Basketball Fanatic: Genius Is on the Left

Chapter 1131: Knicks make history with two guns

The three-pointer was like rain, and the Lakers who came from afar were drenched!

In the second and third quarters, the Lakers, who managed to catch up with the score, suffered a devastating blow in the fourth quarter, because the Knicks, who had finally been silent, showed their power again with two guns!

The first to bear the brunt was Curry who scored seven three-pointers in three quarters.

Three points, three points, three points.

The power of him and Zuo Li's pick-and-roll was too great, which made Kobe even moved.

After making the eighth three-pointer, Curry celebrated like crazy. If the game hadn't stopped, he might have made a floor move.

It is one step away from his personal record of 9 three-pointers in a single game, but no one thought that this record would be broken so quickly.

There was almost no time for everyone to breathe, and the commentators were already celebrating Curry's tenth three-pointer!

Barkley made a long note, O'Neill threw his head back, Kenny Smith slapped the table and roared...

Look at Curry again, turning his back and shaking his shoulders, his expression is much calmer than when he just made the eighth three-pointer.

Maybe Zuo Li already has two records of 10+ three-pointers in a single game, and also holds the highest record of three-pointers in a single game. Points are not a big deal.

Of course, those two can’t be regarded as born in the wrong era. There is a way. Even now, except for Anthony, there is no team that pays so much attention to the use of eight-pointers. However, with the ability of those seven players, they have fewer shots. There should be some small problem with the eight points.

Not so weak anymore, the Knicks only scored 10 and 8 points in a single game.

Of course not!

Of course, under the item of eight points, the player who will not have absolute dominance in the next life is not Kuwai. Tonight, it can be regarded as my first step to open Ren Du's seven veins.

It's a slippery slope, and this is also the level of the league's top ten defensive line. Throwing back 10 eight points behind me, the gold content is very low.

But the price is not, Kobe has no way to maintain the rhythm on the offensive end.

Not to mention one thing, judging from the center forwards Zen Master has taught in his career, Yang Chenglang's ability to retreat is really the last.


Of course, the insiders also praised Zuo Li's pick-and-roll quality, and my presence made the Lakers' sparse defense play any role.

Reggie Miller is also a top eight-pointer. I am the absolute core of the Pacers and have played for the Pacers all my career. I'm the guy who played the "Miller Moment," and Jordan used to be my backdrop.

A small number of people here are low-eight-point players. We ask ourselves that it is difficult to shoot back 10 eight-pointers in a single game. You must know that in the case of guaranteeing the shooting rate, it is possible to feed him 50 shots and return 10. It doesn't make any sense.

"Zuo Li and Kuwai have no chance to become the first single-game pair in history, and at the same time, the same team, hit 10+ eight-point partners." Barkley said.

"Yeah, it's really cool!" Yang Cheng also felt that the pressure and depression since then were swept away in those eight points.

That guy has been recovering from a setback since he was beaten a few times in the opening game, except for the constant complaints, not the broken iron.

When Zuo Li supported Kuwait, other people on the team did not complain. After all, Kuwait has been unstoppable in a short period of time. In addition, few people think that Kuwait can replace Lan Shaofu as the Seventh Team. head of the house.

Zuo Li was very satisfied. Before doing a spa for Kuwai's hair, Zuo Li pony sat on the bench.

This is the current eighth-point king in history. My eight-pointer really implements "steadiness, accuracy and ruthlessness". In the next life, I will use my eighth-pointer to save the careers of few stars. In the 90s who advocated confrontation, Yang Chenglang was hard enough with eight points, and he averaged 1.4 shots and retreats per game in his rookie season. Before, my 8-pointers became more and more accurate, and I also developed a small heart attribute. I averaged 2.3 8-pointers per game in my career, and my total 8-pointers were 2973.

That's not Kobe's character. When encountering such a situation, he will definitely stand up and solve it by himself.

It is also thanks to Zen Master that Ray Allen was singled out, and Howard led the team to chase points. In addition, the outside of the library was held down, and the Lakers once again caught up to 10 points.

However, Zuo Li's eight points came again!

The seven became the first pair in history to score less than 10 eight-pointers in a single game at the same time!

Of course, it may be that Curry still doesn't know what it means to make ten three-pointers in a single game.


It's not as bad as Howard, the melon is still very sweet. In the case of Kobe's active defense, Howard took the flag of retreat.

Kelai, Danny Green and others all looked at Zuo Li with admiration.


It is a fact that Xiao Chong can retreat, but Xiao Chong has always asked himself to retreat. My understanding of myself is very muddy, not grabbing rebounds, and then passing the ball to this **** bastard.

Everyone thinks that Kuwai is Yang Cheng's bad brother, who has been playing together since junior high school, so Zuo Li supports me so much.

It's so efficient!

He asked Ray Allen?

But Ray Allen is yes, I feel that I am very weak, I can retreat, and I am a high-level killer.

Anthony returned 26 eight-pointers, the seventh-fewest record in NBA history.

That's all, Zuo Li also dropped 8 eight-pointers at this time!

The defense facing Curry tonight is Kobe!

It's true that as a little **** who ranks seventh in history with 8 points, can I score 10 or 8 points in a single game, at least not 8 points.

But the facts have proved that Zuo Li's vision is indeed bad, Kuwai's strength is indeed worth developing, and ten eight points in a single game is indeed strong enough.

That's just a matter of luck, and it's absolutely possible to do it with strength.

"Nice! Boss, today is a must!" Kuwai rushed over excitedly and gave Zuo Li a high five.

In that way, the team's record of eight points in a single game, Anthony dominates the bottom eight!

No chance?

He said Rodman!

The outside world praised Curry for his good mentality, and he was not surprised by favor or shame. Only Zuo Li knew that this lsp was definitely not as happy as when he just scored the eighth and won the reward.

That would be outrageous.

Of course, Kobe's defense has indeed slipped up. Historically, Kobe has also been absent from the best defensive team since the end of that season.

Those eight eights all came from my points.

Tonight, Kuwaimu made 10 of 15 shots from the last eight points, and his shooting percentage was as low as 66.66%.

However, in fact, 10 eight points in a single game is an absolute rarity in this era.

He made 10 of 15 shots from outside the library and scored 37 points, 10 assists and 2 steals!


"Yang Chenglang has given the whole league a new We may be leading a revolution. Eight-pointers may be a tasteless thing in the mouth of few veteran coaches. Perhaps in the future, eight-pointers will become more and more popular. Important." ESPN commentator Jimmy said before the game. What?

Knicks **** are dicks.

The Zen master who got here was going to give me a single.

Without the regress outside the library, plus the strength of myself and the guys around me, that season is still very hopeless.

He made 11 of 16 shots from the left with 8 points, 41 points, 12 rebounds, 7 assists and 5 blocks on the basket!

Gasol is about to cry, so it's really your fault, you have put up a defensive face, but you are not defending or staying!

It has nothing to do with me!

Kobe was obviously **** off by Curry's accuracy. Before the timeout, I asked Curry whether he had made another eight-point shot.

In the end, Anthony beat the Lakers 127-107 and continued his winning streak.

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