Basketball Fanatic: Genius Is on the Left

Chapter 1044: That's what's really unreasonable

Chapter 1044 This Is Really Unreasonable

Durant runs, Perkins pulls out for a pick-and-roll, Durant picks and rolls the moment he catches the ball and then runs back, Danny Green steps up and pinches, Durant makes an emergency stop for a jumper!

Two points long!



Durant scored 7 points in a row in the opening game and seized the opportunity of the Knicks' mistakes to tie the score.


After scoring the goal, Durant was extremely excited, hammering his chest excitedly just like making a lore goal.

That is to say, the Knicks called a timeout, otherwise Zuo Li would have taken the opportunity to fight back.

However, D'Antoni's timeout was also understandable. The Knicks' original defensive tactics were to lock Durant, but now Durant scored all the points alone, which seemed to mean the failure of the Knicks' defensive tactics.

Of course, D'Antoni also knows that there is no major problem with the execution of the Knicks' tactics. Battier and Danny Green's defenses are in place. Durant can score goals. Know whether to change the defensive tactics.

"It's not necessary at all, coach, we can actually accept Durant's style of play." Zuo Li saw D'Antoni's hesitation.

Although it is not consistent with what the Knicks thought before the game, Durant can play fact, it can be done.

On the contrary, Durant's Kobe-like toughness surprised Zuo Li very much.

"Adu's playing style is soft."

"Adu is tough enough at critical moments."

These two sentences should be the most and most truthful words that the outside world has commented on Durant in the past two years.

It looks very conflicted, it seems to be an argument about Durant between Durant fans and sunspots.

But in Zuo Li's eyes, these two sentences are the truest description of Durant.

There is actually no conflict between a soft style of play and being hard enough at critical moments, which is vividly reflected in Durant.

Adu's playing style is definitely soft, which is related to his technical characteristics and physical condition. He belongs to the thin and tall striker. Whether it is height or wingspan, he is the first among small forwards in the league today, but Similarly, Durant's physical resistance is relatively poor.

This makes his offense basically face-up, and his back-up ability is very average.

It stands to reason that such a partial guy can't get to his current position at all, but Durant's talent is too high. With such a tall height, he can make jumpers and dribbles at the small forward or even sub-level level. There is no solution, and the technical action does not have to be perfect to solve the problem.

To be honest, Durant is a typical trick that is eaten all over the world. His most deadly and most used jump shot after catching the ball, but he relies too much on jump shots and lacks other offensive methods.

This is a fatal shortcoming in some occasions.

At the same time, this is also related to his personality. Durant is completely different from Jordan and Kobe Bryant. He is introverted, not good at talking, and has a habit of keeping things in his heart, but it doesn't mean he doesn't mind. Later generations did not communicate with Westbrook and directly chose to leave the Thunder to prove this point.

At the same time, in terms of team leadership, Durant is not good at all. Although he is strong enough, he can't overwhelm his teammates. It has been traded, but he was the one who left in the end...

It can only be said that character determines destiny, and Adu's later development can be regarded as paying for his character.

However, this does not mean that he is unreliable at critical moments. As a pure attacker, he is still very reliable. Although his physical fitness makes him often lose the chain at critical moments, in the past few years when he has abundant physical strength, Ah Du often stands up to save the team at critical moments. Compared with James, he dares to take responsibility for lore.

And in the eyes of the outside world, Durant often hits some unreasonable goals, which is also the biggest reason for his early fans.

Of course, if you insist on saying that you like his appearance and figure, then just pretend I didn't say so... Respect and best wishes.

However, in Zuo Li's view, most of Durant's so-called unreasonable shots are reasonable. Fans mainly look at it from their own perspective, or from a conventional perspective, and feel that Durant's shots against defenders are quite explosive.

However, with Adu's height and wingspan, 99.5% of the defenders are half a head shorter than him. Let alone blocking shots, they can't cover their eyes when they jump up. Therefore, goals that seem unreasonable to Mi are actually very reasonable. .

This is how Durant plays.

"It can be seen that you are very angry tonight, but it is unreasonable? I will let you see what is really unreasonable!"

After the timeout, Zuo Li was ready to fight. Durant played against the Knicks in the first quarter. He didn't know that Durant's physical fitness is a big problem. Even if he is so young, his physical fitness is not enough to support him to play high-intensity for 48 minutes. Otherwise, he wouldn't be able to get a high score of 60 or more.

It can be seen that Durant wants to win too much. Although playing like this is handsome, it consumes a lot more than he usually does.

That being the case, Zuo Li decided to have a good time with him!

The first attack after the timeout!

Received the ball from the top of the arc on the left and opened it 1-4. This is a signal for singles.

Perkins felt bad, he was pulled to the top of the arc with his height and weight, and was singled by the left...

"This is to be sent..."

Perkins really wants to switch defenses with Yin Baka, after all, his knee is not bad, unlike him, if he shakes it again, he will really retire.

But it was too late, Zuo Li obviously didn't want to let him go.

However, Zuo Li didn't use fancy moves either. After all, Perkins really didn't need to use such complicated moves, a crossover was enough.

Perkins: I thank you!

After passing Perkins in one step, UU Reading faced Yin Baka and pulled it up directly, which was a snap!

Yin Baka did not go up, avoiding himself as the background board.

A guy who is 2.18 meters crossover and then three steps apart...

What is unreasonable, this is truly unreasonable.

Of course, Zuo Li thinks it is very reasonable, because this is also determined by his own talent, otherwise, generally such a tall person will either be robbed or have his knee broken when doing a crossover.

"Zuo Li's breakthrough, I can't get enough of watching it a few times." Yu Jia admired.

"Indeed, this seemingly unreasonable style of play is easy to come by in Zuo Li's hands. This is Zuo Li's ability. This is also Zuo Li's response to Durant. Fans, take a look, maybe a confrontation is coming .” said guest Yang Yi.

in one sentence.

Sure enough, Dui Biao came.

Durant was already very angry, but when Zuo Li made such a move, he became even more excited.

Although in the next round he felt like hitting iron, allowing Zuo Li to seize the opportunity to fast break and complete a dunk, but in the next round he made a strong shot under the arms of Battier and Danny Green and scored 2+1.

"Amazing." Yang Yi shook his head, this singles ability has definitely entered the historical level.

But if Durant's singles ability is at a historical level, then Zuo Li is at a super-historical level.

At the top of the arc, after breaking through Yin Baka and facing a double team, Zuo Li directly rushed to the defense, and it was a dunk when he pulled out from the basket!

Perkins was a puller, and also sent the left to the free throw line.

"Explode! Zuo Li's body exploded too much..." Yang Yi was already too excited to see it. Previous Chapter Contents Bookmarks Next Chapter

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