Austin continued,"Recently, a total of five car dealerships have approached you. However, the quotes from three of them are not ideal, and the workload is relatively large.

Considering your schedule and other matters,

I rejected those three. At present, there are two better ones. One is Chevrolet. Manager Porbente gave us an initial quote of 7 million US dollars a year.

Although it is said that the price can be raised, I estimate that it will be around this price.

According to the information I found, LeBron's car contract is between 6 million and 8 million, so the prices are roughly in this range.

The other one is Lexus. It didn't say the specific price, but hoped that we would go over to negotiate. The attitude was very sincere and it showed that they wanted you to be the spokesperson.

I think the price will not be bad.

Of course, we will know it after we understand it.

Right now, the more important thing is which car you like, and we will choose the best one to be the spokesperson."


Su Bai thought for a moment and said,"It's all right, as long as it's comfortable. If you want to say how good it is, Chevrolet and Lexus are not well-known brands."

"That's true, let's go take a look first."

Soon, the two arrived at Lexus. Almost as soon as they got off the car, a man in a suit and leather shoes came over and smiled at Su Bai,"Hello, Mr. Su Bai.

My name is Rumshan, a manager of Lexus, and I am responsible for receiving you today.

Please follow me."


Su Bai nodded and followed Rumshan to the auto show center. Rumshan pointed to all the cars in the auto show center and said,"Mr. Su Bai.

These are all new models of our company. You can test drive them at will to see which one is comfortable and suitable for you."

As he spoke, he introduced the performance of each car to Su Bai and let Su Bai test drive it. Austin, who followed him all the way, felt a little depressed.

"Lexus is smart. Instead of negotiating the contract first, it lets Su Bai test drive the car first and let Su Bai choose the car he likes first, so as to achieve the purpose of preconceived ideas.

When the time comes to negotiate the contract, the probability of success will undoubtedly be greater.

Although this method of first car and then contract will take more time, the effect is indeed much better than the Trail Blazers's negotiation of price first and then test drive."

Austin nodded slightly. Rum Hill's operation benefited him a lot.

That's right.

Rum Hill's work strategy is quite good, especially for customers like Su Bai who only care about comfort.

Chevrolet must have made Su Bai drive a comfortable car, but.......Their way made him have no chance to take the initiative even if he called first.

In the end,

Su Bai decided on a Lexus LX570, a full-size luxury SUV with a market price of 1.8 million US dollars. The price was moderate, but Su Bai felt comfortable driving it and looked good.

It was the style he liked.

Then Rum Mountain invited Su Bai and Austin into the conference room, presented the contract, and said with a smile:"We sincerely hope that Su Bai can endorse us.

So, we are willing to offer a contract of 10 million US dollars a year. As the most common means of transportation in China, cars are updated very quickly.

We are also aware of this.

So the contract is only for one year, so that Su Bai will not be dragged down. If he likes it next year, we can also re-sign the contract and continue cooperation.

At the same time, we will also add the top configuration to the LX570 SUV you chose, and the price can reach 3 million, which is one of the luxury cars in our store.

Mr. Su Bai, what do you think?!"

10 million US dollars a year + free use of a luxury car worth 3 million for one year.

Very good!


Su Bai thought about it for a moment, exchanged affirmative glances with Austin, and happily agreed.......

The next day.

The three-day break was about to end. Tonight the Suns would challenge the Bucks away. In the morning, the team took a special plane to Milwaukee and went to the Bradley Center.

On the plane.

As soon as Su Bai sat on the plane, he fell into thought.

"As for Mu Shuiqin, I only know her most glorious period. As for before that, I learned about it after my mother told me the day before yesterday.

No wonder she was not very popular before.

It turned out that she didn't have good opportunities, good roles, or good scripts, which delayed her time to become famous.


Sister Qin is not lacking in strength and beauty, but in opportunity, or......A good resource, she has no connections, then what about me, if I am more famous.

Will I be exposed to the film and television entertainment industry? Will I be exposed to some celebrity directors?

Well, I need to pay attention. If there is a chance, I will help Sister Qin find resources so that she can get out of the circle as soon as possible. She has both beauty and strength.

It’s a pity that she has been hidden all the time."

Thinking of this,

Su Bai has a plan in his heart.

At this time, Coach Gentry came to the cabin and said to the players:"Tonight's opponent is the Bucks. It is not a strong team, but this is the third away game.

Although there are 3 days of rest time.

But the continuous away games will be affected to some extent, so you can't underestimate the opponent.

The Bucks have Brandon Jennings. Before Su Bai, he was the youngest 50-point man in NBA history and a combo guard with enough explosion. He is also the core of the Bucks' team building.

Although he is a sophomore show, like Curry, he is an opponent that must not be underestimated.

In addition.

The Bucks also have Andrew Bogut, the No. 1 pick in 2005. He is quite capable and is not afraid of physical confrontation. His dirty style of play is also a headache.

Be worried!"


The moment Su Bai heard the name Bogut, his brain buzzed, and a strong ray of disgust instantly burst out from his dark eyes.


Curry, who was next to Su Bai, felt the disgust in Su Bai's eyes and said,"Do you also think that Bogut plays dirty?!"


Su Bai responded slightly.

However, for Su Bai, Bogut is not just a dirty player. The things he will do in the future are disgusting and nauseating.

When Gentry introduced the Bucks players, Su Bai narrowed his eyes and made a decision. Tonight......Beat Bogut!

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