They used to be the best partners, and he never thought that they would come to this point one day.

"You are right. If you have the help of Kryptonians, your plan may be possible."

Make an ark that can save the lives of all people in another universe. The time is too tight for humans, but it is more than enough for Kryptonians.

"That is also the most ideal way. Now I will think of a way."

"If you are Bruce Wayne, one of the richest men, you can indeed squander your fortune and let the whole world work for you."

"If the world is still the same as in the past, Batman will have countless friends around him who are willing to share his burden and help him save another world."

"But there are only the Lords Alliance and the white god of the world."

Such comments are too sharp. The player does not want to force Gray Bat to do anything. He even stays to help Batman solve the problem.

Gray Bat is still thinking, and Tyrant is also thinking, but the player has returned to his previous lively attitude.

"Since it's like this, do you mind if I take an adventure? Anyway, it won't get worse." This sentence was said to Gray Bat and Tyrant.

Facing the other party's doubtful look, the player spread his hands helplessly, and smiled with some expectation.

"I want to go back to my universe and look for the foreign aid that may appear, but there may be one or more terrible enemies there, or there may be nothing."

"It's an adventure with the risk of death."

Messiah warned Tyrant sternly, and he could feel the violent beating of his heart in his chest.

The player may not be in trouble, but if the Nightmare Knights do not leave, then Damian himself will be in danger.

The beginning of this hunt in the universe has led to a state of spatial isolation that cannot be left or entered. It can only be crossed or contacted inside. Apart from that, don't think about contacting anything.

Although the player is in a higher dimension, so he can leave easily, but the problem is that Tyrant cannot leave, so the price of leaving becomes abandoning the character card.

Messiah didn't want to give up the character card. He also liked Damian. Both Damian and Jason were very good to him. Jason was willing to tolerate and even actively influence and guide him.

Even if Damian woke up again from death, he was full of anger and vigilance, but his first reaction to Messiah was to remind him that Gotham was in danger and to avoid dangerous actions.

He cherished these kindnesses, so he also wanted to give something back.

So the player learned from Arkham Knight. Since there was no way inside, he made the scene more chaotic, jumped out of the thinking framework, and looked for other solutions. Jason used the system to ensure the absolute death of the Joker, so Messiah also used the system to find another way.

It's just that the time of existence itself is still too short, and what can be done is still limited. He is like a black panther cub that has just grown tiny fangs. No matter how fiercely he shows his claws, the nutrients he can tear off are limited.

But the good news is that he got the coordinates of the reverse universe. Because Wonder Woman herself has an unbreakable connection with the original universe, he can be teleported to the reverse universe through the system.

As for why it was Wonder Woman instead of Tyrant, it can only be said that the game system itself is really cunning. How can a dead person have a destination?

Gray Bat fell silent after hearing this. He knew how the main universe was destroyed, and he also knew from Diana the problems that her original universe had experienced.

The Nightmare Knights were indeed a nightmare, and now Damian decided to go back to face that nightmare. What qualifications did he have to stop it?

He did treat the two Damians who fell into this universe as his own children. Because of this, he also understood that he could only respect their choices.

As for how Tyrant thought of it, it was indeed as the players guessed. He would not refuse the opportunity to go back to the original universe, even if it might be very dangerous. He could not let go of his father who died in front of him and Superboy whose life and death were unknown.

"Then, I'll go too."

In the quiet atmosphere of the two, Diana pushed the door open and entered. She heard it. Although it was not intentional, Wonder Woman guessed that the other birds probably heard it too.

After all, you can't expect Batman and the Robins he raised to understand what privacy is.

The tyrant frowned, but it was the player who refused. "If even you have gone, then how can I come back, Diana, you are very important, you are the key to breaking the deadlock."

"So I'm sorry, you have to stay here."

"What about the others, Red Hood, Red Robin, Nightwing..." Gray Bat asked, but the tyrant shook his head.

"I will take care of everything, don't question my ability, Batman."

The three of them walked together in the base. The teleportation props they used were actually a bit simple, and they were specially prepared to welcome the Justice League of the main universe.

But it was enough, after all, the game system is really good at space.

"I hope you have a safe journey. I don't want to lose another friend." Diana hugged Damian, who was about to set foot on his homeland, and quickly let go.

The gray bat also stepped forward to give the tyrant a hug. The bat's arms, which were no longer young, were still strong. He gently patted the other's back.

"I will wait for your good news."

And just before the teleportation, the Tyrant saw a few birds that were crowded together and pushed each other, but they didn't catch up.

"Damian, I'm really fed up with you!!!" Red Robin roared in the background.

"Can't you learn to be half as mature as your counterpart!"

Sure enough, the situation is more complicated!

But the second copy is also a copy that determines the ending in a sense, so it's very difficult, and there's nothing I can do about it. The difficulty of hell is not only Mimi's, but also the author's. It's my fault that many readers can't understand it.

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