
Seeing everyone's confusion, Gentry briefly explained the content of the transaction.

No matter what, everyone was very happy that such an outstanding player like Curry could join, and the cheerful Curry was very outgoing, and everyone became familiar with each other in a short while.

And the reason why Curry came here was naturally inseparable from the credit of Su Bai, Nash and Austin.

In the previous battle with the Warriors, Su Bai beat Curry, and then beat him again, and then fooled him, constantly instilling in him that his position overlapped with Monta Ellis.

At the same time,

Nash also had many exchanges with Curry. The two-time regular season MVP winner, his persuasion and invitation, still made Curry take it seriously.

Moreover, agent Austin hinted that Curry finally felt that the Warriors were not suitable for his development and took the initiative to trade, but the Warriors management had not yet discovered Curry's potential.

He felt that Monta Ellis was better than Curry, and finally facilitated this transaction.

"Come come come!"

"Stop talking, the Thunder vs. Magic matchup has begun."


In the live broadcast, the main game started, Howard stood alone against thousands of opponents, and he snatched the basketball over Kostic's head, showing the talent of"The Beast" to the fullest.

Then, he took a position under the basket, faced Kostic, took a step to pass the ball, and completed a dunk directly over Kostic's head.

"Boom!" The dunk was so unreasonable and powerful that it made the basket groan.

"Howard, the"beast", completely beat Kostic from offense to rebounds. If Howard is a college student, Kostic is at most in the sixth grade of elementary school.......The strength of the Thunder lies not in the interior, but in the"three youngsters" on the outside.

Under Howard's guard, the efficiency of ordinary guards in attacking the restricted area is very poor, but Westbrook can score. This is the strength of the"Divine Turtle".

Not to mention Durant.

Since entering the league, he is destined to be wearing the aura of"genius". Breakthrough, shooting, defense, he can do everything, and his efficiency is amazing.

It is said to be 206 cm tall, but in fact he is 211 cm tall. Those who are taller than him are not faster than him, and those who are faster than him are not taller than him. For him, scoring is as easy as taking something out of a bag.

And"Bearded" Harden, a sophomore show like Curry, has also grown amazingly. In the second season, he has already secured his position as the strongest sixth man on the bench.

In fact.

With his strength, he can definitely start.

It's just that......Considering the distribution of ball rights, letting Harden play as a substitute may maximize the overall strength of the Thunder.

"After three quarters, the game was very close."

Curry said


Nash responded, then frowned and said,"Last season, the Magic made it to the Eastern Conference Finals, while the Thunder only lost in the first round, but now they are fighting fiercely with the Magic.

"The three young players have improved so fast.

They are really talented. I have to sigh that the Thunder are so lucky that they have selected three super players in three years."

"That's right."

Su Bai nodded his head. As a time traveler, he has the most say.

Durant, Harden and Westbrook are not only strong, but also extremely strong. The three of them in the future will all be regular season"MVP" level players.

""Death God" Durant has won two consecutive FMVPs.

These"three youngsters" are really strong.

During the discussion.

The Thunder and Magic game entered the last quarter, the last 3 minutes of the showdown


Howard first attacked Kostic inside and delivered a violent dunk, and then......The ball was passed to Westbrook's oncoming attack.

Then, he asked for the ball again in the paint, attracted a double-team, and then passed it to Nelson on the outside, and then passed it to Lewis in the left corner. The three-pointer was as smooth as his name.


The ball hit the target.

Then......Howard once again restricted Harden's breakthrough in the interior.

In 2 minutes, Howard dominated both offense and defense, allowing the Magic to expand their original 1-point advantage to 6 points, leaving the Thunder with only 1 minute.

Are the Thunder going to lose?


Durant didn't agree. Harden's breakthrough was blocked, but fortunately Kostic picked up the rebound and Durant received the ball from the outside, facing Lewis.

Hesitant step breakthrough with the ball in his left hand


The next moment he pulled up and shot a mid-range shot facing Lewis's block.


The mid-range shot hit.

The Magic were not in a hurry, playing steadily. Nelson controlled the game and found the best opportunity. He once again passed the ball to Howard under the basket. Durant immediately went down to assist in double-teaming.


Howard moved to the outside as usual. Lewis got another three-pointer opportunity. He raised his hand and shot a three-pointer, as if it was a training exercise. Three-pointer in a row?


This shot lacked a little strength and missed.


Durant protected the rebound, and in the last 38.3 seconds, he rushed to the front court with the ball, facing guard Jameer Nelson without any hesitation. He suddenly shot a three-pointer.


The empty shot.

Scored 5 points in a row, narrowing the gap to only 1 point. Durant's big heart made the whole audience boil, and the defense was still staring at Howard.

This time.

Howard did not score again, but chose to attack, but unfortunately he failed to score.

There were 13.4 seconds left.

The Thunder had one last attack time. The ball was given to Durant. The outside line faced the defense of the forward Turkoglu and slowly dribbled to find the offensive rhythm.

In the last 3.7 seconds


He pretended to withdraw suddenly, then......The three-pointer was shot, and Turkoglu didn't dare to defend blindly. He could only reach out to interfere and turned his head to look at the basketball spinning in the air.

He was very nervous!

Everyone was very nervous!

Can he make the buzzer beater?


With a crisp sound, the three-pointer went into the net.

Durant's buzzer beater helped the Thunder beat the Magic


"That's amazing!"

Curry opened his mouth wide, shocked by Durant's buzzer beater

"Kevin is so strong!"

Dragic's eyes were dull. In one minute, he scored 8 points in a row, reversed 6 points, and completed the buzzer-beater. That kind of big heart made Dragic dumbfounded.

"Really fierce!"

Nash shook his head and sighed:"These three are too talented, and their strength is rising too fast. This year, they are likely to be a dark horse!"

"That's right."

Carter also nodded and said in a deep voice:"The Thunder's"three youngsters" are so strong. In the battle with the Thunder tomorrow night, everyone must be serious and must not take it lightly."


Everyone nodded.

"The"Third Young Master" of Thunder?"

Su Bai murmured with a burning look in his eyes!

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