Basketball Fanatic: Genius Is on the Left

Chapter 1030: Full score 3 crowns (top)

With the final word, Zuo Li brought the champion of the first single event back to New York. At the same time, Zuo Li also became the only one in history who won the shooting star, skill contest, slam dunk contest and three-point contest at the same time. The champion player is the true king of individual events.

"If Zuo Li thinks about it, maybe he can become the king of multi-lap Grand Slams, and maybe the NBA can make a trophy for Zuo Li in the future." Barkley said with a smile.

One shooting star, two skill competitions, three dunk champions, and two three-point champions for the time being, Zuo Li is really too successful in the individual competition. In the future, Barkley's words may really come true.

At the same time, Zuo Li also became the first player to win the Rookie MVP, All-Star MVP and all individual championships.

"When Zuo Li retires, maybe the All-Star should change his name." Kenny Smith, who had just lost and returned to the commentary booth, said depressingly.

"But I still have to say, today I hope others can beat Zuo Li, he ruined my championship dream!"

"Hahahahahaha..." Barkley patted the table, almost laughing away.

"Listen man, you're not alone, and you should be proud to be against Zuo Li, after all, you haven't faced such a strong opponent in your career."

Kenny Smith: "…"

"Can I call the police, someone here took me with a knife!"

"Hahahaha, you are right. Although Charles, you are also very good, but this time you are right, Kenny. It is an honor for you to compete with Zuo Li." O'Neill said.

Kenny Smith: "…"

That said, it seems reasonable...

wrong! I feel like I've been pua'd!

The gags of the three live treasures of TNT made the fans very happy, and the ratings also rose all the way. David Stern in the private room soon received good news:

"The ratings have more than three times that of the same time period last year!"

"As expected of Zuo Li." David Stern couldn't open his eyes from laughing, he was proud of his vision at that time.


Must support!

Still want to support!

Zuo Li is a banner of the NBA. If it weren't for Zuo Li and the Knicks, the NBA would probably be sprayed to death based on the Heat's showmanship in the past two years.

"It has to be the Knicks." David Stern is going to continue to stick to his plan. Originally, some people wanted to support the Heat and give them some "proper care" in the playoffs. After all, if the four superstars win the championship together , It can be regarded as a wave of popularity for the NBA.

But looking at it now, the popularity of the four together may not be as high as Zuo Li alone. With his back to New York, he is an academic who came from streetball but left. Niu, I am a self-made up-and-coming boss, handsome and attractive...

The right time, the right place, and the right people.

Stern felt that Jordan was unrepeatable before, but now, he seems to have encountered Jordan of this era again.

"It would be nice to have another dynasty in the league..." Stern thought to himself.


Zuo Li didn't know that Stern, who was not far away, had already turned so many thoughts in such a short period of time, and he was sitting on the sidelines enjoying the skills competition with great interest.

To be precise, it is to cheer for Curry who participated in the skills competition.

The gold content of this skills competition is still very high. Veteran Tony Parker, Mesozoic Deron Williams and Rondo, new generation Curry, Westbrook, Wall and Owen, seven players participated together.

Looking at the names, they are all former, current, or future All-Star guards, which can be described as full of pressure.

Zuo Li gave Curry special training before the game, telling him how to maintain stability in the game, but in fact Zuo Li is not sure, after all, the opponent is strong enough.

Sure enough, Deron, the former champion of the skills contest who was the first to appear, used all the moves to complete the game in one pass, and the whole process took only 28.8 seconds.

Zuo Lidu had to stand up and applaud. As expected of the record holder, his basic skills are indeed solid, but it is a pity that his mentality is not good, otherwise he may not be able to stay in the Jazz in the future.

And Parker, who came out second, also showed his strength, and he went through the same pass, solving the battle in 29.2 seconds.

It may be that the pressure from Deron and Parker was too much, and the subsequent players all performed abnormally, especially Westbrook, who took a full 45 seconds to complete and announced in advance that he missed the final.

Defending champion Curry was the last to appear on the stage. He is in average form today, but according to Zuo Li's experience, he played steadily. Although the speed is average, the success rate is high, especially the three-pointer, one-time, and finally ranked third in 31.2 seconds to enter the finals.

Curry was the first to appear in the final, and he still played steadily. Except for a pass that was used twice, the others were all once, and finally ended the game in 30.1 seconds.

"It's okay, it's okay, just be happy, you've performed well. Anyway, you've already taken it." Zuo Li patted Curry on the shoulder and comforted him.

Although they have made progress, this result seems not enough for the duo who are bursting out tonight.

But this time Zuo Li guessed wrong. Parker, who played second, took one more pass than Curry when hitting the ground, and the final score was 32.1 seconds.

All the pressure came to Deron, and Deron rushed out like a wind. The first half was very smooth, and the pass was also one-time. However, there was a problem when it came to shooting. Jump into The final score is 41.4 seconds!

"Congratulations to Stephen Curry for achieving two consecutive championships! The Knicks won the Knicks Skills Competition for four consecutive championships!

! "

The commentators gave a standing ovation. It's been four years, and the skill competition hasn't come out of New York.

"Nice guy, another one." Zuo Li happily ran over to give Curry a high-five.

Curry is also very excited. This is an unplanned championship. He didn't expect to win it, but I have to say, it's really delicious!

After finishing his testimonials, Curry hurried off with the trophy, and then sat on the sidelines with two trophies beside him. Zuo Li's shooting star was also temporarily reserved by him, because Zuo Li, who took a break, should make his debut again.

Three-point contest!

As the two-time defending champion, Zuo Li made his final appearance. This time he didn't say anything, because the opponent was too weak.

Heat guard, Chalmers, who made 33% of his three-pointers, James Jones, the only pitcher for the Heat, Ryan Anderson, the Magic's shooter, plus Kevin Love and Kevin Garnett.

This is the guy Zuo Li needs to beat tonight.

To be honest, according to Zuo Li's three-point value at this time, as long as he plays normally, the champion of the three-point contest is like picking something out of a bag.

Zuo Li admired Durant very much. After all, the 6 points were vivid in his mind, and he dared to break through his demons.

No nonsense, the game started amid the cheers of the fans.

Chalmers took the lead, a few points were very average, and finally scored 18 points.

Stern breathed a sigh of relief, this score is not bad, at least much better than the previous two sessions.

Love followed closely behind, and the start was not smooth, the first point was all lost, but just when people thought that Love was going to pull, it gradually improved from the second point, and the last point was hit 4, and finally scored 18 points.


The Pea of ​​Justice reminds you: remember to collect after reading


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