Basketball Fanatic: Genius Is on the Left

Chapter 993: unexpected effect

"Hello? LeBron? Which LeBron? I don't know LeBron?"

"Hahahaha... Just kidding, don't be angry, I know you are LeBron James, didn't you go to a meeting with Stern."

"What? Want to join my team? You team is not short of"

"Ahem, if you can bring Anthony and Wade here, then we can meet in Los Angeles."

"Hello? Deron, didn't you go to Turkey? What? Can you come back? No, no, no, play well, next time, next time, make an appointment."

"What? Who do you say you are? Harris? I don't know you, hang up!"


"Finally, I can clean up for a while..."

Zuo Li put down the phone that was bombed, and then directly pressed the mute button, then threw himself heavily into the sofa and buried him.

Is it too annoying, since he returned to the hotel after the game, the phone has been ringing like clockwork, and the ringing has not stopped.

Today is September 5th, two months have passed this summer, and Zuo Li and Kobe have played 8 games since the "Zuo Ke Tour" on the 5th last month became famous. Starting from New York, to Boston, Washington, Philadelphia, Chicago, and then to Dallas and Houston in the west... They have already traveled to seven cities within a month, basically playing one game in three days, and the intensity is almost the same as the regular season.

And the effect...

It can be seen from the frequency of Zuo Li's phone calls that it is quite good, even a little too good.

If we say that the first and second games were still a carnival for a small number of people in New York, but after the fermentation of the two games, by the time they went to Boston for the third game, they had already reached an unprecedented level of prestige.

Zuo Li didn't know how to describe his feeling when he walked out of the airport. In short, this might be the first time in his life, and the only time he didn't suffer any abuse in Boston.

All the fans were cheering, and all the fans were shouting his name. At that moment, he was even a little moved.

The same is true for the other players who came with Zuo Li. Afterwards, Nash said that he knew from the moment he got off the plane that he was right.

The atmosphere outside the arena is already like this, and the arena is of course even more terrifying. Although it is still not a well-known arena like North Shore Garden, the arena that can accommodate 10,000 fans is still full early, because there are too many fans who want to watch the game. Tickets are not sold, so this time it is still first-come-first-served, so that 24 hours before the start of the game, people have already lined up at the entrance of the arena with stools and even tents.

The fans who finally entered the stadium said that this was the best game they had ever seen. Many people were still unsatisfied, and even wanted to buy tickets to follow Zuo Li and the others to the next stop.

Such a situation naturally detonated the basketball circle again through media reports, and the reputation of the "Zuo Ke Tour" is also growing.

So starting from the fourth game, Zuo Li's phone was ringing. Many familiar and unfamiliar players contacted Zuo Li to join the team. Many people even said that they could go there at their own expense, as long as they were allowed to play.

In desperation, Zuo Li discussed with Kobe and increased the number of teams by two, from 10 on one side to 12 on one side.

Of course, the four places are still not enough for them to grab, but this is already the limit. After all, in addition to showing the best basketball to the fans, Zuo Li and the others are also for communication and training.

In places where the fans can't see, they will train and communicate together in the arena every morning. This is equivalent to a basketball training camp, and they are all at the All-Star level.

So you know the gold content of this training, which is why Zuo Li wants to control the number of people. Too many people will definitely reduce the effect of communication.

However, Zuo Li still underestimated their influence. Even though he has announced the limit on the number of players, there is still an endless stream of players who come to inquire. Even the Heat giants who have become sworn enemies with the Knicks have come, and LeBron James even personally played. Phone, trying to catch the last bus.

Zuo Li naturally had no reason to refuse. After all, Lao Zhan and his team still had great influence, and the last battle was in Los Angeles. He also wanted to use the strongest lineup to end this tour.

"Fans have been waiting for a long time. On September 8, at the Staples Arena in Los Angeles, let's see each other."

The recovered Zuo Li posted an INS, which instantly attracted more than 200,000 comments.

Because the list announced by Zuo Li is really terrifying.

Left team: Zuo Li, Curry, David Lee, Randolph, Anthony, Durant, Harden, Bosh, Roy, Alder, Joe Johnson, Josh Smith.

Kobe team: Kobe, Gasol, Artest, Bynum, James, Wade, Westbrook, Paul, Nash, Stoudemire, Lopez, Gasol.

O! M! G!

"Isn't this a pure all-star lineup?!"

And it's still a very interesting All-Star.

What about Kobe and James on the same team, what about the Thunder three playing against each other, what about the Gasol brothers concentric, and even the reunion of the Suns golden partner Stoudemire and Nash.

"This is a matchup not to be missed," ESPN reported.

Indeed, the lineup for the final battle was indeed strong, but Zuo Li reluctantly rejected many requests from the All-Stars.


Why do the Lakers and Knicks have the most people?

Take a look at what question you are asking, UU Reading Hurry back and retake the course "Emotional Intelligence"!

Do you still need to ask this kind of question?

Moreover, Artest and David Lee have all been selected as All-Stars at any rate, so there is no problem at all here.

Of course Zuo Li would not pay attention to these arguments, he just wanted to play the last game well now.

At present, the Zuo Li team is leading 4-3 in the first 7 games. Although the outcome is harmless, Zuo Li certainly wants to end this tour with a victory!

So Zuo Li trained extraordinarily hard, and didn't participate in any interviews.

"We want to win! Dedicate the best game to the fans!" Zuo Li said to his teammates.

This may also be the most important thing Zuo Li can do in the current situation.

But what Zuo Li didn't know was that his wave of tours had unexpected effects.

"Mr. President, it's a mess outside."

Bald-headed Xiao Hua entered Stern's office and put a bunch of news reports on the table, with the content of Zuoko's tour impressively written on it.

"Now the outside world is saying, how about Zuo Li organizing an alliance on his own, they say we are capitalists who only have interests in mind." Xiao Hua said.

Putting down the newspaper, Stern was also very helpless. He didn't know the situation outside, but what could he do? He could neither represent the team nor the players, and as the president of the league, he also had his own interests that he had to represent. , Many things are involuntary.

But he knew that it couldn't go on like this. The fans' emotions could still be stabilized, but Zuo Li's wave was a catalyst. If the league couldn't respond quickly, bad things might happen.

"Contact the two parties, we can't go on with this stalemate."


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