
Mark Jackson took a deep breath and then smiled:"Although I hoped that the Suns could continue to win before the game,......There will always be winners and losers in the game.

No team can win forever.

The Phoenix Suns have undergone earth-shaking changes due to the addition of Su Bai, and have won 23 consecutive games that the entire league can't believe.


Although they lost and their winning streak ended, they have exceeded everyone's expectations. They have done well enough.......Worthy of praise!"


Jon Barry also nodded and smiled,"It is really hard to imagine that a rookie can lead the team to win 23 consecutive games, the second longest winning streak in history.

Su Bai is the best rookie.

His performance so far deserves everyone's praise, and it is also worthy of all rookies to learn, imitate and surpass. He is the best!

The entire Suns team is also great!"

The game ended.

Both commentators highly praised Su Bai and the Suns who lost.

In fact, the Suns fans in the audience almost did not mean to scold the Suns for losing unexpectedly. On the contrary, they felt a little relieved!

"Hehe, did I finally lose?!"

"Oh, we have won 23 games in a row. Before the loss, I was worried every day, afraid that the Suns would lose and the winning streak would end. But when they really lost,

I felt relieved. I don’t have to worry every day. Besides, we have won 23 games in a row, which is the second longest winning streak in history. The Suns have done a good job!"

"Yes, there is no team that never loses. I feel good about losing at this point. Well done to the Suns, and my Su Bai is still great!"

"Yes, but it was only a 2-point loss, not shameful, and......Compared to losing to the weak Kings, I don't want to see the Suns lose to the Lakers, Heat and other strong teams."

"No matter what, losing is a fact, but the Suns' 23-game winning streak is worthy of praise, and Su Bai who led the team forward must also be praised!"


In the audience, almost all the Suns fans gave positive comments. Even the Kings, who won the game, gave applause to their opponents.

After the game,

Paul Westphal said,"First of all, I am very happy that we beat the Suns tonight and put a perfect end to the Suns' 23-game winning streak.

Tonight, our Kings deserve praise for winning. We did an amazing thing.

But at the same time, our opponent, the Suns, are also respectable and they deserve praise, especially Su Bai. This rookie has too much strength and talent.

I like him very much.

I think......He is full of talent and has no ceiling in the future. He will win the favor of every team coach."......

That night and even the next day, in major newspapers and media networks, although some fans regretted the end of the Suns' 23-game winning streak, more of them gave affirmation and praise.

In short, the Suns' loss received unanimous praise and compliments!

However, there are always people who are blind and want to find a sense of existence in the vast crowd. The Bucks' starting center, Andrew Bogut, is one of them.

The next day at

1:00 p.m., he publicly tweeted:"The Suns lost last night, and it was Su Bai's fault. If he had made that 3-pointer at the end, wouldn't they have won?

My teammates worked hard all night, and in the end they were ruined by him.

And......I think the last shot seemed quite casual, which was a sign of overconfidence, and overconfidence is arrogance, which is the beginning of failure.

Arrogant soldiers will be defeated!

The end of the 23-game winning streak of the Suns is an inevitable event in my opinion, because the culprit is the rookie Su Bai."

This is obviously aimed at Su Bai.

The last time the Suns played against the Bucks, Su Bai kicked Bogut's eyebrow bone and caused a mild concussion. Bogut was very upset and held a grudge.

He said this to destroy Su Bai!

It's just......Fans have sharp eyes and would not be misled by Bogut's one-sided words. On the contrary, his Twitter exploded as soon as he made these malicious remarks.

"Hmm? Bogut, you can make every crucial shot? In Su Bai's 23 games, 5 of them were buzzer beaters, how about you? How many games did you have?!

Oh no.

You have a problem with making a crucial shot, how can you talk about buzzer beaters?!"

"He looks like a decent person, but how come he speaks so much nonsense? As a top scholar, he has fallen to the point where he can only rely on false accusations to attract attention and gain popularity?

Tsk tsk...

How pitiful and sad!"

"You dare to slander my brother Su? Are you worthy? You are a dirty guy who only plays dirty tricks. How credible are your words? You are a guy who is just trying to attract attention. I advise you to retire as soon as possible."

"You keep accusing me here, I just want to tell you that your wife tastes great!"

"False accusation, and continue to false accuse. It is obvious that after being beaten up by Su Bai before, he is still angry and wants to confuse the public and frame Su Bai!"

"Rubbish! How come you only got a slight concussion? Why didn't you die from the fall? You are such a bad-mannered, uncultured bastard!"

"Hello, brother, Bogut's address: Milwaukee*******On the 13th, if there are brothers nearby, you can find a dark and windy night and give him a hug of love!"

"Got it, my house is nearby, I'm here to teach Bogut a lesson"

"Brother upstairs, I'm there too, you let Bogut feel the hug of love, I'll go taste his wife, give you some feedback"

"I think it’s ok!"


"Bogut, I advise you to stop spreading rumors. My 40-meter machete is waiting for you at any time!"

"This is the address, right? You are done, Bogut. If you dare to frame me, Su Bai, I will snipe you all the time. Don't let me catch you.

Otherwise......I'll make sure you don't have any juice to drink!"


Bogut's tweet and private messages were flooded with abuse and threats. At first, Bogut confronted some fans and was not afraid at all. As a result

, as the address was announced and the threats escalated, Bogut panicked, got scared, and finally shut himself off.

If you don't do it, you won't die. Bogut, who wanted to frame Su Bai, ended up playing with fire and getting burned. For a long time afterwards, he was always worried when he went out, fearing that he would be retaliated by fans.

If time could go back, he would never dare to criticize and frame Su Bai and mislead the public!

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