Basketball Commander

Chapter 562: Don't you think


   After Bosh returned to the court again, he did have tactics because of Wade's strength.


   pulled out the pick-and-roll, and then went smoothly, Wade also passed the ball as agreed!




   But, just after holding the ball, Bosh’s path was suddenly blocked!


  Faried! The half-orcs filled up in time and got in the way of Bosh!


   At this time, there are no double teams, no passing options, and some only have one-to-one!


   Bosh, whether he can raise his head or not depends on whether he succeeds in this singles!


Bosh is 211 cm tall. Faried is 208 cm tall after being increased. In theory, Bosh is slightly heavier, but there is no obvious advantage. So I want to rely on my body to eat, this is the basic impossible.


   Moreover, in Bosh's height, a few centimeters are obviously the length of his neck! If it's not that the neck is longer than that of ordinary people, they might be about the same height.


   "Look, now Chris and rookie Kenneth are on the inside. This is a good opportunity to prove himself. I hope Chris can show his state when he was in Toronto."


   After all, they are all power forwards. Even if Barkley is not very fond of Bosh, he can only say something nice to him at the moment.


   did not choose the face frame, facing Faried, Bosh hesitated a little, and immediately chose to fight with his back!


   "Back fight?"


  Faried is a little unexpected, Bosh is this body? Actually choose to beat yourself back? Does Lao Tzu look thin?




   Putting down Faried's anger, he took a step with his legs, and he straightened his chest to accept the impact from Bosh.




   The sound of the impact was quite loud, and Bosh still had real skills. After all, he was able to keep off in Toronto back then.


   However, Faried only shook his body slightly, and was not knocked back.


   "Do you think you can hit me?"


   After the blow, Faried immediately gained confidence. In his opinion, Bosh's power should not be as good as his own, so he ridiculed him unceremoniously.


   "Wow, this difficult back, Charles, if it were you, this back fight would be easier?"


   Smith teased Barkley.


   "Hmph, if it was me, that little rookie would have flown long ago."


   This is really not nonsense. Barkley's big **** back spanking did feel a bit "invincible" back then. Basically no one can resist his big ass.


   Bosh, of course, heard Faried's provocation here, which made him blush.


  TNND, the world has changed. Novices dare to talk to seniors like this. If I don’t score this goal, how can I have the face to walk in the world?


   So, Bosh suddenly seemed to have opened up the two channels of Ren and Du, his skill soared, stronger and harder to hit Faried!


   "Do you think I can't hit you?" Bosh gritted his teeth and said, "but don't think you think, I think it can!"




   "Fuck, kick." After a loud noise, Faried took three steps back in surprise!


   And Bosh was also staggered forward by this impact. Even if Bosh is more resistant to this level of resistance, and he is the offensive side, he has to be knocked out.


   But this is a good thing for Bosh, he just opened up the space!


   turned around, leaned back, and shot a jumper!




  Faried hurriedly tried to pounce on to make up for the position, but the distance between the two people was really too far, and unfortunately he could not make up for the position.




   score in! Bosh scored his first point of the game.




   Wade and him high-five, as a teammate, Bosh can score a good thing for Wade, he can score without so tired.


   However, as an opponent, the 76ers don't like Bosh playing out.


  The reason is simple. If he plays, the 76ers will have more pressure on defense.


   "This time is an accident, next time I will block him!"


  Faried mumbled, he was knocked into flight by Bosh, who he looked down upon! This is a shame!


   Although it is said that there is a reason for carelessness, this cannot be an excuse. If there is no defense, there is no defense!


   "Kenneth, you are great, don't blame yourself."


   Yao Ming comforted Faried, don’t be so serious, Bosh is your predecessor anyway, if he is shaved by you, then he will be embarrassed and thrown at grandma’s house.


   However, back to the offensive end, this time Han Miao intentionally gave the ball to Faried and asked him to try if he could return one.


  Faried is not very good with the ball. His face-to-face play is either empty cut or empty catch. If he plays with the ball, he only has the simplest straight line.


   But now I can’t manage that much, I have to return Bosh!


  Faried chose a straight line and a strong jump. This kind of breakthrough is not technical. It is simply a comparison of speed and strength. As long as you squeeze your opponent, you can make a **** path!


   "Chris, I don't think you can stop me!"


Faried is nicknamed "half orc", as the saying goes, he has no wrong nickname. This season in the 76ers, because of the passing master of Han Miao, Faried played better than he was in the Nuggets in history. better! The style of the game is more wild and violent, and he still got the nickname "half orc".


   So you can imagine how strong Faried is with this short-distance straight line breakthrough!


   Bosh didn't speak. He knew he had just scored a goal, but he wanted to make his teammates continue to believe in him. This is not enough. You need to make contributions from the defensive end.


   So this time, he also gritted his teeth and insisted, ready to fight Faried!


   What makes you think I can’t stop you? Please! You are a rookie, OK!




   The two people collided and their bodies were shaking, but no one backed away. Now the two people feel a little stalemate. One wants to rush in, while the other wants to stop him!


   But after all, the offensive side has the advantage. Faried's "half-orc" violent is also revealed at this time. The power of his collision is strong again and again!


  Because in Faried's heart, although he knows that someone in the league can block him, there is absolutely no Bosh among these people!


   So this time Bosh resisted, Fariad was also very angry inside!


   "Chris stand up!"


   Wade yelled to cheer for Bosh. He would encourage his teammates even more, perhaps because he is the former boss of the team. Anyway, in terms of taking care of his teammates' emotions, James, who is still anxious to win the championship, is temporarily not as good as Wade. (Of course, after winning the championship in history, James also changed a lot.)


   Bosh, who originally felt that he seemed to be a little bit unstoppable, was about to let Faried pass, but after hearing Wade's shout, Bosh suddenly seemed to be beaten with blood!


   For Wade’s trust, this ball must be pressed down for him!


  Faried did break through, because Bosh's movements were stiff for an instant, but at this distance he seemed too late to dunk.


  Let's layup, anyway, in Faried's mind, he can make a dunk and layup.


   "Chris, I thought you couldn't stop me!"


   Before the layup, Faried did not forget to ridicule the time, this kid is getting worse and worse recently!


   "Don't think about it. I don't think you can do it!"




   Look, pretend that 13 was struck by lightning. Just when Faried finished taunting and layup, he suddenly stretched out his big hand behind him! He shot the ball in his hand to the bottom line!


  Chris Bosh! He really caught up and sent this block!


   "Charles, what do you think of Chris' defense this time?"


   "Um...I think it's okay..."

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