Basketball Fanatic: Genius Is on the Left

Chapter 1135: Sorry Corvo, I may not be able to eat the rice (below...

The heart of the Lakers is very cold. Ao

Especially Steve Blake.

With 3 minutes and 45 seconds left in the first quarter, the Lakers trailed by 6 points, but who would have thought that before 40 seconds, the two sides were still tied.

It was the Death Brothers who changed all this, but one used defense and the other used three-pointers.


Sauce purple cast?

Just after half court, fast break, no one in front of you, only Blake around, you shoot a three?

Moreover, it's fine if you shoot a three-pointer, and you're still so far away? Ao

Blake really wanted to press Curry's head and tell him that that's the three-point line, not just one step past the LOGO!

"You...forget it." Artest wanted to curse but stopped, he knew, how could Blake be blamed for this ball, he never thought that Curry would make a shot from that position.

However, it was Artest who went down, a defensive problem, but when Jingmei jumped up and stretched her arms to shoot, she even touched the defender on the left face...

The Zen master who threw the ball was in a cold sweat. Although the result was a goal, he was not envious at all, because thinking about the result of not making a goal, was it as shocking as making it.

16 points in one quarter is fine, not yet eight points, eight of eight, two dunks, one tip-up, 4 rebounds, 4 assists and 2 blocks.

Zen master felt that although Zuo Li should be held inside, this is not the way to make me the most threatening.

Battier had a heart and a lung, and went down with a smirk. Ao

Anthony narrowed the point difference to 10 points!

Is that really a German handsome conspiracy?

Since resistance is useful, enjoy it!

Zuo Li made a big move, and all of them jumped!

Not too slow?

[Xiaoxiang APP searched for "Spring Gift" New users get 500 book coins, old users get 200 book coins] 29-36, the Lakers narrowed the score to 7 points with 4 seconds left in the first place.

Dejing Meiyu was also terrified when she first learned about Zuo Li and Kuwai's style of play. Ao

When Zuo Li rushed to half court with the ball, the Lakers remembered to block it.

Because the attack and defense of the left standing in the opening game made me very happy.

What the hell, who would have thought of that!


A trumpet cap!

It's not a bad shot.

However, Anthony made a comeback with an elevator door tactic. At that time, small guard Lee and the Knicks locked Gasol directly at the free throw line, so that when the left stand pocket came out to receive the ball, there was no time to limit further progress and scored eight points. Line and then shot. Ao

Catch the ball, shake your shoulders, take a step, kick your legs, stay in the air, lean forward, and shake your wrists.

Of course, as the game recedes, I also want to praise them, because those two are not monsters, so throwing, the eight-point shooting percentage is lower than the other, so why do I care, I need to encourage it!

Jing Meiyu's eyes were burning, but Kobe chose to ignore me.

Lakers fans closed their eyes sometimes...

Kobe assisted Howard, Jing Meiyu was a threat at the top of the arc, and the seasoned Knicks couldn't stop Howard from dropping mid-range shots.

Battier is full of offense and defense, and I proved my worth in the last round!

Anthony Jingmei is a real little guy now, and her words are more useful than mine, so my approval is useless. Ao

However, before the words fell, the ball that floated out was caught by Zuo Li who was standing below the eight-point line.

"Anthony is playing worse and worse now. If it takes a long time, the whole league will be our fans." Kenny Smith said.

So now De Howard cares about how we make a shot, as long as the tactics are executed, it will be over.

However, Jing Meiyu's nightmare has yet to begin. Jing Mei fires all the way forward and scores consecutively inside, while Battier can only follow the switchback...

"OMG—so accurate, left stand, a super long eight points from 40 yards!" Barkley shouted.

Anthony has good tactics, defense, counterattack, and repulsion.

"Hey... then you probably have enough food..." Zuo Li under the bench shook his head and sighed, those guys were too ruthless. The ball goes directly into the pocket! Ao

That's not the power of consecutive eight-pointers. I will let the opponents consciously retreat into their rhythm. This is not the case. I also want to shoot eight-pointers and retreat in response.

Kuwai is simply not dancing under the tip of a knife. If he is big-hearted, he will fight back against his team.

Battier was still roaring angrily.

Coupled with that mentality, it is difficult for him to maintain a stable mentality on his teammates' consecutive eight-pointers.

That's human! ?

However, just when people thought the first quarter would be like that, Anthony slowed down the baseline.

Battier was very happy. Ao

I would let my team members do that no matter what, but... I don't feel like Dejing Meiyu is enjoying it.

The DJ shouted excitedly: "Kobe Bryant!!"

One word awakens the dreamer!

That was an era when it was better to shoot two long points than to shoot three-pointers.

Kobe responds to the ball.

"Steady and steady!" Kobe shouted to his teammates.

"Coach, even if he refuses, it will actually change what he is." Ao

Two fairy **** in one quarter, and others such as dunks and lobs are also endless, and Anthony's viewing pleasure has doubled again.

Then Zuo Li was replaced by Anderson, Battier finally smiled...

The Zen master still thinks less.

You have to call back!

In a wave, the Lakers fell behind by 20 points!

It was Nash's words that reminded me.

"You?????*&@*..." Ao

Is there any suspense!


Back again!

Seven people, seven eight points...

As a result, I was cut by Zuo Li in the first round, and then Zuo Li hit me one after another, which made me look good.

Someone defends.

The bad thing is that we have also learned a lesson. Since there is a legal defense, this is the way to deal with it. He hits his, and you hit yours. Ao

When the red light is on, someone has a chance, and everyone is watching the trajectory of the ball!


The Zen master off the court turned and glanced at D'Antoni. If the German coach took the initiative to arrange for Curry to shoot like this, then this coach is indeed a bit scary.

Kuwai was overturned to the ground, and the commentator whispered: "Stephen Kuwai paid the price for his recklessness!"

The morale of the Lakers fell again. Zen master had to use Battier in the seventh quarter, hoping to use the two towers inside to restrain Zuo Li and let me stop being so sloppy.

"Then, someone can stop you!"

I am very proud I thought to myself, how about it, I still have to rely on you to make a move! Ao

Staples went silent...

It can be played, but the content is extremely low...

Do we really want to hit the morale of the Lakers in that way?

However, outside the library, Danny Green, the Knicks, Klay...

Battier: "..."

You must call back!

"It's you D'Antoni..." Ao

This seems completely unreasonable, and it belongs to the level of being scolded if it happens in training, which is the new century. If this happened in the 1970s and 1980s, Curry would have been sent down by the coach long ago.


Here you go!

Now it's the Lakers' turn to have a headache again. How can I defend against that thing? There is no way to defend against it.

If so, that De Howard is really not qualified to be compared with me.

It has been done outside the library.

Eight points at the buzzer! Ao

There is a way, even if he retreats two points, he will lose, and only eight points can stop eight points.

Must be locked on my inside line!

Kobe's roar was timely, the Lakers stabilized, and the ball continued to be handed over to Kobe and Howard. Through Gasol's coping ability, the Lakers clung to the point difference.

"Here we go, here we go again, with eight consecutive eight points, which belonged to the attack wave of Kuwai and Zuo Lidu. The eight points rained down, and the point difference ran to ten points." Barkley said.

This is unreasonable!

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