America West Arena.

When the Suns defeated the Rockets and won 22 consecutive games this season, the home fans cheered like a landslide and tsunami.

For fans, winning 22 consecutive games is enough to shout and celebrate, but many fans don’t know the meaning behind this 22-game winning streak.


Maybe some fans don’t know, but Yao Ming, Yi Jianlian and Lin Shuhao must know.

After the game.

Lin Shuhao was the first to find Su Bai. Although he is of American nationality, he has Chinese blood in his body. Congratulations to Su Bai for winning 22 consecutive games and surpassing Yao Ming.

""Su Bai, I hope you keep getting better. The future of Chinese basketball depends on you!"

Lin Shuhao said this happily, hugged Su Bai and left.


Yao Ming and Yi Jianlian came over.

"Brother A-Lian, Brother Dayao!"

Seeing the two coming over, Su Bai smiled and greeted them. Su Bai had met A-Lian several times, but as for Dayao, this was the first time they met officially.

However, looking at Dayao's face, Su Bai knew that he was not a difficult person to get along with.

""Hello, Su Bai!"

Dayao said with a smile.

This"emoticon-like" smile almost made Su Bai lose interest in the play. He coughed lightly and said with a smile:"Brother Dayao, I did an amazing thing today."


Yao Ming laughed and said,"Yeah, when I teamed up with McGrady, we only won 22 consecutive games, but now, you are almost the only one who leads the team to win 22 consecutive games.

Su Bai, really, you are better than me!"

"Su Bai, you've worked hard, but you did a really good job."

Ya Lian also praised with a smile


Su Bai touched his head and laughed,"I feel a little bit too, because it was not easy to get here, and I stood on the edge of the cliff several times.

Fortunately, I was safe and sound, and I should enjoy the happiness brought by the 22 consecutive victories."


Yao Ming nodded and said,"Whether it is against the Lakers, the Spurs, or the Bulls, Thunder and other teams, it is not easy to win.

However, to win 22 games in a row and get the second highest winning streak in history, it must be difficult.

However, you have survived so many difficulties and desperate situations, Su Bai, I didn't expect you to appear, but I fully look forward to your future.

Come on!

Don't relax in training, and don't be proud. Keep working hard, I believe you will become even better."


Su Bai nodded seriously, he would.

Dayao also smiled and nodded, ready to leave, but just as he was about to leave, he seemed to remember something, turned around and looked at Su Bai, concentrating his mind, and said seriously:

"Su Bai, we are both from China, I naturally hope to see you become better and better, more and more outstanding, but......You must remember.

No matter when.

Your body is the capital of revolution. You must protect your body and keep yourself healthy...."

At this point,

Yao Ming sighed, his face a little disappointed, and then he said,"Su Bai, you should know that in the 2008 Olympic basketball, the quarterfinals was our peak.

However, it is a pity to stop at the quarterfinals.

Normally speaking, in the past ten years, or even decades, our peak performance in the Olympics would be the quarterfinals, but now, there is you.

It is possible to change all this.

With you, me, the growing Yi Lian, and some of our young players, in 2012, we really have a chance to refresh the Olympic quarterfinals record again. But , unfortunately, I have a fractured left foot, and it seems that I can't recover to my best condition, and I can't even participate in the 2012 Olympics. Alas....

If you had shown up earlier, if I had been healthier, that would have been great, everything would have been possible.

Su Bai.

Now there are still two years until the 2012 Olympics, can we make a deal, if I recover well, can we strive for a better Olympic performance?!"

Yao Ming is serious, very serious!

As the"current No. 1 player" in Chinese basketball, Yao Ming is not only strong, but also carries a mission and responsibility, the mission of promoting Chinese basketball.

Quarterfinals of the 2008 Olympics

"Yao Ming and McGrady won 22 games in a row during their time together!

All-Star starter + vote leader, etc.

Yao Ming himself has done well enough, but now because of Su Bai, he has another chance to break the Olympic record, even though the possibility of his body recovering is slim.

But he doesn't want to give up.


Alian also said in a shocked voice:"With Su Bai, we will definitely have the opportunity to play better."

Thinking of the 2008 Olympics, he felt proud and regretful.


Su Bai nodded lightly, almost without thinking, and said solemnly:"Brother Yao, Brother Alian, yes, I will participate in the 2012 Olympics.

Let's work together to set the record of the top eight.......rewrite"


A-Lian nodded.

Dayao also smiled and said,"Then we have an agreement. You must participate in good health." After that , Dayao and A-Lian left with a smile after getting a satisfactory answer.......As soon as he turned around, Dayao frowned and his face became ugly.

"Su Bai, you can participate in good health, but my injury may prevent me from fulfilling my promise."

At the same time, the smile on Su Bai's face disappeared after Dayao and Alian left.

For Dayao, he may just feel that his injury is difficult to recover, while for Su Bai, he knows......

Yao Ming did not participate in the 2012 Olympics....In the end, it destroyed him.

And Su Bai also knew very well that if he wanted to win the American Dream Team with all the All-Stars in the Olympics, his strength alone was definitely not enough.

Dayao needed him.

He also needed Dayao's strength, but now, his injury is not serious.

Just like Dayao said, if Su Bai had appeared earlier, in the 2008 Olympics, when Dayao was healthy, or......He was a little bit healthier. He stayed healthy until 2012....There is no if.

Tonight, Su Bai scored 29 points in a single quarter, won 22 consecutive victories, and tied the Rockets' winning streak record. He was praised by countless fans, but after talking with Yao Ming and Yi Jianlian, he was not happy.

The source of this unhappiness is......Injury!!!

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