"They are my subjects, and I will protect them and make all evil in the shadows disappear."

Lord Superman did not show anger at the angry accusations from his peers. His posture was calm and calm after having been in a high position for a long time, as if he were looking at a small town boy who was ignorant and had not yet grown up.

White is always associated with holiness in people's minds, just like believers looking up to gods, and Kal-El, how can he not be called a god in this universe.

With the arc of his cape raised by the fierce wind in the sky, he has always managed human beings in the most reasonable way, but no matter how hard he puts his efforts, there will always be a few disobedient rebels among so many obedient voices.

"No, you are a politician who kills without giving a nod, and you are a person in power who has been corrupted by power."

Look, another stubborn guy. Lord Superman looked at this peer who was obviously polarized with his ideas. They, Batman and Lois, had heard enough such refutations.

"But you can't deny the Garden of Eden I created. You want to destroy my rule, just like depriving more vulnerable people of the fairness they can get."

"I am indeed a ruler, as you say, and then, what are you doing? Being a rescue dog, being distracted by various criminal incidents, rescue missions that are too late or too late."

"You only heard the voice calling for help, and then you covered your ears, refusing to listen to the countless bones buried in the dark swamp and under the loess crying against the cruelty of the world."

"They stretched out their hands to reach the world where the sun shines, but there was no cry, so they were ignored as a matter of course."

Lord Superman spoke sharply and condescendingly as he looked down at the innocent boy who was punched into the sky by his punch. The cracked land proved that Carl was also trying his best. There was blood staining the pure white cloak, making the other person look like a ruthless judge. .

"You can still be your ridiculous personal hero and you won't try to change."

"You ask me what I am doing. I am trying to help more people stop worrying about oppression and discrimination, not having to worry about sudden accidents and murders, and not being killed by poverty and hardship. I am changing the entire terrible universe. "

Lord Superman fell from a high altitude and reached out to strangle Clark's neck. The other party subconsciously struggled to hold Carl's wrist tightly.

The peer from the reverse universe is indeed much better than the other idiot, but he will not allow himself to fail, otherwise what will happen to the safe place he built and the people in it.

He leaned closer, and the two of them were almost face to face. Karl continued to speak, gritting his teeth, hating that iron could not become steel and disappointed.

"Heroes, Superman, Clark Kent, Bruce Wayne, look down from your heights."

"In this world, you are not the only protagonist, and the resistance is not the only one who represents true justice."

What is there in my world, Carl thought, there are partners who have left me, companions who do not support my choices, rebels, peers with completely opposite ideas, and...

More and more people, they have bread, they have jobs, they don’t have to worry about their wages being deducted by unscrupulous companies, they don’t have to worry about crimes that may occur at night or during the day, and they don’t have to worry about being taken away by accidents one day. Everything about them.

They have an economy and a new life.

This is indeed Karl's Garden of Eden, his utopia. He ensures everyone's rights and interests, narrows the gap between the rich and the poor, allows the fat rats to return all the oil they squeezed out, and also ensures the safety of this world. just.

He is cold and rational, and no one knows how many people have died from these decrees, so no one who tries to bribe dares to challenge the authority of the God on Earth.

But if the judge is not ruthless and uses reason to judge right and wrong, why should he use ridiculous emotions to judge right and wrong?

"Bruce, I believe in you, I trust you. You have always been by my side, but I never thought that I had never understood you."

"You have to pursue your justice and ideals. You think I am on the wrong path, but on the contrary, you should be by my side."

By the end, Karl was no longer talking to the peer in front of him. He knew that with a headset, monitor, monitor or other small toy, Bruce would definitely be able to hear the conversation between him and this guy.

He doesn't understand that the government can do nothing, scheming, and living for its own interests at the expense of ordinary people, so why can't he stand at the center of power in the world.

It is He who rules, who loves this blue planet and everyone on it.

Louis said he was wrong, Gray Bat went back and said he was wrong, and many more people said he was wrong.

But Karl knew that he had not changed from beginning to end, he just wanted to do his best to protect all the people under his protection.

"But your desire to protect and control is becoming more and more paranoid, you are becoming more and more unscrupulous, you are becoming more and more disregarding the life and death of others, and you are increasingly depriving people of their freedom and thoughts for the so-called safety of life."

"Clark, this is getting further and further away from my ideal future."

The sound of the voice caused the two Kryptonians who were still fighting fiercely to move. Reverse Superman looked at Batman who appeared on the battlefield in shock. He subconsciously wanted to take the peer away from this position and let him leave. Bruce is far away.

However, Superman was also more ruthless and did not care about the consequences. He allowed himself to be kicked in the abdomen and arms by the opponent, just to throw the counterpart away.

He came in front of Bruce at the moment of getting rid of the obstacle.

Without actively attacking the opponent, Carl looked at the gray bat that came here with a cold tone.

"So you betrayed me."

Bruce did not answer this question. He looked up at the high and mighty Superman, who was floating in the air.

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