Not happy about getting the Player of the Week?!


Kobe is not happy.

ESPN famous reporter Woj even interviewed Kobe on his talk show via video link, asking him how he felt about getting the Player of the Week in the Western Conference.

Kobe was blunt and said in a teasing tone,"A rest game, an upset loss, am I Kobe reduced to this way of winning the Player of the Week against a rookie?!


To be honest, it's better not to get the Player of the Week!"

Although it was a joke.

But it is indeed true. If Su Bai hadn't taken that rest game and won that game, with a record of 3 wins and 1 loss, he might have continued to win.

Getting the Player of the Week in the Western Conference is good, but with Kobe's strong character, he must hope to win against Su Bai head-on.


The announcement of this round of All-Star voting just now showed that the difference between his"current No. 1 player" and a rookie kid was only a thousand votes.

This is also very discouraging.

The combination of the two has caused Kobe a lot of invisible trauma, so much so that even if he won the Western Conference Player of the Week, he was not happy.......

Let's talk about Su Bai.

It's another three-game losing streak, and he lost the best player of the week, but......He has a great mentality and is in a good mood. He is very cheerful. When everyone is discussing the best of the week, he drives his Lexus out for a drive to relax and do business.......With an annual salary of tens of millions for car endorsements, it would be unreasonable if he didn't drive.

Although he had signed a contract with Lexus for some time, the continuous away games had really consumed Su Bai's physical strength and condition. He also needed to make some adjustments after coming back.

So now was the first time that Su Bai officially drove the latest Lexus LX570 for a drive to relax after getting his driver's license. He did not go to the crowded city.

Instead, he drove on the spacious suburban avenues with a wide view.

The result......There was an accident.


At a fork in the road, Su Bai, who was driving straight, collided with a motorcycle that was turning. Although there is a rule that turning vehicles give way to those driving straight, Su Bai is on four wheels after all.

He was responsible for the accident.

Fortunately, both parties were not driving fast, and the motorcycle owner was a 190 cm tall, strong young black man. Although he was knocked down, he only had some minor arm scratches.

It was not serious.

The accident scene was also photographed by reporters, and the news was uploaded to the Internet. Soon, the keyword [Su Bai car accident] became a hot search on Twitter!

"Su Bai was in a car accident? Is he okay?!"

"No, Su Bai seemed to have recently endorsed Lexus. He is just 19 years old, so he must have just got his driver's license. He just got the car.

A novice on the road, a car accident as soon as he got on?

Haha, I, Su Bai, can do everything on the NBA court, but it seems that my driving skills need to be improved!"

"Road killer?!"

"a ha ha ha!"

"Su Bai is a newbie, please be more tolerant"

"Driving skills don’t matter, as long as the two parties involved in the accident are not seriously injured."

When you see the hot search keywords, you may think of the above comments.

In fact, there are also these comments, but......After clicking on the trending search and reading the news content, everyone's opinions were more in another direction.

The car accident was confirmed.

But the photos posted by this reporter, in addition to the car accident scene, were mostly photos of the black guy who was hit, smiling and taking photos with Su Bai


"I can actually take a close-up photo with Su Bai?!"

"Love it, love it!"

"To be honest, I also want to have a wonderful encounter with my male god Su Bai through this kind of car accident, bah~an accidental encounter!"

"I don’t know why, but I suddenly envy that black guy!"

"The black guy was a good person and didn't blame Su Bai. Su Bai was also very warm and helped him to lift up the motorcycle immediately and asked if his wound was serious."

"No, why are all the comments about envy and wanting another car accident? Su Bai hit someone, shouldn't we criticize him for being uncultured? What's going on?

The soul-screaming roar from a Su Bai hater!"


"Indeed, after a car accident, he did not immediately seek justice and compensation from the other party, but took out his phone to take a photo with the other party. I am afraid that only Su Bai can do this."

"perhaps......This is the charm of Su Bai~"

Su Bai had a car accident, but the response it caused didn't seem to be a bad thing.

At night,

Su Bai, who was leaning on the sofa and preparing to watch the Lakers and Nuggets game, was not in a good mood and was a little depressed.

A novice on the road, and he got into a car accident right away?

This was simply an insult to him, an old driver. The key point was that it was on the hot search and on the news. Although the response was not bad,

Su Bai still felt ashamed!

"Haha, even the car god of Akina Mountain has his moments of failure, let alone me!"

Su Bai, who had a very good mentality, was relieved after self-adjustment.

At this time, on the TV in the living room, ESPN Radio was broadcasting the game between the Lakers and the Nuggets. This was also a wonderful match between two strong teams.

In the first quarter.

Kobe, who took over Su Bai and won the Player of the Week, was in a bad mood and vented his anger in the Nuggets' home court. In the first quarter, he played a fancy back-to-the-basket singles + fadeaway jump shot.




Continuous scoring.

The Nuggets'"Melo" Anthony is not a pushover either. He has the"essence of human jump shots" and makes all kinds of unreasonable jump shots.

They are all pleasing shots with high hit rates.

At the beginning, the absolute cores of the two teams staged a shooting explosion, which made the game enter a white-hot state from the beginning.

After a single quarter, the two teams were tied at 30.

Seeing that he failed to widen the score, Kobe played more fiercely in the second quarter, showing his"first point guard" and his kaleidoscope-like offensive ability to the fullest.


"Anthony"Melo" as the"03 Platinum" generation���One of the representative figures, he can also break through and shoot, and his offense is like a kaleidoscope, with many varieties.

Both of them like to play one-on-one and can score.

So......The entire first half was a battle between the two team leaders. Apart from other things, this kind of attack was really exciting!

The atmosphere in the stadium was getting more and more excited!

After the first half, Kobe scored 26 points and Anthony scored 22 points. Su Bai, who was watching the game, also knew that the attack between the two was very exciting with such data.


He just felt a little unexciting, but he couldn't tell where the unexciting point was.


Su Bai frowned slightly, confused.

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