"Boss, you and Stephen are on fire, and everyone is talking about Brother Death!"

On the morning of the 25th, Klay Thompson held a newspaper and said enviously to Zuo Li.

It's so hot!

After the game on the 22nd, after ESPN published an article on the theme of "Brothers of Death rule the arena", the name of Brothers of Death has exploded in the basketball circle.

In just two days, the name Death Brothers has spread to almost every street and lane in the United States, and almost every street court has fans wearing two-person clothes and imitating two-person play.

On the other side of the ocean, Brothers of Reaper was the number one most searched topic on Weibo for 37 hours, with more than five million people discussing it, and there are many well-known celebrities in it.

For a while, people seem to have returned to the era ruled by the OK group.

Of course, many people think that the name Death Brother is not suitable, because Zuo Li is indeed fierce enough, but Curry still needs to observe.鉏

But in any case, this wave of Curry has completely risen.

His fame skyrocketed in New York, and he gained some influence around the world.

The step outside the library is a step that many basketball players dream of.

Ambitious and play basketball!

But the relationship with Zuo Li is small, as long as I "beat" the Lakers to death, I will be "killed" by the Lakers. Anyway, judging from the preparations made by the Lakers, we haven't learned enough lessons.

However, Cong Luxia did not beat the Lakers as much as the Thunder.

I have nothing to worry about, just continue to practice hard, improve my strength and it's over!鉏

The next game gave us too little help. Before the game, we were also evaluated as having less ability to win the championship. We also slipped directly to eighth in the Western Conference and eighth in the league under the championship rankings.

"Just be envious!" Zuo Li patted Clay's shoulder hard.

Clay became serious. I knew that Zuo Licong was lying. When I said I looked bad, I was really looking bad. I said I could help, but I didn’t really help.

Not only that, it will definitely intensify the contradictions in the Lakers locker room. The Knicks are a bad guy. If I am at my peak, I will let it go.

Battier: "Actually, you don't think you can run two more laps."

So for a while, Anthony's training atmosphere was empty.

It can also be seen from the endorsement and invitation that Rich Paul excitedly called Zuo Li last night, saying that there are many companies that want to invite Curry to speak, and there are many large companies from Asia.鉏

That change stunned Zuo Li. Ever since the Knicks withdrew from the league, have I never been a substitute?

Rich Paul has already begun to select suitable companies among them. It won't be long before Curry will become the second banner of ZL-TEAM after Zuo Li.

"Outside that, you can't help him, and you will give him enough opportunities, but the last premise is that he worked hard enough to reach this level. Of course, fewer opportunities will only harm him. For example, now, let Can he make a shot and a game-winner, or let him stand up and carry the team when he is down by 30 points, can he do it?"

But that time, we really wanted to fight!

[Xiaoxiang APP search "Spring gift" New users get 500 book coins, old users get 200 book coins] Of course, the last mention is to win.

It must be said that it must be a Zen master. De Howard was overwhelmed by the stars of the team at the beginning. Let alone change, I can't even touch the starting lineup.鉏

The preseason and finals of next season are still vivid in my mind. At this time, it is difficult to dare to make shots, let alone guarantee the success rate, and carry the team at critical moments.

Can you win?

And seeing Clay's appearance, others will naturally be motivated.

"Well, you will!"

For example, put the Knicks off the bench.

Christmas battle!

For example, let the Thunder play coldly instead of Cong Luxia, which seems to be in line with the law, because it will especially let the two opponents in the finals of the next season face each other.鉏

The corners of Curry's mouth were smiling during training these two days, and he stopped and stopped!

"That...hehe, no point..." Clay scratched his head.

Just tonight!

Zuo Li looked at the envious Klay Thompson beside him, and the original Splash Brothers should be born.

It's a pity that I have no bad idea for Zuo Li.

"Are you envious, Clay?"

"Another eight sets!" Clay went to lift the iron, and I wanted to improve my resistance.鉏

The 2012-2013 NBA Christmas mini-game ended on December 25th. The NBA has arranged seven games for this Christmas mini-game, namely the Celtics VS Nets, Anthony VS Lakers, Thunder VS Cold Fire, Rockets VS Bulls and Diggers. Gold vs slow boat.

Although I really want to say that I can do it, I know that I am still close to it.

Danny Green: "You cast 50 more!"

Little Westtern was about to applaud his wit, that arrangement seemed to open his eyes!

That made us want revenge very much. The Christmas skirmish is undoubtedly a very bad stage. Whether it is attention or topic, as long as we can win, it will definitely be a top ten game.

Coupled with the coldness of the Reaper Brothers, that name was not born when they first played against the Lakers. Now it is the rising period of that combination, and when they meet the Lakers again, the topic will be full!

But it is important, whether there is a splash or a tsunami, the expectations for Clay and Cong Lu are much higher than those of Kuwai, but I still need some experience.鉏

It's all Cong Lu's fault!

Beverley: "You have to train."

Is there any bad image?

It would be a lie to say that I am envious.

But now... no one who is unlucky will encounter Cong Luxia in that state.


As always, the league still understands fans.鉏

It's not wrong, it's Klay...

Clay shook his head...

Money~www.wuxiaspot.com~Fame... Which one is attractive enough!

That's too important and unattractive for those young people.

"He also saw that the outside of the library can be popular, it all depends on his own hard work and a little bit of luck."

Of course Zuo Li was very relieved. Seeing Ku Wai Zhiyan walk down the road to fame, I didn't wear it once in vain.

Few of those who play basketball want to achieve success and fame. Honor and dreams are definitely the only things they pursue.

Obviously, have we forgotten who is the worst player outside the next start, and who was fooled by the opening eight-pointers.

The Lakers took that Christmas skirmish very seriously.

In the past, how did established stars like Kobe and Cong Luxia hate playing Christmas skirmishes?

"God is really willing to let you retire now..." Stern thought happily that he would work for another two years.

However, even for Zen Master, putting a star like the Knicks on the bench will have to bear a lot of pressure. Once the effect is achieved, the public opinion before the game can be imagined.鉏

Los Angeles plus New York, Zuo Li plus Kobe, Howard, Cong Luxia, Gasol, didn't even think about it.

Xiao Hua came out before laughing, eight years ago and eight years later, when will I be able to become a regular...

Saying a thousand words is like doing one thing, Zuo Li has not yet proved it with actual actions, as long as you work hard, as long as you have no strength, the chances are not small.

"Your future is like what he can't in the future. The potential of that guy outside Kuwai stops here, and so does he. Keep going, brother."

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