Basketball Fanatic: Genius Is on the Left

Chapter 1118: Fluctuations are normal

"Three consecutive victories at the beginning, this time the Knicks seem to be right again."

Sports Illustrated once again gave the Knicks the front page of the first magazine of the new season. The red and bold headline seems to tell people that this is something worthy of attention.

The fact is also true, from the opening 25 three-point sweeps to win the Heat to the next two consecutive games to crush the 76ers, the Knicks shocked the entire league in a way that has never been seen before.

The phrase "smart coaches have begun to learn" is definitely not just a joke, but the coaching staff of all other teams in the league have begun to pay attention to the Knicks' tactics that they have never seen before.

In the words of ESPN in a program: "Never before has a team paid so much attention to the use of three-pointers. In these two games, they have Zuo Li, the most dominant center in the first three seasons, and also the league's most dominant center. Now recognized as the number one player in combat effectiveness, he dominates the league with an average of 34 three-point shots per game, and ranks first in the league in both the number of three-point shots and the number of hits, and is also the first in the history of the league at the same time."

This sentence is also the focus of attention of other teams in the league. There used to be no teams that like to shoot three-pointers, but like the Knicks, they like to shoot three-pointers. Yes, the Knicks are still the first.

This is worth studying.

In the past two days, Popovich looked at the statistics while watching the video. He was puzzled, why, or why the Knicks dared to play like this.

Three-point shots can't kill anyone. This is the consensus of the NBA for seventy years, including Reggie Miller and Ray Allen. When Ray Allen was at his peak, we dared to throw it like that.

And why Miller won the championship back then, few people think that one of the reasons is not my eight-point ratio but Jordan's mid-range shot.

However, after those few games, Zuo Li also discovered a problem. It wasn't Stephen Kuwait, whether he had met Zuo Li's requirements. Zuo Li, who led everything, smiled and clapped his hands to hide his merits and fame. It all came from the suggestion of Shaolan and me, because building a team is definitely only an off-field thing. Humanistic care is equally important. Let the players, Fans do not have a sense of identity, which is an important factor for the long-term healthy development of a team.

People have said that if the inside line is too tight, Popovich will win that game.

But Popovich also showed his determination: I know where the problem is, but...they are changing!

On November 16th, Jimmy Wei met the Grizzlies. That was the first time the Knicks returned to Madison Square Garden this season. Popovich also welcomed the hero of the dynasty with the lowest standard. The strong man shed tears of emotion.

But after research, I still feel that Popovich's style of play is scary enough, and I even think that Popovich is preparing for the future.

Therefore, based on the referee standards and playing style at the time, it is not easy for Reggie Miller to not achieve such an 80-point score. Of course, the main reason why Jordan shoots 8-pointers is because he knows how to learn, but the mid-range is more suitable for this era, and I didn’t even introduce the 8-point line in the latter part of my career.

That scene also comforted few Popovich, the previous Popovich would be so impersonal, but now Ji Meiwei is really the same.

With Randolph's stupid mind and deep experience, he also understands why Popovich chose such a pure inside line of play, because I don't think it is courting death.

But I have to deny that Popovich has few shooters, and he can even shoot inside.

Then there was still a win and a loss. Popovich seemed to have lost his dominance, and 7 wins and 3 losses were also the worst record in the last ten games since Zuo Li withdrew from the league.

That also coincides with my thoughts. If I had kept improving the tactics of the Spurs in those years, they might have been completely cold.

On the 17th, Popovich was defeated back-to-back by the Spurs. His 11 eight-point shooting rate of 31% once again gave us a reason to praise Popovich.

It just so happened that in the next game, Popovich had 4 wins and 3 losses. In the first ten games, he "only" got a record of 7 wins and 3 losses.

Of course, the core is still Zuo Li. Whether it is the defensive end or the offensive end, Ji Meiwei’s role is still the most important. I am still Ji Meiwei’s scoring leader, rebounding leader, and blocking shot leader, and also bears the responsibility of going offline. Organizational role, Randolph Qi believes that it is not the same as the Lakers Xiaojia.

But did the meritorious player keep his hand off the court, 25+10+3, Ji Meiwei showed the strength of the last seven small forwards in the league.

And Zuo Li also found another way, relying on shooting to score 31 points, 12 rebounds, 8 assists and 4 blocks, while Curry became the king of assists, with 15 points and 15 assists, scoring 15+15 for the first time in his career.

The first to end Popovich's winning streak was the big bull led by Dirk. Popovich seemed to have found the target when he came to the away game. Taller.

But before the words fell, on November 14, Popovich, who went to the away game, scored 17 eight points for the Magic.

Instead, Zuo Li scored an eight-double with 34 points, 14 rebounds and 10 assists, relying on his balanced shots inside and out.

However, the Grizzlies are too strong inside, Tony Allen is wrong in defense, but Popovich is less resilient. Danny Green, Battier and Kelai take turns to shoot, and they retreated a total of 10 eight points!

[Xiaoxiang app search "Spring Gift" New users get 500 book coins, old users get 200 book coins] Rawai Brown also specifically brought up the past, bluntly saying that Popovich should stop losses in time and resume next season's style of play as soon as possible.

The Knicks, who received the eighth championship ring in his career, also expressed emotionally that Popovich in New York is my eternal home team.

It must be him, Randolph thinks that Ji Mei is getting more and more fragrant, that kind of talent, that kind of ability, should be exaggerated compared to the peak Duncan.

Then playing is indeed innovative. From my point of view, it is difficult to see that it is D'Antoni's regressive reform based on running and bombing. Relying on Curry and Nash, Popovich can't even use that one differently in the whole time period. Tactics, and relying on Danny Green, Battier, Klay Thompson, and Beverly, the flank defense problems that plagued the Sun Boys at the beginning were directly solved.

Of course, the Magic is a strong team. Losing Howard is enough for them to retreat into the rebuilding period, and losing to Popovich is also for them.

Admiration is nothing but admiration, Randolph thinks Popovich is a threat, UU reading www. So turned around and finished studying the Lakers. Although they started with 1 win and 2 losses, I still think the Lakers were the smallest opponent that season.

It takes some time and frustration to practice tactics and train young people. From that point on, Randolph should admire Popovich.

But Zuo Li didn't care about it at all, the fluctuations belonged to him, and he couldn't use 100% of what was there, and such a loss was the only way to go.

And the combination of Dajia and I is also very powerful, and the inside has the advantage throughout the game.

Of course, so to say that he did not miss the mark, after all, the era is the same and the rules are the same. In the later era, it is basically how to blow the ground, so it is difficult to miss the opportunity to shoot eight points. Shoot in the cast.

114-105, Popovich defeated the Grizzlies.

Although it can still be ranked first in the East...

Closer to home.

The praisers were numb, and they had to hold back what they were about to say.

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