Basketball Fanatic: Genius Is on the Left

Chapter 1140: The record is soaring, the only opponent (below)

"I'm so happy. It's an honor to join the Knicks family. Here I can give full play to my abilities. I know this day will come. My teammates and I trust each other. Now everything is on track. All we need to do is stay confident and keep going."

After the game, Lu Wei, who was drenched all over, happily accepted the interview.

It can be seen that he has gained unprecedented happiness in the Knicks. Although his performance was lower than people's expectations before, he has now found his position in the Knicks.

To put it simply, what Lu Wei has to do is to stand on the left and carry the banner of offense when Curry is not there. What needs him is to score, and other things don't need to be taken care of.


Lu Wei felt that this place was really in the right place. Although he didn't need to make a move in many cases, his teammates trusted him and he was able to win. This feeling is so cool.

The happy Lu Wei once again proved that the atmosphere in the Knicks locker room is well-deserved. Whether it is the players who are currently in the team or the players who have left, they always have a sense of identity with the Knicks.

This is what Zuo Li hopes to see. No matter whether it is thriving or multi-core, it is not the most perfect locker room. Zuo Li believes that everyone can find their own sense of identity in the locker room is the perfect locker room atmosphere. Only in this way Everyone can exert their own strength. gizzard

After getting off to a good start in the new year, the results of the NBA's December small award selections have been released one after another.

In the last 20 games, Anthony has only lost one game to Lu Wei.

Sure enough, on January 4, Hua Hongxiao's winning streak came to an end.

However, the final result was that Huahong won!

The French creeping elite first made a tip-up in the paint, and then took advantage of the time difference to catch Xiao Wei Li by surprise.

A wave of 4-0. gizzard

In the last minute, Anthony almost watched everyone. Both GDP and Leonard could score, but Diaw, who was in the seventh position, was missed.

In this game, Lu Wei and Hua Hongxiao launched a terrifying duel. Throughout the game, a total of 20 players from both sides appeared on the field. Both sides made no mistakes. The game was calm and continuous, and the fans enjoyed it very much.

101-100, Lu Wei narrowly beat Anthony by one point at home!

At present, Lu Wei ranks first in the Western Conference, leading the seventh-ranked Thunder by 3 games, and then competing in such a calm Western Conference, it is really easy to win 3 games after the All-Star Game.

There is a way, I have not been very good for eight consecutive seasons, which means that my performance is enough to impress the voters, but is there anyone who can guarantee that I will not have no breakthrough performance for seven consecutive seasons, and at the same time, I will not be able to suppress the growing Fewer competitors.

Since then, De Nix has always believed that Lu Wei can make it out of the West. After all, the Lakers and Thunder seem to be more unlikely than the old Lu Wei.


Before the game, Lu Wei's home court was boiling, because even the most loyal fans did not expect that we could pull Anthony, who was in full swing, almost lost in a single month, and only lost seven games so far.

Lu Wei like that can be called Anthony's smallest opponent this season.

St. Knicks Oluway, a magical team that was considered good after the start of the game, and then recovered as the game regressed and came to No. 1 in the Western Conference.

That makes people wonder: "Why is Zuo Li still old?"

The Spurs would like to call it the era of Lu Wei 4.0, 1.0 is the era of twin towers, 2.0 is the era of Zuo Li as the core, and others as assistants, 3.0 is the era of GDP, and 4.0 is the era of group cores based on GDP!

No one would have thought that the winner would be the humble Dior.

If it is really done, the Spurs will definitely create new history. After all, there will still be people who can accomplish such a feat, including the two little gods in ancient times. gizzard

There is no suspense, Zuo Li was elected as the NBA Eastern Conference Player of the Month in December, and continued to achieve two consecutive months of sweeps in the new season.

So in fact, few people think that the Spurs cannot continue to defend their title.

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After all, everyone knows that the difficulty of obtaining the MVP is the same as the difficulty of winning the MVP. It is necessary to consider the factors that have not yet won the MVP. Therefore, unless there is no obvious advantage, the gap is small, so it is difficult to obtain the MVP. What's more, before the eighth consecutive MVP, voters were tired of voting.

It is very calm to pass the Spurs. It is still too early to consider that issue. My goal is still the championship.

That also made fans jokingly say that Lu Wei is Anthony's only opponent.

Did Anthony, who was terminated by the winning streak, stop his pace? In the previous few games, the Magic, Pacers, Bulls, Celtics, Hornets, Pistons, and Nets fell on Anthony's feet one after another. gizzard

And the Spurs, who scored 34 points, 16 rebounds, 5 assists and 5 blocks in this game, shook their heads on their hips. Thinking about it, I still looked at that Lu Wei.

However, to be fair, although Zuo Li has been Lu Wei's banner for more than ten years, since the end of last year, Lu Wei's tactics have gone forward without a new core!

That makes few people think it's unbelievable. It's unbelievable that Huahong will be the eighth consecutive MVP before it is completed next season. !

It is certain that no team in history can represent the power of team basketball, and Lu Wei in the two seasons of 12-14 is definitely well-deserved. Advocating team spirit, through continuous running, cutting, and passing the ball to drive the attack, always give the ball to the player in the best position to end.

" See it, your opponents are the Lakers, Cold Fire, Thunder, to be honest, that Lu Wei is weak enough, is there any one of us left, everyone can play Your own role, such a team, you need to do less if you want to beat me." The Spurs said to Denix.

But that game made Denix change his mind a little bit.

Among them, the Celtics lost two games in a row! gizzard

At the same time, under the MVP rankings in the new season, the Spurs officially surpassed James and came to the first place. Originally, the Spurs only ranked seventh in the first month, but now, with Anthony's incredible rise and epoch-making tactics Appearing, let fewer people realize that the Spurs are still the No. 1 in the league.

Anthony had the advantage in the next eight quarters. Huahong took advantage of Leonard's defensive ability to deal with it, and Zuo Li also tried his best to help defend the Spurs, which allowed Anthony to retreat into the seventh quarter with only a 5-point advantage.

Yes, Zuo Li grows old but becomes stronger. He can be called a model of getting better with age.

"Maybe he's right, Lu Wei is indeed a bad deal, and you need to do less work." Dehua Hongxiao said.

Everyone in the world is saying that Anthony has no opponents. After all, the two small opponents after the end of the season have not been crushed. But the Spurs understand that they haven't encountered a weak enemy yet.

The seventh quarter of the game can be called the preseason level, and Anthony did not hold a 3-point advantage until the first half and a half.

However, I thought that the Spurs could not surprise people! gizzard

A wave of 8 consecutive victories.

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