Basketball Fanatic: Genius Is on the Left

Chapter 941: this is the end lebron

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"Yes, we lost, but I don't think we'll be coming back here."

After the Eastern Conference Finals G4, facing the reporter's interview, Zuo Li said in the most flat tone: I said the most ruthless words.


Yes, this is the goal of Zuo Li.

In fact, Zuo Li had a premonition of the result of G4, although he really wanted to sweep and advance. Before this game, the Knicks had won an astonishing 11-game winning streak in the playoffs, only one game away from tying the three-round sweep of the division maintained by the two legendary teams of the 01 Lakers and the 96 Bulls to enter the finals record of.

Moreover, as long as they win another game, the Knicks will also achieve a season sweep of the Heat. If it is done, it will be 8-0. For the Knicks, pressing the Heat, the most fierce Big Three in history, to the ground for the entire season will not only make the Knicks more legendary this season, but also make the Heat completely a laughing stock .

Therefore, no matter from which point of view, there is no reason not to pursue sweeping.

However, it is a pity that the absence of Curry and Randolph, as well as the factors of the Heat's home court itself, make it very difficult for the Knicks to win this G4.

The fact is also the same. The rest of the Knicks players have tried their best in this game, and also ushered in a long-lost explosion from the bench, but in the end it was still a little bit short.

Simple statistics, the Heat made 32 free throws in this game, 32-25, while the Knicks only had 18, 18-15. Calculated according to the shooting percentage, if the Knicks can take a similar number of free throws, the Eastern Conference Finals may It's all over.

James and Wayne made 11 free throws, and the other 16. For comparison, the left-hander in the paint only made 8 free throws, which is only half of Wade's.

The data don't lie, that's all there is to say, everyone knows everything.

But Zuo Li didn't care. Of course it would be nice to be able to sweep, but he wasn't bothered. It's just that he wouldn't let the Heat win the next game.

Zuo Li's words were resounding, and after reaching the ears of the Heat players, it directly cooled the heat's locker room.

The corner of Spoel's mouth twitched, wanting to say something, such as "Zuo Li is farting", "We'll win for them to see", "Let them see the price of underestimating us" and so on.

But he can't tell...

It's not that he was overwhelmed by Zuo Li, or afraid of anything, and Spoelstra is too aware of the Heat's situation at this time.

He knows how the Heat won the ball, and Zuo Li is really too strong. In this game, they used flanking interference and the help of the referee, so that Zuo Li only scored 28 points and 14 rebounds. The limit is reached. And in the next game, they will go to Madison Square Garden again. At that time, can they still restrain Zuo Li...

It was Wade who stood up and said: "Let Zuo Li go to hell, we can definitely fight!

! "

Wade deserves to be the soul of the Heat. At this time, he is the only one who dares to stand up and say this, and no one will doubt Wade's sincerity. There is absolutely nothing to say about the team. Whether it is playing with an injury, taking the initiative to cut salary, or helping the team recruit his brothers, Wade has done everything impeccable.

However, it may be because he was too loyal to the Heat, but was deceived by the other party as a fool.

What happened around 2010 has already been said before, and everyone knows how the team changed from the big head to the second head in history, and I just talk about things that have not happened yet.

Historically, when the Heat were defeated by the Spurs in 2014, Wade chose to give up the $10 million contract during the offseason to keep the team's Big Three lineup and allow James to get the maximum salary, but in the end James was not moved. Joining the Cavaliers, which made all of Wade's efforts go in vain.

Later, Wade was plagued by injuries, which also allowed Laili to find an opportunity to lower the price. After all, in Laili's mind, Wade was never worth the maximum salary, so in front of a humiliating contract, Wade finally said no, so In the end, he was directly abandoned by the Heat.

Then he wanted to go to his ex-brother LeBron James. However, after coming to the Cavaliers, he averaged less than 10 points per game because he had no tactical status.

Then he was given up by the Cavaliers, so Wade started his wandering journey.

Zuo Li didn't see the rest, but it's not difficult to guess. After all, there are too many such things in the NBA, and it's nothing more than retiring with regret.

It can only be said that Wade's loyalty to the Heat and his brotherhood to Lao Zhan directly changed his career.

But it's a pity that Wade, who is about to make a comeback in the fifth game, doesn't know all this, otherwise he doesn't know if he will make such a choice.

And he didn't know that the thoughts of the silent old Zhan beside him also fluctuated.

Although he regained a victory tonight, the past few days are probably the most difficult days of James' career so far. Even when he announced to join the Heat last summer, which caused criticism from the entire league, James has never been so uncomfortable.

Because he came to the Heat with the aim of being a champion, so it doesn't matter if he gets scolded for this, as long as he can win.

But now?

3-0, no team in NBA history has ever achieved a 0-3 comeback. He also asked himself, can he do it?

However, the answer is not very good.

At this moment, no one can fully understand James' inner feelings. After all, the other two people have not encountered such a big controversy like him.

Now, perhaps the only good news is that the Heat have not been eliminated, if the Heat can capture New York, then this round of the series will return to Miami.

But... so what, even if it is 3-2, who can guarantee that they will hold the next home court.

And if they lose, the most powerful Big Three in history won't even be able to make it to the finals...

No need to ask, everyone knows what will happen.

So, James wavered...

No way, this is James this season, his mentality is definitely the most unstable in all seasons of his career, otherwise the previous finals would not be like this.

And this has also become a hidden danger before the start of G5.

Moreover, no one expected that this hidden danger would explode so quickly!

On May 26, Game 5 of the Eastern Conference Finals kicked off at Madison Square Garden.

The New York fans were not at all sad that they had just been recovered by their opponents. On the contrary, they didn't know how happy they were.

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Record? Sweep?

Oh **** ho, how can these people be happy watching the team advance to the scene!

New York fans can't wait for the team to advance in front of them This is perfect for them.

As for the New York management, they are even happier. After all, although the Knicks have never been short of money, who doesn't want to sell tickets for another game, which is all real money.

The alliance is also very happy. After all, although the sweep is fierce, it is not very beneficial to the alliance, and Stern is relieved to play one more game.

But that's it. Many people at the scene felt that it was time for the Eastern Conference finals to end.

Of course, except for the Heat.

Although 1-3 behind, or an away game, the Heat are still high-spirited, Wade bear the brunt, he vowed to take the team home.

But next door, Zuo Li and James gave a fatal blow when they greeted: "This is it, LeBron, the season is over."

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