"Of course, you know I won't say no to you, Bruce."

Even if she is heading to another battlefield with unknown conditions, it cannot conceal Wonder Woman's good mood now.

"Uh, did I accidentally take your job?"

Superman was belatedly aware of the situation, and subconsciously looked around nervously to make sure there was no one else around him before softly trying to say something.

"I, I don't know, how about I...?" After thinking for a long time, Superman, whose pocket was cleaner than his face, couldn't figure out how to apologize.

Gray Bat, whose private property was also very poor, spread his hands. Diana was so amused by the two that she couldn't help but laugh, and she also spread her hands.

"I'm broke now too."

So the three people with empty pockets looked at each other, and finally used Superman to make coffee for Wonder Woman as an apology for accidentally taking away the other's original enemy.

Everyone, the sweet and powerful Wonder Woman, the fiercely protective Wonder Woman, and the calm and reliable Gray Bat.

Don’t ask why this superhero looks a little silly, it’s because Wonder Woman and Batman are used to it.

In fact, it is very reliable to supervise in reverse order when taking individual actions.

Le, three people in reverse order.

The big sunny dog ​​Chao is having fun outside with the Messiah in his mouth, and in the shadow behind is the oppressive Tyrant and Wonder Woman.

Chapter 65 The battlefield breaks out

Gray Bat looked at the electronic data that was constantly beating on the screen and fell into deep thought.

Cross-border communication is extremely complex and difficult to begin with, but as time goes by, the connection between Injustice and the Lord Universe becomes increasingly easier and closer.

But this is not a good thing, it only proves that their time is getting tighter and tighter.

The only consolation was the ease of connection with fellow cosmic companions.

The Gray Bats can see through the communication devices on their bodies the head-on conflict between the Tyrants and the Unjust Cyborg.

He won't doubt who the final winner is. After all, Damian is very good, so good that he doesn't need to worry too much.

The remaining two battlefield scenes are of the Reverse Heroine and the Injustice Heroine on Paradise Island, both of whom are the same person.

This makes Gray Bat a little worried, but in the communication, it can be heard that Reverse Superman is very relieved and trusting of his Diana.

Clark came into contact with the Reverse Woman earlier than Gray Bat. At that time, he was still an alien who had just flown into the sky of Metropolis, and at that time, Batman was still a dazed young man.

There is a deviation from the time of the main universe. Instead, Wonder Woman was the first superhero to appear in the spotlight. She met Steve Trevor earlier.

The man who landed on Paradise Island due to a plane malfunction was Diana's first window into the world when she was still a princess.

Witnessing a corner of a broader world and pursuing the more colorful and beautiful colors of life, she is like a flying eagle leaving its nest and spreading its wings to come to the world.

The world she first saw was still in war and smoke. Diana became a nurse, a secretary, a soldier and an officer, and saw and came into contact with more different people, suffering and happiness, disasters and responsibilities.

Finally, time continues to move forward, and the lovers' faces are aging. How can human life be compared to a demigod?

At that time, Diana was already Wonder Woman.

When Batman found the Son of Tomorrow and the new queen of Paradise Island, they created a new organization.

Justice League.

When I was noisy in the past, I felt that the memories were all about my young and immature self and the big and small troubles I caused out of nowhere, with the embarrassment of wanting them to disappear as soon as possible.

But after losing it, I think about it more than once, how precious these memories are.

Superman's brows looked tenderly at the rising sun over the distant city. The rays of the morning sun warmed Clark's body and mind.

Even if they know the fragmented and cruel reality, occasionally, those who are left behind will still be able to recall the past uncontrollably.

But soon, the uncontrollable smile on Clark's face disappeared, and he regained his cheerful and bright look.

The blue Superman looked sharply at the more distant watchtower, the Alliance of Lords, and also looked at the high white figure on the back.

Back at the rebel headquarters, the gray bat was still sitting in front of the instrument connected to the unjust universe, and the other birds were making preparations for war against the rulers of the universe.

Bats always seem to be omnipotent and can constantly come up with new surprises for their enemies one after another. Behind these seemingly easy plans are often meticulous and sleepless arrangements in advance.

Clark followed Gray Bat's instructions to place the unexplained instruments and traps. When he came back, he saw Bruce still staring at the screen intently. It was exactly the same posture as before he left. Superman dared to guarantee it with his super vision.

Then he turned his attention to the screen, which was a message from the tyrant.

This made Clark couldn't help but poke his head out and confirm again that Injustice Cyborg had been eliminated and the opponent had lost its combat effectiveness. They had better take advantage of this time to eliminate Injustice Superman.

Soon new news popped up, which was the information that Diana had defeated Injustice. All the good news made Clark feel better, but he still thoughtfully did not disturb Gray Bat who was concentrating on his work.

"Injustice Bat and Nightwing, they are haunted by Sinestro."

The first one to speak between the two was Gray Bat. He frowned as another piece of information appeared. The main battlefield to contain the Injustice Superman was not clear.

Even if the overlap of the two universes makes the information transmission smoother, it does not mean that they can communicate in real time.

They can only issue situation reports after encounters like this.

And Gray Bat himself needs to operate to ensure the smooth and stable transmission of information, and to ensure that there are no accidents or intrusions.

Hearing this, Superman was stunned, and he also remembered who the opponent that Injustice Bat and Nightwing should be entangled with was. He couldn't help frowning and looked up at the screen worriedly.

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