Basketball Commander

Chapter 570: Loss frequently

Heat fans did prepare a lot of "programs" to welcome the 76ers.

At this point, everyone has seen it since getting off the plane.

At the airport, the 76ers could only stay temporarily due to the fact that the chartered car did not come. As a result, a bunch of Heat fans gathered around, everyone holding their cameras and facing them. Shoot! The flash was flashing, it made people feel pain in the eyes!

"Damn, it's so flashy..."

For this flash strategy, the 76ers are also very helpless. People say they are taking pictures. What can you do to people?

In addition, the Miami Airport did not know what was going on today, their VIP room was full, and the 76ers had no way to find a place to rest.

"Come on, everyone takes a pair of sunglasses first."

The team staff came with the team to send out sunglasses one by one. There was no way, this kind of flashing level made this group of professional players a little unable to adapt.

"What about the coach?"

Stevens disappeared after getting off the plane. The players couldn't find the coach at this moment and could only ask the staff.

"The coach contacted the car, TNND, all the cars in Miami seem to have problems today. As soon as they heard that they were coming to pick us up, they were not available."

The staff is also very upset, they also want to hurry to the hotel to rest!

"Okay, don't complain, the car will come in about an hour, so let's do it now."

Stevens came back, he found an acquaintance, and finally got a bus, he was greeted by such a strong flash when he came back.

"Sleep for a while, you may not be able to sleep at night."

Han Miao is very calm now. He feels that if this is the case at the airport now, it will definitely be more troublesome to return to the hotel today. If you don't make sure, everyone should stop sleeping tonight.

After hearing what Han Miao said, everyone felt very reasonable, so they took out sound-proof earplugs and put on blindfolds to sleep. Anyway, hearing and vision are blocked. You fans have no other means. Do you dare to beat others? Nothing?

Of course, it is indeed a spectacle for a team to sleep at the airport so unimaginatively.

The Heat fans at the airport saw the 76ers' response measures, and they couldn't help it. The city of Miami still had a face, and it was impossible for the fans to rush in and stage a full-fledged battle with the 76ers.

Therefore, after seeing that the interference effect is not good, these fans also chose to leave. Anyway, they just met. These days, there is an opportunity to let the 76ers feel the enthusiasm from Miami.

Coach Stevens is quite reliable. At least the car he contacted didn’t make the players wait too long. After almost 40 minutes, the scheduled bus also drove over. The staff woke up the sleeping players one by one. They have been stranded at the airport for almost three hours.

However, the matter was not over yet. When all the 76ers boarded the bus, a bunch of fans appeared suddenly without knowing where they were. Everyone put on a mask to hide their true colors, and then they stopped directly. The bus also opened the package and threw rotten eggs and other "biochemical" weapons at the bus. And they are also very wise, that is, throwing things, there is no "smashing" incident, and always keep the situation on a very delicate edge.

"Damn! Are they there?!"

In the 76ers chartered car, many players are angry, Ma Dan, you can't be too CXK, you fans, what is this going to do?

"Call the police. Although I don't think the police will do anything to these people, they can at least clear the way for us to get to the hotel."

Han Miao can't help it. This is a good discussion. Otherwise, how could there be no police patrolling at the airport?

Indeed, when they called the police, the police said very seriously that they would deal with this matter seriously, but the 76ers were blocked by these fans for almost an hour before they saw the Miami police driving slowly over.

"It seems that the Miami Police Department also has a lot of Heat fans."

The 76ers didn't have much to say about the police coming so late, anyway, it seems that Miami treats them as public enemies of the city.

However, when the police car cleared the road and "escorted" the 76ers bus to the hotel, all the 76ers were relieved. After all, as long as they get to the hotel, everything is easy to say.

But, how could it be that simple, the hotel, is that the main battlefield?

"What? There is a problem with the room? There is no room? But we refund the full amount? Give us an extra 20% deposit as compensation? But we don't need that many, we only need rooms, even if there are fewer... Ok."

Sure enough, on the way, Stevens received another call. This time it was from the originally booked hotel. They suddenly said that because the 76ers did not check in according to the scheduled time, they no longer have rooms, and they have a very attitude. Well, not only did you propose a full refund of the deposit, but also offered to give 20% more compensation. This approach makes people unable to fault!

As a customer, you can be dissatisfied, but this approach and attitude of the hotel can be said to be faulty in terms of morality and law! Even if Stevens knew in his heart that it must be done by those **** Heat fans, he could do nothing.

People have already offered compensation, what else can you do with him? The most is to give bad reviews...

"What should I do? Where else can I live?"

"I'll go, they are too cruel, are they trying to let us sleep on the street tonight?"

"Heat guys, can you not afford to lose so much?"

Because the delay is relatively long, it’s getting late now. For the 76ers who have been struggling for a day, what I want most at this time is to quickly find a place to eat and then wash and sleep.

Obviously, the loss of Heat fans made the 76ers dumb.

But fortunately, the road to the sky is endless. After mobilizing other contacts, the 76ers finally found a motel to stay.

Of course, this hotel is not so comfortable, the hardware is relatively shabby, and the food is average, but the tired players don't care too much. Anyway, they will stay in Miami for a few days. They can!

Basically everyone took a bath and returned to their room, and they took a bath directly to go to bed, but they also encountered various situations while taking a bath.

"Rely... it's all cold water!"

"I'm going, so many cockroaches?"

"Damn! The sewer is blocked!"

"Why is there still no water? I'm half of it!"


Well, it seems that this hotel is also "ruled" by the Heat fans. Taking a bath is the same as fighting.

Han Miao is also a little bit painful in his head, are these fans all fed up? How to lose one after another...

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