Basketball Fanatic: Genius Is on the Left

Chapter 1077: Shattering the Heat's championship dream

An epic lore, the NBA has never seen such a lore! roundabout

This blow directly shattered the Heat's championship dream.

03. This time, the Heat are really going to cool off.

Looking at the audience, from the bottom line to the opponent's penalty area, the distance of tens of meters is a perfect alley-oop!

When the jumping basketball falls to the net, Galaxy seems to fall in an instant.






"Oh mama!

! "

With an explosion-like sound, the voices of more than 20 players and staff on the Knicks bench burst out, and then the few Knicks fans on the scene burst into thunderous screams, The cry was full of inconceivable and unthinkable, and the legs were trembling.

The most horrifying exclamation came from Rihanna, God knows, she came here for James, and her heart was surging at this moment...

She is about to betray!

"lets go home!"

"lets go home!"

"lets go home!"

Left standing on the ground, turned around, shouted and ran towards the middle circle, he was so excited, this is the coolest shot he has ever made in his life!

"You did it, and I did it, uck! I'm going to buy a lottery, and I'm going to get rich." Curry, who was squatting on the floor after serving the ball, finally came to his senses, jumped up and punched three times, Then he went crazy and rushed to Zuo Li.

And the other three people who didn't know what Zuo Li was going to do had their eyes staring like copper bells, and there was only one voice in their hearts:

"Damn it, you got involved in Boda behind our backs, right?"

But it doesn't matter! roundabout

What's important is that they have a lore, and they are going to win!


They also rushed to Curry and Zuo Li, and D'Antoni, who was chatting with the substitute player and the old man, lifted the two up from the left and the right and then threw them high.

More than 20,000 spectators watched all this in silence. From the moment the basketball fell into the bag, the entire arena seemed to be frozen.

Surprised, scared, puzzled, terrified, unbelievable, escaping from reality...

Heat fans in the stands are experiencing the worst moment since the establishment of the team.

The Heat's players watched in dismay as the Knicks celebrated wildly on their home turf.

Bosh sat down on the floor, looked up at the ceiling, and a drop of crystal tear slowly fell down. roundabout

James is still arguing with the referee, but the louder he is, the weaker he becomes. The ball is so obvious that he doesn't even need to watch the replay. No matter how stupid the referee is, he doesn't dare to manipulate the ball.

After all, this lore is too exciting, exciting enough to compete for the best lore in history.

"An unparalleled choice. The reason why superstars are superstars is that they can always do things that others cannot do at critical moments. This ball reflects the excellent basketball IQ of Zuo Li and Curry."

"Two seconds, of course, is not enough to serve from the baseline, even if you are Usain Bolt, but of course it is enough, because according to the rules, the time is counted when the basketball hits the hand, which makes Zuo Li Plenty of time to complete the empty pick."

"The red light came on after the basketball was in the bag. You don't need to watch the film. This is a good shot that will go down in history."

Barkley held his head and praised Zuo Li full of praise. Such a bold choice has never appeared in history, and on such a critical occasion, Zuo Li deserves to be the number one player in the league.

Subsequently, Barkley did not forget to torture the Heat. roundabout

"But I have to say that Miami's defensive options are terrible. They are all piled up near the center circle. They lack follow-up defense against the left stand. Look at where the Heat are when the left stand catches the ball. The closest one is the stand. Bosh at the three-point line!"

"Yes, but I have to say that this was caused by the last round. The Heat originally had the opportunity to determine their own destiny, but they wasted it. Obviously, God will punish those who waste the opportunity." O'Neal said very euphemistically, after all He used to be Lao Zhan's teammate, but there is no way, James is responsible for at least two-thirds of the ball.

It's embarrassing, isn't it, especially when it's connected with the Knicks' lore afterwards.

O'Neill felt that this would be the best opening chapter of the Five Jonies.

There is no suspense, the referee rejected Lao Zhan's proposal, the score was fixed at 9896, the Knicks beat the Heat with two points, and the series led by 30.

James walked back to the locker room with a livid face, while Anthony and Bosh had already gone one step ahead.

Judging by their appearance, the locker room that had just eased up was probably about to explode again. roundabout

All the fans left the field in an orderly manner. They walked very fast, with disappointment written all over their faces. 03 fell behind, and in this way, their hearts really couldn't stand it.

The most uncomfortable thing is that this has almost sentenced the Heat to death this season, and now they should think about how not to be swept away by the Knicks.

This is the Big Four. It is no wonder that after the game, radical Heat fans have begun to besiege the gate of the Heat headquarters. It is hard not to be disappointed when the Big Four play like this.

On the forum, the Big Four of the Heat have successfully replaced the Lakers 4 as the most disappointing combination of superstars in history.

After all, the original 4 broke through to the finals in the Western Conference where there are many strong players, but the Heat are about to be eliminated.

Not only that, the Heat are the four Big Four in their prime, and the Lakers next door have two 30-year-old men.

Of course, the Heat didn't want to leave just like that. After the game, Spoelstra repeatedly emphasized that they had not been eliminated and that they would work hard to return to New York. roundabout

However, the reporters have the same point of view. Whether they can return to New York depends mainly on what the Knicks want.

If the Knicks are sloppy and careless, the Heat will still have a play, otherwise, there is a high probability that the Heat will be swept out.

Will the Knicks make waves?

Maybe it used to be. UU Reading www.

but not now!

The excited Knicks turned the visiting team's locker room into a wild dance of demons, and Beverly even unplugged the shower that only sprayed cold water.

But it doesn't matter, the Knicks are rich and powerful, so they can make whatever they want! roundabout

But after only half an hour, everyone calmed down. After all, the lore is awesome, but it's not the time to celebrate, because their goal has not been achieved yet.

The Knicks have a great mentality this season, and they have to thank the outside world for their disapproval and doubts at the beginning, which made them full of ambitions to build a dynasty.

After the game, D'Antoni praised every player at the press conference. Originally, he was going to mention the referee's problems and malicious fouls, but considering that the Heat had already been killed, he didn't mention it.

As for the lore, D'Antoni said: "It wasn't my idea. It was a flash of inspiration from Zuo Li and Curry. To be honest, I still can't believe that we will win in this way. This may be luck. Bar."


"Luck is also part of strength."


After the game, the social network exploded again. This lore was really exciting and amazing. Many people were analyzing how it was done.

After analyzing for a long time, it can only be said that the right time, place and people are all occupied.

Taken together, it really is one sentence: maybe this is basketball.

Zuo Li didn't pay attention. He played this long game for 44 minutes, and he had already used his prehistoric power, so he didn't go to the press conference after the game, and fell asleep when he returned to the hotel.

The Knicks lead the Heat 3-0, almost ending the suspense of this round of the series early. Now the only suspense is whether James' team will be swept away again...

As for Zuo Li, what he has to do is to turn this suspense into reality.

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