Basketball Fanatic: Genius Is on the Left

Chapter 351: Beautiful misunderstanding, deviated style

Little Ewing doesn't spar with Zuo Li every game. Only when Zuo Li needs to do flanking training will he come on the court as a moving pillar.

Although it was not him who was mainly hit, but the trainer holding the sponge pad, but training, collisions are common, and Zuo Li has not been conservative recently. He was hitting with all his strength, and the confrontation is definitely strong enough. .

So taking advantage of the training gap, Xiaoyou came to complain about the decision, and stumbled over to lie on the floor and pretend to be dead.

"Hurry up and comfort me, comfort me~!" The corners of Little Ewing's mouth, who was lying on the ground, were raised.


Looking at the appearance of Little Ewing lying on the floor, all the onlookers tacitly ignored it, and continued to watch Zuo Li's training.

Dragic: "Tsk, I always feel that the boss's confrontation ability is stronger. When I came this morning, it was only 7 o'clock, and the boss felt that he had been practicing in the gym for a while."

Du Hong: "What's the matter? When I left last night, the boss was still there. It is estimated that there is no 1 o'clock but 12 o'clock. Squatting 280kg, 8 sets, the barbell is bent, tsk tsk, this strength, really Absolutely."

"Is there really no problem with this exercise..." Randolph said while looking at his stomach, his strength was strong enough, but he still couldn't do the 280kg group. Do you want to switch to a strong man after practicing like this...

"It's okay, O'Neal also had this strength at his peak. Isn't it rumored that he can squat 300kg?" David Lee said, touching his head.

Randolph rolled his eyes when he heard the words: "So why do you think that guy is called 'Big Shark', do you think it's just a name that reads like? Besides, that guy weighed 340 pounds at his peak, right? Zuo Licai weighed?!"

"That's true, but the boss's ability to confront is obvious to all. It's normal to have such a weight, not to mention the peak O'Neal, the current O'Neal can't fight the boss head-on, so Dayao Neng and the boss are behind their backs. As soon as he broke his wrist, Howard couldn't hold it." David Lee continued.

"Fuck, Zuo Li looks even more awesome when you say that." Randolph touched his head. Zuoli No. 5's body weight is about 125 kilograms, which is a 90-pound gap, which is a full sister. There is only such a small difference in the weight of the squat.

300kg is not too difficult for a professional strongman. For example, the top strongman in later generations, "Magic Mountain", has a height of 2.06 meters, a weight of 189 kg, and a full 440 kg of squat.

But for basketball players, it is generally impossible, and there is no need to do it. After all, there is a specialization in the surgery industry, which is not a sport at all.

But the fact that he can do so much squat also reflects Zuoli's lower plate strength. It is no wonder that he can confront Dayao and Ao Pang head-on.

The onlookers exclaimed in exclamations, and the cognition of Zuo Li's arrogance went to a higher level.

Little Ewing, who was lying on the ground for a long time, said, "Aren't you guys human? I've been lying here for 5 minutes and no one cares about me!"

Crows fly over...

"That Zuoli is hanging, I should also strengthen it..."

"Indeed, look at this confrontation, it's awesome!"

"Absolutely, my role model!"

Little Ewing: "..."

But the arrogance is arrogant. After flirting with little Ewing, why Zuo Li suddenly worked so hard for extra training and strength training has aroused everyone's curiosity.

"What do you know!" Larry Hughes, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly spoke up.

"Huh? Larry, when you're done talking, what are you talking about?"

"I mean, Zuo Li is probably not reconciled." Larry Hughes looked up at the sky, the classic 45 degrees.


"You think Zuo Li doesn't want to keep winning, it's not because of our lack of strength. We are in such a good situation, who wouldn't want to win if we can win, but in fact, our ability is not enough. Look at the arrogant Cavaliers next door and their fans, it is estimated that Zuo Li is stimulated and ready to further strengthen himself." Larry Hughes analyzed.

Listen to what you have to say, just like to listen to what you have to say.

"So it is!" Dragic clapped his hands heavily: "Then I have to work hard!"

"Yes, yes, the boss works so hard and I can't pull it down. I won't go to the nightclub."

"Hey, I still have to go to sparring."

"There are not many young people who work so hard, hurry up and don't waste other people's efforts."

"Tsk, I have to squat too, barbell, here I come!"

Zuo Li: "???"

The story seems to have gone off track for some reason, do I mean it?

"That's why Mao is gone." Zuo Li, who just finished training, was about to drag a few people to have a meal...

Larry Hughes turned north, hiding his merits and fame.

After the massage, he soaked in ice water and returned to the apartment to rest for a while. Zuo Li checked the time. Today is March 10th, and it has been 5 days since he started training. I have to say that the situation is normal. Squatting or anything else is the amount that can be done before Zuo Li, the progress can be said to be there, but it is not so exaggerated.

This is of course understandable, even if you go to the gym weight loss coach will tell you that this is not something that can be done overnight.

So Zuo Li didn't care, he simply cleaned up, and went to a gym not far from the apartment. Tomorrow will be two consecutive days of back-to-back competitions. Zuo Li is going to strengthen himself before going to bed. Focus on the game itself.

The gym at 10 p.m. is still lively. If you come to the United States, you will find that in addition to bars and nightclubs, the gym is also one of the places where many people spend their evenings.

However, Zuoli's gym is a bit special. He is not open to the, but is a membership system. The threshold is very high, so the people who come here are generally Wall Street white-collar workers or people like Zuo Li. athlete.

"Hey, Wallace, it's the same." He said hello to the assistant, Zuo Li briefly warmed up and started training again.

Just as Zuo Li was preparing to warm up with a 20kg barbell plate for deadlifting, a white man came over coquettishly: "Hey, hey, deadlifting isn't like this, a barbell plate is still playing deadlifting?"

Zuo Li was confused, who is this, the gym coach came to sell the class?

"Sorry, no private tutoring."

White man: "..."

"No, you don't know me?"

"Need to know..."

"Okay okay okay." The white man looked a little frustrated, and then shouted angrily: "Duel, big man, deadlift, I want to tell you, who is the real man!"

Zuo Li: "..." Where did this person come from? He's crazy. Sure enough, the quality of the American people still needs to be improved. Isn't it just not buying classes...

"I reject."

"Are you afraid?"

"The trick is too bad, let's have something new."


"Just ask if you're coming!"

"Okay, if you have to look for abuse." Zuo Li spread his hands, anyway, he was going to practice, so he should be warming up.

So after Zuo Li took turns to abuse, the white man finally surrendered...

"Huhuhu~ I won't come, I won't come, you are a real man."

Zuo Li was speechless: "Your words are easy to misunderstand, do you know that?"

"What a misunderstanding, I'm straight, but my strength is not as good as you." The white man admitted that he had misunderstood. Now that a big guy in the gym is so awesome, times have changed.

But why does this Asian look familiar...

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