In the last quarter, after 4 minutes and 21 seconds of rotation, the score difference was still 11 points. The starting lineups of both teams returned and the final battle began.......Just as Deron and his team were determined to catch up and defend the glory of the"Devil's Home Court", Su Bai exploded again. He made a series of breakthroughs, shots, and steals.

In 3 minutes and 12 seconds, he led the team to another 12-2 offensive wave, directly widening the 11-point difference to 21 points.

"Ah this?!"

"What's going on?!......Su Bai was having a headache, right? How could this outburst make him feel like nothing happened? What was going on?!"

"I'm not sure, but I know that there are only a few minutes left and the score difference is 20 points. It seems that our Jazz is doomed tonight!"


"Why...Did he lose to Su Bai after all?!"

"Because of Su Bai, the Suns have won 20 consecutive games. It’s him, it’s him. Even if he is having a headache and is out of shape, he can still lead the team forward. I’m impressed!"

"Su Bai's headache is so severe. This young man has no martial ethics at all!"


In fact, rather than saying that Su Bai had another explosion, it was the several hours in the third quarter, plus the rest before, that allowed him to almost adapt to the court environment.

He played at the expected level.

At the moment, with little time left, a huge score difference, and the collapse of the home fans' mentality, coach Jerry Sloan had to call a timeout and give up the game.

Tonight, the Suns' difficult back-to-back journey mixed with various factors started with the Suns trailing by 21 points and ended with the Jazz trailing by 21 points!

It seemed similar.

But the last laugh was the Suns!

In the end, there was no suspense. The Suns reversed the game with a 15-point advantage and won the victory in the"devil's home court" where the Jazz had a 91% chance of winning.

After the game, in the commentary booth,

Van Gundy and McBreen looked at each other and shook their heads with a smile, both of them were filled with emotion.

Van Gundy smiled and said,"Let's talk about the statistics first. Tonight, Su Bai played with an injury, but still got 27 points, 9 rebounds, 5 assists, 2 steals and 3 blocks.

And Curry scored 27 points in the second half and 37 points, 4 rebounds and 4 assists in the whole game, which fully demonstrated the value of a team's second-in-command.

In the end, the Suns reversed 21 points and beat the Jazz, winning the 21st consecutive victory of the season.

But......To be honest, I expected the start of this game, but I never expected the final outcome!

Who would have thought that the Suns would be able to turn the tide and win the game despite being in a nearly hellish predicament?

I didn't expect it, but I have to admit and sigh that Su Bai, this rookie, really has a strong ability to lead the team. It seems that as long as he doesn't give up, his teammates can burst out with infinite fighting power.

The team will not lose!"

"Hehehe! Yes,"

Mike Brin nodded, and said casually,"What does it matter if the Jazz's"devil's home court" is difficult, or if they start the game in hell, or if they play away from home consecutively and are in a slump?

As long as Su Bai is there, even if he has a headache, is not focused, or is not in good shape, he can still infect his teammates and drive them. In my opinion,

Su Bai......A natural born leader!"

"That's right."

Van Gundy fully agreed, echoing loudly:"The Suns were able to win tonight and overcome the difficulties because Su Bai did not give up and fought hard even though he had a headache, and finally won the game.

We should praise him and give this natural leader the applause and cheers he deserves!"......

The Suns' difficult journey in Salt Lake City was over.

Considering Su Bai, the entire Suns team took a special plane and flew back to Phoenix overnight. They would have two days of rest before playing against the Rockets at home.

The next morning

, when Su Bai was still resting, Twitter was already boiling. However,......This time it was not the fans, but the stars who knew about the game between the Suns and the Jazz last night.

LeBron James, the"Little Emperor" from the Miami Heat, said,"Hey, Suba, you did great, that's the way it should be, never give up at any time.

You used your hard work and persistence to win a seemingly impossible victory.

You are indeed a good leader, a natural leader, come on, I believe you will get better in the future."

Teammate"Flash" Wade said,"It was an amazing game, Suba played like a team leader, he deserves praise!"

Teammate"Dragon King" Bosh commented,"Just like my brother, come on Suba!"

Kobe Bryant, the"Black Mamba" from the Lakers, commented,"Hey, Suba, your performance last night was amazing!""Your performance was amazing, and you showed me your leadership qualities.

Come on!

I believe the Suns will become even better under your leadership!"

Duncan, the"Stone Buddha" from the Spurs, said:"Even with the"altitude sickness", you can still fight so hard, Su Bai, you take the game seriously. You deserve the respect of every player.

Not to mention that you win the game, even if you don't win, I will applaud you!"

Iverson,"The Answer", who just retired, also said on Twitter:"Today's rookies need players like Su Bai who never give up.

Only when such daring players continue to emerge, this league will continue to be exciting.

Su Bai, good job!"

Former NBA star......"Magic Johnson praised:"Although Su Bai is a rookie, he is already a competent leader.

Well done! Su Bai!"

Even the"God of Basketball", the current owner of the Bobcats, Michael Jordan, couldn't help but praise:"Su Bai is exactly the same as I was back then.

So what if he is injured?

As a team leader, at any time, you have to think about leading the team to win. Su Bai......He is a natural leader."......

Su Bai played with an injury last night and led the team to victory. Although his statistics and overall performance were average, his series of performances won the recognition and praise of countless stars.

These praises were seen by fans and triggered a new round of discussion storms.

Su Bai received countless praises and popularity while sleeping.

At the same time, while the fans were crazy about it, at

10 am, the NBA officially announced the best player of the week for the new week, as well as......NBA All-Star voting first round results.

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