did you just say? The lower body is completely straight?

"Understand, you fool, why couldn't you jump up just now, because your legs were completely straight at that moment. As long as you are still a human, you can't jump up at this time."

Hayward saw the change in the expression on Thompson’s face and wondered whether he was a rookie or his mentality was not good enough. Think about it last year. When Hayward himself was a rookie, he was beaten by various small forwards. Thompson is now facing , This is where and where!

When the lower body is upright As long as people can't jump up, this is a physiological structure problem.

JR Smith first induced Thompson to squat with him, and he was already relatively short, so Thompson did not find that JR was squatting lower than him.

Then, two people raised their bodies almost at the same time. JR was very smart. A series of small movements made Thompson forget the fact that he slowly straightened his legs. When Thompson's legs were close to being straight, JR Guy made a deliberate pause. The action makes Thompson's legs completely straight!

At that moment, JR, who was originally squatting lower, had his knees bent, so he could jump up and shoot, but Thompson couldn't!

"Understand, it's not that you are incompetent, but that he is too cunning. Be careful next time. Otherwise, if this guy gets a smooth three-pointer, we will be in trouble."

He told Thompson's principle concisely. As for whether he could comprehend it, Hayward didn't care. Last year, he was abused like this. How could he grow up without being abused?

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