Messiah can rewrite data in reality within a certain range through the game itself, and this is unilateral. Under the same circumstances, other technologies cannot invade or modify Messiah's game system through reality.

The reason is very simple. The dimension of the game itself is higher. Even Messiah is not very clear. He only knows that the system has been on him since he became conscious, just like an extension of his consciousness.

But in fact, Messiah also thinks that this is nothing. The numerical adjustment of the game is also limited. It is impossible to make him as strong as Superman. For example, when fighting with Jason, cough, and Batman, his physical fitness cannot be adjusted to the same data as the other party. He can only punch him one by one, and there is a time limit. It can only be said that it is useful and makes him more like a pve player. Normally, he can't beat the boss in a one-on-one fight.

It can only be said that the Joker did not take a boy who seemed to be well-loved and not even Robin seriously. What he wanted was to destroy such a white immersed in happiness, like holding a petal in his hand and crushing it bit by bit.

He wanted to see Batman bring new misfortunes to the people around him because of him, and to see him bear new innocent young lives painfully.

He also expected that the death of a child would lead to a more intense and contradictory entertainment drama between the bird and the bat. He expected this, and expected to bring a worse day to everyone.

Then poor Uncle Joker didn't expect that he would be overturned like this.

Because of a long-term buff of the system: lethal.

(A special effect that opponents killed by players cannot be resurrected by any means.)

But the young Messiah couldn't understand why he could be resurrected after dying, and felt that this buff was really useless.

Because when he met Jason, the other party had already left the Assassin's League, and the boy who didn't know about Lazarus Pool didn't know that the essence of the universe was that everyone was dead and alive, and repeatedly doing sit-ups.

Just as he was worrying about making his house so dirty, the other party's corpse was still emitting green gas that looked terrible. Messiah pulled out the antivirus software and clicked to use it. When the system progress bar was loaded and the corpse was harmlessly treated, Messiah realized that the reactions of the small animals in the house looked dull.

Batman Cat has completely turned into a black dandelion with frizzy hair. It was originally a long-haired and big-tailed cat, but now it is more fluffy and round. I don't know if it is solid or bloated. You can't find its limbs from a distance or close up. It has completely turned into an abyss.

But it's rare that I can still see from that stern cat face that I don't understand, but I am shocked.

The blue Robin bird is on the ground for some reason, a bit like it fell and sat down, and its expression is also stunned. The other two red birds are also motionless, and the hedgehog is still crawling hard on the floor, eagerly circling.

The boy doesn't care about the body at the door, oh, he still cares, because the other party is splashed everywhere and cracked.

Jason normally goes home in the early morning, and estimates that he still has several hours to destroy the corpses and the traces. However, Messiah, who doesn't know that his guardian is already riding back with a ferocious look on his face, and a string of bats are flying behind him like a kite, still thinks it's a small scene and he shouldn't panic. He is more concerned about whether the small animals he raises are frightened.

My God, his gunshot is so loud, they won't be frightened.

The boy who loves everyone has no idea how many people's values ​​he has broken and will break. He also picked up the birds and the little hedgehog and kissed them one by one. Although the hedgehog would rather die than surrender and flew away directly. But the three birds didn't escape the enthusiastic kiss.

As for why there is no cat, it can only be said that Messiah is still young, and his height is even shorter than that of a normal boy. There is no way. Although he looks twelve years old, he is actually only three years old.

Don't make it difficult for him to pick up a big black cat the size of an adult Maine Coon. When the other party lies down, it looks like a super thick and long carpet. He brought it back by plugging it into the system at the beginning.

"What just happened?" Dick said dreamily. They had been gathered into a ball by the boy, and tiptoed back to the bird's nest.

Jason, who was forced to squeeze together, was quite dramatic. He was full of joy and pretended to speak sadly.

"It seems that a clown who came to deliver a surprise has become a new surprise. Ding ding ding, a puddle of clowns."

"It's quite troublesome to clean up." And sincerely condemned the behavior of causing trouble to children after the other party's death.

Tim looked at Batman who was still thinking, and then looked at the boy who swept a puddle of blood and tried to pour it into the toilet, and then squeezed into the bird's nest comfortably.

"It seems that the crisis has been resolved."

Damian didn't have any idea about killing, but he had ideas about the Messiah. The current situation made his hedgehog brain buzz. He didn't know how Todd raised his cubs.

In fact, like Damian, apart from the initial shock of the Joker's death, his attention was focused on Messiah's indifference to killing, and his normal and abnormal performance.

This made the suspicious Bat easily think of some unpleasant futures, but the other party's attitude of worrying about what to do if his parents came back and saw that he had caused trouble was very childish.

Everyone was a little confused, and Jason spoke up, "Why think so much, just wait and see, the other party is still young, what can a child do wrong."

Although you can see that his heart is biased as soon as he opens his mouth, he has already found excuses for him.

"But this is dangerous. Would a normal boy kill a vicious criminal so calmly? This is the Joker."

"His attitude is like accidentally breaking your favorite potted plant at the door, and then rushing to deal with the scene."

Red Robin Chu spoke again, using Jason Chu as an analogy.

There was a sense of guilt, but not much, and he was not even afraid or panicked.

Of course, while they were discussing, the diligent Messiah had already flushed one-third of the clowns into the toilet, which ended up blocking the toilet.

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