Basketball Fanatic: Genius Is on the Left

Chapter 1109: Green is screwed

September 21st is the assembly date for all teams in the new NBA season. According to the schedule of this season, the regular season will officially start on October 31st. On October 7th, each team will have 7-9 games. The preseason arrangement, that is to say, before the official debut, each team has about half a month to adjust the lineup.

Having said that, in fact, the preparations for the new season of each team have already started. When the London Olympics is in full swing, all nba teams, especially the teams that are interested in achieving good results in the new season A lot of preparations have been done for the new season.

For example, the training camps of each team, the official summer league and so on.

And the main players of each team have already secretly practiced together, and when they officially assembled, they only had the final running-in problem to solve.

How important running-in is, just look at the Heat next door who were tortured at the beginning of the regular season for two consecutive seasons. If the running-in is not enough, even the best star can only be beaten.

This was not a problem for the Knicks. They have retained roughly the same framework in the past few seasons. The number of players who flow each season is the least in the league for three consecutive seasons. This is also the secret of their stability.

But this season, the departure of Randolph, one of the cornerstones of the team's strength, the departure of two bench champions, and the joining of three new members made the Knicks have to make necessary changes in the new season.

So in fact, since August, the Knicks coaching staff has been training new players.

But the effect is... so-so.

First of all, the main players such as Zuo Li, David Lee, and Curry are absent, and those left behind are all young people. If there are more young people, there will naturally be more conflicts. They are all young people who are full of blood. Although Battier has a lot of experience, he is a latecomer after all, and he is still a good guy. It is unrealistic to expect him to come out to control the field.

So during this period of time, including in the summer game, the Knicks' performance was a bit hip, and it must not be worthy of the status of a dynasty team.

Here we can see the role of Randolph, including Keliu.

Especially Zach Randolph. He is an old man in New York. He came when Zuo Li didn't come. He is also a villain who has been famous for many years. When he's not around, Randolph can easily control the court.

Now that he's gone, the Knicks have a problem with too many rookies.

Especially in this year's draft, D'Antoni has repeatedly complained to Zuo Li that he has a good sense and can do a lot of things on the court, but he has a bad temper and big moves. Unconsciously used dirty moves, because of this, there have been more than ten conflicts this month.

No, in the first training session of his return on the afternoon of the 21st, Drummond Green clashed with Danny Green because of an unnecessary leg stretch.

Not to mention, Drummond Green really doesn't look like a rookie, he talks a lot of trash.

Of course, this is also because of the Knicks culture transformed after Zuo Li came. This place is the friendliest place in the league for rookies. He will be hit by water balloons falling from the sky while walking, and he will not go to the training ground with 18 backpacks on his back.

But everything has pros and cons, and this kind of atmosphere is divided into people. A sober rookie will feel that he has come to heaven, will be grateful, and will pay back with performance, while an unconscious rookie will be inflated, arrogant, and lawless.

Obviously, Chasing Dream Green belongs to the latter category.

But seeing Chaimeng talking nonsense there, Curry and others showed sympathetic eyes.

Tell me, isn't this hitting the muzzle? It's okay if you are arrogant when Zuo Li is not around, but if you dare to be so arrogant when Zuo Li is here, you really can't tell the difference between the big and the big.

Nash, who had just arrived, also looked at Zuo Li with great interest, wanting to see how he would deal with it. After all, he also understood the power of a thorn. Even though there is only one thorn in a dozen people, one mouse feces is enough A bad pot of soup and a team that can't handle the locker room well can't win the championship.

"Let's go Stephen, let's continue discussing how to run next season."

At this time, D'Antoni walked up to his former lover and invited him.

"Huh? Coach, is it okay here?"

"Oh, what does it matter, Zuo Li is here, and he can't turn the sky." The German coach is not worried at all, don't forget what the Knicks were like before, this rookie is too naive, thinking that Zuo Li looks very sunny and easy to talk .

This is a strong man who came out of Harlem. How could he bring the Knicks to where he is now if he has no ability along the way.

I didn't look at whether it was the earliest Larry Hughes, or Randolph, or anyone else, when it comes to Zuo Li, they all give thumbs up, just a little Green...

tut tut~

"You think you are strong?"

At this time, Zuo Li had already stood in front of Green.


Green raised his head and wanted to make a relentless expression, but it was obvious that he underestimated the oppressive feeling left by Zuo Li.

Standing at 1.98 meters, he looked at Zuo Li with a feeling of being oppressed by a mountain.

This made him a little embarrassed, but thinking that he was determined to challenge Zuo Li, he made a fierce expression.

But no matter how you look at this expression... it's funny.

"There's a lot of confidence, which is a good thing."

"Then, let's have a game, don't you think you are a real man, then don't talk about it, use real actions, real swords and guns." Zuo Li threw the ball to Green.

"You can do whatever you want, no matter it's dirty or not, it doesn't matter if you make a foul, whatever, dare you."

"Of course! Then try it and let me teach you!" Looking at Zuo Li's flat expression, Green was a little scared.

After all, he is just a rookie now, and he is not the chasing dream with the champion in hand in the future. He was frightened by Zuo Li's aura.

But he still took it, and secretly thought about showing Zuo Li some color.

However, he overestimated himself too much and underestimated Zuo Li too much.

boom! Bang!


! "

Green was treated little tricks were nothing to Zuo Li, who was even more ruthless than him.

He also wanted to throw Zuo Li down, but was knocked to the ground by Zuo Li's carbine.

"Look, you have no ability. Blind self-confidence is stupid. You have to understand that your little moves are just leftovers from my play, and your skills and abilities are worthless in my opinion. If you It's not that we lack a fountain keeper, we won't even pick you."

"If you have been performing like this in the new season, then I don't think you will get a minute here. If you want to gain a foothold in the Knicks, you have to show your own level."

"This is the Dynasty team, what do you think?"

Zuo Li hit the ball on Green who was lying on the ground and couldn't recover for a long time.

No matter how temperamental you are, you have to keep it in New York. This is not a place where people can do whatever they want.

Moreover, although Green was tough enough in the previous life, he had too many dirty moves, and he couldn't understand many things. Basketball is for winning, but it's not about winning by hook or by crook.

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