In the commentary booth, watching Su Bai's performance, Van Gundy shook his head in shock and said,"Su Bai, when his teammates were all down, he, as a rookie, a new player who should have rested, still stood up and gritted his teeth to lead the team to chase points. He really worked hard tonight!"

"That's right."

Mike Brin nodded and said,"Curry's touch is bad, and the whole team is playing away games. Now it's a"devil's home court" and everyone is in bad shape. To make matters worse

, they fell behind by 21 points in the first quarter.

At this time, it is very difficult to turn the tide, but......Su Bai did not give up. As an injured player, he took the initiative to take responsibility and stepped out to score despite his injury. He is really brave and has amazing perseverance!

If I were in the Suns, if I were Su Bai's teammate, I would definitely be moved!"


Seeing Su Bai grit his teeth to block shots, frowning to grab rebounds, diving to grab the ball, and counterattacking with a dunk while panting, all the Suns players saw that Su Bai did not give up.

Seeing......The desire to win! As the absolute core of the team, Su Bai can become the team leader with just one word if he wants to. His words and deeds have made his teammates trust and obey him unconditionally.......So hard, what reason do they have not to fight again, what reason do they have to be depressed


I don't know who shouted.

From the moment Su Bai completed the dunk while panting, the Suns players, who were infected by Su Bai's spirit of never giving up despite fighting with injuries, began to explode!

6 minutes and 11 seconds.

Carter, with a cold face and the sound of sighs from the whole court, tore through Deron's defense, grabbed the ball and flew up, and scored a tough dunk.

Although there was no violence and bloodiness like that year, but......Carter, with a proud look on his face and arms raised, was responding to the Jazz fans, telling them that boos and adversity will only make us stronger!

5 minutes and 31 seconds


Nash broke through the rhythm, got rid of Kirilenko, rushed to the paint area, started the three-step shot, and double-teamed Millsap and Jefferson under the basket


Nash flew up, seemingly doing a layup, but in fact he was moving the ball sideways behind his head.



Su Baidou came out to catch the ball and shot a jump shot, hitting the target steadily.

4 minutes and 14 seconds


Deron shook Carter off with a double change of direction and made a mid-range shot. Nash took the ball from the baseline and made a half-court long pass, accurately finding Curry in the frontcourt and then passing it to Su Bai on the other side.


Three points to catch up and one more


The power was a little weak, and the basketball bounced out of the rim, and Al rushed to the basket to catch it, but......Su Bai rushed up again


He leaped ahead of Al and picked up the basketball. Frye followed up and caught the ball in the middle of the arc. He raised his hand and made another three-pointer.

""Swish!" also hit.

Frye, a power forward, needs to play the role of center more often due to lineup problems, guarding the restricted area to protect rebounds and defense.

But in fact, he is also one of the few big men in the league who has the ability to shoot three-pointers from the outside.

Tonight, under the influence of Su Bai, with the belief that he must win, he also bravely stood up and scored more three-pointers from the outside to help the team catch up.

2 minutes and 55 seconds.

Carter ran without the ball, came out to receive the ball, and attracted the attention of the defense. Nash was quick to pass to Curry on the other side, and he shot a three-pointer.


Still no.

Although Curry was determined to fight,......The feel is still not open


Millsap grabbed the rebound and passed it to Deron. He pushed through half court while directing tactics, but when his eyes were on his opponent...


Kurry saw the opportunity and rushed out suddenly, attacking quickly and accurately.

""Bang!" He stole the ball from Deron, rushed out at full speed, got the ball and counterattacked. Deron was stunned for a moment, and although he turned around quickly to chase him, it was too late.


Curry, who was out of touch, rushed into the basket, took the ball and flew up in three steps, completing the counterattack with a crazy"crown dunk".


The basket landed, and Stephen Curry, who was extremely excited, also roared to the sky, venting his dissatisfaction with his poor touch.

1 minute and 14 seconds.

Su Bai blocked the ball in the low post on the left side. Nash stared at Su Bai and seemed to be about to pass it with a good lob.......Suddenly pass to the other side of the basket

"What?!" Millsap was shocked when he was about to defend Su Bai.


Carter suddenly appeared under the basket and scored again with an alley-oop dunk!

Can you imagine that Carter, who has been affected by injuries, has a serious decline in explosiveness and athletic ability, and is already 34 years old, can dunk continuously in a game?


Tonight, Carter did it under the influence of Su Bai.

Before the end of the first half, the Jazz's last attack was given to Deron.

Nash, who had always been unable to defend Deron, also used his experience, prediction and unyielding spirit to defend Deron, making his attack come to nothing!

The half ended.

Jazz (55): (49) Suns


Van Gundy took a look at the score and exclaimed,"The Suns, who were 21 points behind, actually recovered 15 points in a single quarter in the Jazz's"devil's home court"?!

My god!

How could this happen? This is unbelievable!""


Mike Brin smiled and said,"The whole Suns team blossomed in this quarter, and......The defense was also very fierce, and they did a good job on both offense and defense."

"But they were playing away games in a row, and were trapped in the Jazz's"devil's home court". How could they have an explosion under the boos and when they were already 21 points behind?!"


Mike Brin thought for a moment and said,"Perhaps it was because Su Bai's desperate efforts and his refusal to give up infected his teammates, causing them all to explode."


After hearing this, Van Gundy suddenly understood and couldn't help but sigh:"Su Bai, he is just a rookie, but his words and actions have the ability to unite and influence his teammates. It's really amazing!"

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