Christmas Eve!

Since the morning, the fans who were taking a break have been discussing the fierce battle between the Lakers and the Suns last night. The heat has been getting higher and higher, and it once rushed to the top of Twitter's hot search list.

And it has remained high!

The most direct effect of this is the increase in Su Bai's personal popularity. It is not a simple increase, but a crazy increase at the speed of a rocket.


As the person involved.

Su Bai is sleeping in the big bed at this moment. Facing the siege of the Lakers' major defensive stalwarts last night, it really consumed a lot of Su Bai's physical energy.

The defending champion is indeed strong.

At the last moment, if it weren't for the sharp steal under the [Eagle's Hook], they really couldn't win. In this battle, although the Suns won, it can be said that it was only a narrow victory. The next time they fight.

The Suns dare not say that they will definitely beat the Lakers, and Su Bai dare not say that he can continue to suppress Kobe next time he faces Kobe, so......

When countless fans praised Su Bai to the sky, Su Bai knew that he was not strong enough with just a narrow victory, and thought about how to improve himself further.

Only by making himself stronger can he lead the Suns to go further.

It was almost 11 o'clock.

Su Bai woke up, turned on his phone and saw a message from Sister Qin, saying that she had boarded the plane and landed at the Los Angeles airport.

Time: 5 pm.

Su Bai was obviously in Phoenix, why did Sister Qin want to be in Los Angeles?

Let's be honest.

In terms of prosperity, Los Angeles, as the second largest city in the United States, is still more prosperous. It is normal for Sister Qin to want to play there when she first arrived.

The key point.

Su Bai has never left Phoenix so far.

And because Stoudemire went to the Knicks during the offseason, the league knew that the Suns would not be very strong this season, so the Christmas battles were all strong teams, without the Suns.

In other words.

From Christmas Eve to the day after Christmas, the Suns had no games for almost 4 days and were in a state of rest.

Such a long vacation during the season is a good opportunity for Su Bai, so he agreed with Sister Qin to go to Los Angeles for Christmas.

Nothing wrong!

After checking the time and booking a flight to Los Angeles, Su Bai started preparing by shaving. After all, he was going to meet a girl, so he had to show some basic manners and dress up a bit.——!......

Su Bai put this aside for now.

His sight came to the Adi Building, the manager's office


"13 3-pointers, 65 points, 3.8 seconds, a steal and a layup, Su Bai played so well, he is even better than I thought!!"

In the office,

Carls watched the highlights of Su Bai's matchup with the Lakers last night and read the overwhelming news about Su Bai. He was so happy that he couldn't close his mouth.

Although he gave Su Bai a sky-high contract.

But now it seems that this contract is absolutely worth it.

""Knock, knock~"

Just as he was watching, there was a knock on the door, and then an employee came in with a document with a happy face and reported to Carls:"Manager.

Just last night, our Adi's single-day sales increased by 3 percentage points."


Carls slapped the table excitedly. He knew that the rise in that period was all due to the benefits brought by Su Bai's super performance in the match between the Suns and the Lakers.

"very good!"

"Su Bai's popularity is rising rapidly and is bringing benefits to the company.......I can't just sit there and wait for death, like a butterfly flapping its wings.

I have to rapidly expand my profits!"......

At the same time, in the manager's office of Nike Building


"13 3-pointers, 65 points, 3.8 seconds, a steal and layup, this......What kind of data is this? What kind of performance is this? How strong is the rookie Su Bai?

How can he be so strong?"

In the office,

Wagner stared and slapped his thigh in shock.

He was just like Carls at this moment, watching Su Bai's personal highlights in the match between the Suns and the Lakers last night, reading the overwhelming news about Su Bai.

He said words that were almost as shocking as Carls.

But......Vogner, who was patting his thigh, had a completely different mentality from Carls. He was slumped in his chair, patting his thigh, feeling lost.

"I didn't insist on signing Su Bai at the beginning.......Seems like a wrong decision!"......

It's about the same time.

Austin's home


Austin, who was leaning on the sofa, humming a little tune, eating fruit, and watching the news report about Su Bai on TV, was in the same good mood as Carls.

This good mood was of course also due to Su Bai's gorgeous performance last night and the surge in popularity caused by that performance.


"Choosing Su Bai was the best decision I have ever made in my life!"

"Ding ding ding!"

He was enjoying himself when he received a phone call.


"Hello, are you the agent of Suns player Su Bai?!"

"That's right, you are?!"

"Hello, I am the manager of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Chevrolet Company. You can call me Bourbon. If it is convenient, can we take some time to talk?

Our company is interested in Su Bai and wants him to endorse our car."

"Oh? OK, I'll call you back when I confirm the time."

"OK, thank you!"

Beep beep~ the phone hung up.

Austin smiled,"It's been less than a day since the Suns and Lakers matchup, and you've even got a car endorsement?!

Su Bai, your popularity has exploded.

If you keep on being so popular, you will have even higher popularity, and just like you said, resources will automatically come to you for you to choose.

The Chevrolet brand is quite famous.

I remember Su Bai told me before that he wanted a car and asked us to help him look for one. Now a car company wants to be the endorsement, and if the deal is reached by then.

It's not hard to get a car for free.

But......Chevrolet doesn't have to be the first choice. After all, Subai's popularity has just started to rise. It's possible that more car dealers will come to recruit in the future.

Don't worry.

You can choose slowly when the time comes!"

Thinking of this,

Austin already has a clue and a plan in his mind.

However......Whether it was the fans and netizens who were constantly discussing, or the happy Adidas, or the regretful Nike, or the Austin who received the endorsement from the car dealership.

None of these had anything to do with Su Bai.

At 2 pm,

Su Bai packed up and boarded the plane to Los Angeles!


Take off~

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