"Master Dick."

But the other party quickly realized that this was a person from a parallel universe, so even if the probability was very low, there was a possibility that Dick Grayson's isotope would appear.

Messiah shrugged and spread his hands, expressing helplessness.

"Sorry, I don't want to bring up your sad memories."

This sentence also means that he has investigated everything that happened in this universe and wanted to conceal it for this reason.

The old butler sighed, but his eyes softened, "No, no need to apologize, you are very considerate."

Batman's attitude was the same as always, and he didn't seem to be surprised or his attitude changed because of the player's identity, but Messiah still noticed that the other party should be very surprised, and there might be some complex emotions in his senses.

"Then let's get to know each other again, I am Dick Grayson." Messiah deliberately didn't say what the code name was, and his smile was so sweet, more like Nightwing than Claw.

Before, Messiah cut off the beginning and the end of his origin and purpose, only saying that he died at the hands of the Joker, and then he was resurrected, and the person who resurrected him hoped that he would go to a universe and help the people there.

Obviously, when Messiah said calmly that the claws had been killed once, and his next goal, Batman clenched his palms, and his expression was uncontrollably gloomy.


When the key noun appeared, Messiah also put up an exclamation mark, but Batman was not the kind of guy who wanted to continue the discussion. He looked at Dick, who had become a young man, and couldn't help but think of Robin, who didn't even have the chance to grow up.

When Messiah took the milk provided by the old housekeeper and a few biscuits for breakfast, Bruce was reluctant to move his eyes away from him, and he controlled it very well, so Messiah didn't notice it.

After a simple exchange, the Flash had returned to Central City, and it was time for Batman to rest, and as for the treatment of Dick.

Bruce didn't say, and Alfred didn't ask, this Wayne Manor was indeed too empty and too quiet for too long, maybe an interesting guest should come to stay for a few more days.

Batman didn't try to keep him nor was he in a hurry to send him away. His attitude was a bit natural, but he also obviously noticed that Dick's words were hidden, and who was the guy who resurrected him and asked him to help others.

He didn't believe the description of the so-called kind-hearted person at all, and the more he suspected that there was something wrong with what Dick was about to do, and the other party didn't even make it clear what the coordinates of the universe were, but it didn't matter, he would investigate.

Messiah, who had already followed the old butler's arrangement to Wayne Manor above the Batcave, was still thinking after entering the room. He already had an understanding of Batman's difficulty, and he also felt that his language skills were indeed not up to standard.

Maybe he should go to study hard and try to deceive Batman next time.

Messiah, the master of fooling around, learned his lesson and couldn't continue to lie flat and fish. He had to work hard and make all the bats look at him with new eyes.

"Mr. Dick, do you have any other needs?" asked the old butler.

"Can I have two servings of cereal for dinner?" The player said sincerely.

Hungry, food.

Studying should wait until you are full!

I thought the typhoon would be over, why is there still a water and power outage? ! Mask of pain.

Red Hood: Messiah, remember to be polite when you go out, but you don’t need to be polite to Batman

Arkham Knight: You can say sorry after beating the criminals. You have apologized, and if they still dare to be reluctant, they will be killed

Tyrant: Argue with Batman? What is there to argue about? Just swing your fists at him.

Player: So that’s how it is! I learned it!

Claw Wing: ? ? ? ?

Claw Wing: Is it me who has a problem, or is it your education that has a problem.

Favorability of Messiah↓

Knight: Playing badly

Tyrant: Favorability is crawling with difficulty

Claw: Self-strategy

Speaking of this question, I really feel that Messiah is like Dick, both in character and color matching.

Key word: Joker

Player (sweet tone): How many portions do you want to slaughter? How about five portions.

Also, the hedgehog's butt is very pink. Guess which hedgehog's pink butt Messiah has secretly poked in the extra chapter.

Chapter 84 Robin Experience Card

Messiah sent away the old butler with a complicated expression and disapproval. It was obvious that the other party was very worried about his diet, but Messiah thought it was okay. Cereals are simple, convenient and delicious.

At dinner, the old butler did prepare cereals for Messiah, and not only cereals, but also a table of feasts. It was obvious that although he disagreed, he did not change the recipes without authorization because of his disagreement. He was even very happy to have such a guest at home.

Although the staple food prepared for Bruce became cereal for some reason, the old butler's gratified words revealed that he still hoped that the child could eat something good.

It seemed that he was really looking forward to it. Bruce on the opposite side shrugged his shoulders at him, indicating that he was innocent.

Messiah was amused and raised his mouth corners. The smile on his young and handsome face was bright and gentle, making Bruce vaguely think that he saw his Robin growing up healthily.

After dinner, Messiah gradually became interested in this universe. As the saying goes, we are here now.

After searching around, I found that the only uniform in his backpack was the claw set, which was not suitable. After all, there are owls in Gotham, which is the basic configuration.

It seems that Messiah can only express regret.

He really wants to try what it feels like to be on night patrol, which is something that Robin rarely has the opportunity to experience.

The disappointment on Messiah's face is too obvious, like a puppy with disappointed expectations, and he feels quite aggrieved. Batman certainly sees this, and the old butler looks around in the Batcave, but can't find a suitable uniform, and can't even wear a bat suit, because his breasts are not as big as Batman's, and he is also shorter.

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