9 minutes 44 seconds


Carter missed the three-pointer from the left corner, and Monroe picked up the rebound. Curry caught it from the outside and passed it to Su Bai at the top of the arc, who raised his hand for another three-pointer.

""Swish!" hit.

8 minutes and 27 seconds.

McGrady faced his cousin Carter one-on-one, back-to-back singles, waist and back strength, one step to connect half-turn, and another"scissor kick" dry shot

""Shua!" is also a hit


Su Bai made a fast break, blocked in front and pursued from behind, but he dodged between the vines and made a layup, responding quickly.


McGrady, who was in great form and seemed to be back to his peak, was not to be outdone. He didn't dribble the ball very beautifully, but made a simple screen and a pull-up jump shot.

Elegant and agile, free and easy!

""Swish!" also hit the target.

Once again

, they fought back. The entire first half of the first quarter almost became a personal offensive show between Su Bai and McGrady. The wonderful offensive and defensive show feasted the eyes of the fans and made them applaud!

During a timeout. In the commentary booth.

Joan Barry was shocked and smiled:"Donald Ai, West Kobe, South McGrady, North Carolina, the four great shooting guards of the year, the explosion between McGrady and Carter, I believe everyone can remember it vividly.


Because of the injuries that gradually made the two people unable to recover, McGrady played much better than Carter tonight. In just half a quarter, he had already scored 11 points, and Su Bai also scored 10 points.

The explosion between McGrady and Carter in the past is no longer there, but the offensive and defensive showdown between McGrady and Su Bai is still exciting.


"T-"Mac" McGrady performed dry pull-up again and again, as if he was back to his peak in a dream. Every attack of his tonight was refreshing and even fascinating, which we have seen too many times before.

Although we don't know to what extent McGrady has recovered, I hope he can play such a pleasing attack in every game!

Come on!"


Before Mark Jackson could reply, Jon Barry's words had already caused the stadium to burst into deafening cheers.


Today's McGrady is the McGrady that too many fans want to see.

"T-Mac! Come on!"

""Come on McGrady!"

Countless fans cheered for McGrady, and McGrady's explosive state tonight made some fans think that the omnipotent McGrady......came back



Pistons (16): (17) Suns.

The Suns are leading by 1 point, and the ball is in the hands of the Pistons. Stuckey passes the ball to McGrady, who is in excellent form tonight. Su Bai takes a step forward and appears in front of Su Bai.


Su Bai snorted.

He felt that this title was very suitable for McGrady's temperament. McGrady looked at Su Bai, thought for a while, and smiled faintly:"Monster newcomer? Haha, it seems that I can only call you this."

McGrady wanted to call Su Bai by his title, but it seemed that......No.

The court is the enemy.

With a simple greeting, both of them entered the game. In the middle of the arc, McGrady faced Su Bai, lowered his center of gravity, read the defense, and then suddenly rushed to the right.


McGrady made a quick stop and a pull-up jump shot, which was just as beautiful as a painting.

However, the player defending him was Su Bai, who was 215 cm tall and had one-fourth of Allen Iverson's talent. It seemed difficult to pull up on his head.


Su Bai's eyes fixed, he jumped up from the ground, swung his long arms straight, and instantly dominated the air, ready to block McGrady's shot.


McGrady was startled and quickly raised the arc. The basketball flew out from Su Bai's fingertips. Although he didn't block the shot,......

However ,


The basketball hit the basket and bounced, then fell into the basket.......Hit

"Whoa whoa~"

"It’s amazing, McGrady made a shot against Su Bai’s defense!"


Just one goal, because the target was Su Bai, a popular newcomer recently, McGrady's goal was invaluable, and the audience burst into cheers again.

""Tsk tsk!"

Su Bai couldn't help but smack his lips, thinking, McGrady, who was almost completely ruined by injuries, could still hit a pull-up shot despite his serious interference.

"T-"Mac" How strong would that be!


This is just Su Bai's personal opinion. McGrady's shot was actually scored entirely by luck. He raised the arc and his shooting posture had long been deformed.

"This kid, with such abnormal jumping and burst, I can't believe he is a center, his talent is really terrible!"

Although he made the hit.

But McGrady still praised Su Bai in his heart. Under the pressure of defense, with such an attack, he really couldn't say that he could still hit the target in the next round.

And it was just as he thought.

In the next round, McGrady was stopped when he broke through Su Bai again. As expected, McGrady calmly stepped back and attacked again. There were only 7.3 seconds left for the attack.

McGrady stared at Su Bai with sleepy eyes, lowered his center of gravity, and started to accelerate again, but......Just one step, when Su Bai was about to get close to him


McGrady suddenly threw the basketball in his hand, and the basketball flew over Su Bai's head. McGrady moved sideways and rushed into the inside line when everyone was slightly stunned.


The basketball hit the backboard and bounced out. At the same time, McGrady rushed into the basket, stepped on the ground and flew up, catching the basketball in the air.

""Dunk by throwing the ball to himself?!"

Jon Barry yelled in the commentary booth, his eyes widened. Mark Jack Xu was also shocked, looking forward to the famous scene.


McGrady, who caught the ball in mid-air, failed to dunk, but instead shot a tip-in. The basketball hit the inner edge of the basket and bounced out again.


Frye took the rebound.


Then came the sighs from the fans.


Joan Barry, who was overjoyed for nothing, seemed to realize something, sighed, and said quietly:"��It's because McGrady is not good enough and we expect too much from him.

He is no longer as talented as he was when he was healthy. Although he is in good shape recently, it is too difficult for McGrady to dunk by himself or by himself under the defense of Su Bai.

Things have changed.

McGrady is no longer the same as he was back then."T-Mac", but he deserves respect!"

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