Basketball Fanatic: Genius Is on the Left

Chapter 1006: It's okay now, I can't laugh anymore

The three-pointer broke the wilderness, and Zuo Li announced to the world with 1 of 2 three-pointers at the start: Who said that buddies will not shoot in this game, I am more persistent than you think!

Of course, the atmosphere at this time is still a bit funny, yes, it is the funny expression in QQ, because although Zuo Li broke the three-point shortage, but... no one thinks what will happen.

After all, who doesn't eat dumplings during the Chinese New Year? So far, 14 shots have been cast in the two games, and it's time to score two.

After congratulating Zuo Li, the three commentators of TNT were still in the mood to laugh and tease O'Neal's career three-point shooting percentage. It seemed that they didn't take this three-pointer seriously.

Even many Lakers fans at the scene laughed and applauded. They all regarded this three-pointer as a casual trick, and just threw a goal with a player from the middle circle or farther away. It is obviously more difficult than shooting from the three-point line. , but few people will take it to heart, after all... It's a fool, luck can't help it.

But clearly, they were wrong, and very wrong.

Phil, the Zen master, didn't take it seriously, and even felt that the Knicks had to fight like this, and it would be really hard for him to win if he didn't fight like this.

What is the Knicks strong?

There are four people inside, and the two sets of twin towers can even be matched at will, especially Zuo Li. The team can't handle it, and then it will all collapse.

In addition, the Knicks have a bunch of shooters on the outside, and their breakthroughs are also sharp, and they just can't beat them.

But if you let Zuo Lila go out to shoot three-pointers like this, wouldn't you break your arm? Our defense will save us worry, that's great.

It doesn't matter if you get one or two, even if you get seven or eight, it doesn't matter, as long as you can respond offensively.


Zen Master waved his hand, and the Lakers launched an attack. The biggest difference between the Lakers tonight and the Lakers two seasons ago is that the starting point guard has changed from Fisher to Blake, and Fisher is not only not starting, he has even left the Lakers. He chose to join the Thunder last month, which can be regarded as the biggest change for the Lakers.

But Kobe was there, and the Lakers were there. With a jump shot that changed direction, the Lakers led 4-3.

When it came to the Knicks offense, this time Randolph took away the defender in a pick-and-roll, Curry broke through, and the left side sank to the bottom!

It is almost a re-enactment of the Knicks' classic tactics last season, but the one who broke through became Curry, so the one who pulled out was naturally left standing!

From the bottom corner, catch the ball, and shoot a three-pointer directly from the open left!

Hit again!

Scored two three-pointers in a row!

"Wow, Zuo Li tonight seems... a little different." Yu Jia said.

"It's not the same. The ball itself is unreasonable. How can a big center throw a three-pointer from the bottom? This rebound will be unprotected, but he scored. It's a good goal, so he is reasonable." Director Zhang on the side said.

In this era, of course he doesn't understand such a tactic, but a few years later, it will almost become a routine tactic for the center to catch the ball and shoot a three-pointer, especially in the Warriors. Water, maybe the Warriors can still improve a level.

And this is one of D'Antoni's new tactics. Last season, Curry, Danny Green, Battier and other outsiders were bottomed out. Now I can also go as a big center. Let me ask you if you panic!

Zen Master: "A little bit..."

So he pulled Bynum and yelled at him, telling him not to give him a chance to shoot from the left.

Bynum rubbed his ears speechlessly, and said to himself, didn't you ask me to shrink the inner line...

Zen master still overestimated Bynum's CPU. In the next round, in the same position, he didn't give Zuo Li a chance to shoot this time, but Zuo Li made a tentative shot and was shot away. Then Zuo Li went in and it was a blast. buckle.

Combination of sudden shots!

Throughout the first half, Zuo Li used this tactic to score 6 three-pointers, 6 of 8 shots, 4 explosive dunks, plus free throws, scoring 28 points in the half!

The fans couldn't laugh anymore...

Zen master can't keep calm anymore...

The narrators were also dumbfounded...

The sunspots simply vomited blood!

What the hell!

Meng can also become like this, it's fake! ?

"You don't still think that Zuo Li is cheating..." Barkley muttered to himself. Now he has begun to accept and reflect.

He seemed to underestimate Zuo Li and D'Antoni too.

What kind of team is this?

A quasi-dynasty team with two consecutive championships and three finals in three years.

Zuo Li is a Super Grand Slam player for two consecutive years.

Will they mess around?

"Looking at it... maybe they were really confident in this fight." Kenny Smith said.

That means, Zuo Li has already developed the three-point ability? !

"Unbelievable..." O'Neal touched his bald head.

That's Zuo Li, the number one center in the league, a giant inside, if he can even make three-pointers, what is the concept!

When I dominated the paint, people always wondered what would happen if I could shoot three-pointers.

Well now, they got their wish.

In the locker room, the atmosphere of the Lakers was dignified.

They have realized that they made a mistake in the first half. They underestimated the left hand and did not take effective defense against him, causing him to go crazy.

Although relying on Kobe Bryant and Pau Gasol teamed up, the Lakers barely maintained a 12-point difference, but if they continue to play like this in the second half, it is only a matter of time before they lose or even lose.


I know I know it, but how to prevent it?

Everyone looked at each and couldn't think of a way. Last season's Zuo Li was no longer able to defend. Now that the three-pointer is so stable, it is even more impossible to operate.

The Zen master was stumped. He had no choice but to let Gasol close to the man.

However, in the second half, Zuo Li gave Gasol a heavy hammer in the first round when he came back.

At the three-point line at the top of the arc, Gasol made a breakthrough with the dribble on the left.

Gasol realized something was wrong, but it was too late, the body was not worthy of the brain.

He rushed straight with all his strength, intending to interfere with Zuo Li, but it was in vain in the end.

Stand left with all the attention between the ball and the basket.

The hoop is like the ocean, and what could be more satisfying than that, nothing can distract him.

He flicks the ball and releases it, looking down, searching for a foothold.

Stand on the left side, keeping the hand shape of pressing the wrist.

Under the watchful eyes of all the fans, the ball went straight to the net.


the seventh!

And it was a three-pointer with his own dribble.

The fans in the audience couldn't laugh at all, and they even wanted to give themselves a big mouth.

Who asked you to applaud Zuo Li, now it's all right, he really can't stop it!

Seeing this scene, Kobe felt awe-inspiring. He thought of Zuo Li's words when the two talked on the phone yesterday.

"This kid didn't really come here to break his own record... Could it be that he really managed it?!" Kobe felt unbelievable. He was obviously not so accurate during the tour, and it took so long to be so accurate. !

Three three-pointers in a single quarter!

After three quarters, Zuo Li has scored 9 three-pointers, surpassing his single-game three-point record in the NBA.

There is still a quarter, and it is 4 goals away from surpassing Kobe's record of 12 three-pointers in a single game!


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