"When you get to the back, stay away. I'll deal with those FC guys."

"Also, don't just run into someone next time. Not everyone will be willing to help you. They may even become accomplices."

The Knight even thought about the nickname for the scum, and didn't notice the subtle expression on the other side after hearing his words.

Chapter 10 Gotham Shadow

Loris Millie Nars, she was forced to move to Gotham from New York because of a job transfer. After all, no one really wanted to work in Gotham, but there was indeed a need for a general manager here.

As a result, everyone pushed the transfer back and forth, and it fell to Loris Millie, who was still a department manager at the time. They hurriedly stuffed her into Gotham under the pretext of a promotion.

At first, she was still full of confidence. After all, her city had Iron Man and Spiderman, so as a city also protected by superheroes, how bad could Gotham be.

As the general manager of a subsidiary, she was often the last one to leave work out of a sense of responsibility, and it was often dark at that time. However, since the security in the area where she often lived was not bad, and there were bat vigilantes patrolling at night before, it was not so bad. She even thought of using this opportunity to directly climb up, and then she was very realistic and quickly slapped Loris Millie.

First, the super criminals in the asylum began to emerge one by one, and then there were endless low-level criminals, gangsters, and homeless people. Everyone seemed to have lost their minds. Everyone was going crazy, enjoying and welcoming the night without the deterrence brought by Batman and every possible night afterwards.

The sudden change in the current situation in Gotham has seriously affected her work, and even made her feel collapsed several times. It’s not that she didn’t bring those self-defense equipment with her, anti-wolf spray, knives, and even small-shaped lady □□, but these are completely useless in the face of the current Gotham. Everyone is going crazy, and the whole city seems to be immersed in madness.

Loris Millie no longer dared to go home at night, and she would even leave the company before dusk. Complaining to the police station did not help the current situation. She was followed more than once and became mentally exhausted.

This time was the same. She even left the company early, but was still followed. Loris Millie did not want to pull out her gun to scare the gangsters away like she did several times before, but it was obvious that the group of people also had guns in their hands, and they were more disciplined. They had planned to force Loris Millie into this bar.

And recently, she had been nervous and frightened, so she realized that there was no way to escape after she reacted. Then she saw Jason, the fierce man who pushed the door in.


The woman was crying in collapse, and not far away was the human traffickers on the □□ side whose limbs were broken by the knight.

They would kidnap women with good looks and send them to nightclubs in the gray area, or underground bars used for more dirty transactions. They were a group of hopeless scum.

But in front of women, the knight still didn't make the scene too bloody. Loris Millie cried and sobbed. This period of time has put too much pressure on her, but she still thanked the knight for helping her.

In fact, Loris has been saved by superheroes more than once, whether in New York or Gotham, those vigilantes who are willing to lend a hand because of her call for help.

Having had close contact with such people, they always have a temperament that is completely opposite to that group of criminals and very similar. She admitted that there was a gambling element at that time, but just now she was so desperate that she found herself cornered. Even if it was really possible that she admitted her mistake, the other party was also a criminal, she would directly bump into him.

After all, she didn't know what to do to escape, to leave here safely, to leave Gotham. As long as she thought about it, she might never go back to see her beloved parents again. They would be stained with sorrow for her disappearance, and even worse for their bodies that were not so healthy because of their aging. Loris was even more scared.

She was afraid that her departure would bring the greatest harm to her family.

After crying enough, the woman thanked the knight again, and before she got up and left the back alley of the bar, she walked towards the group of men who had just targeted her. After her fear calmed down, she raised her foot and kicked each of the men who had attempted violence several times. She was still clear-headed with tears, but her expression had changed from panic to anger and ferocity.

After finally venting her emotions, Miss Loris Millie put her handbag on her shoulder again and turned around and walked away with her high heels clattering heavily.

She would not stay in Gotham any longer. She would quit her job and drive back to New York immediately. What a joke. Is money more important than life?

And seeing the victim kicking the criminal angrily, his screams were even more shrill than the knight's just now. It can be seen that when a woman is angry, she is much more fierce than any torture.

The knight shrugged and said that he did not sympathize with them. They deserved it. The knight noticed that these crimes were becoming more rampant and open after losing Batman. It also directly proves that Gotham cannot live without Batman.

He raised his hand again and opened the holographic image loaded on his arm armor, using his own technology and the key marks of the system to confirm that those little birds are still flying around Gotham, putting out fires everywhere, and even cleaning up the mistakes of their companions.

Arkham Knight was already suspicious. Before Batman returned, the whole Gotham would be blown up by some super villain just because he wanted to, while the Bat Family was in a state of panic.

It was really fucking amazing.

The Knight was interrupted by a communication from Red Hood, who asked him to return to his Batcave. He didn't care about this almost rude command. After all, madness is indeed the main color of Gotham now. From top to bottom, from vigilantes and super criminals to the bottom of Gotham, there are few who are not crazy.

However, the Knight couldn't be called back like a dog when he heard the news. He continued to avoid the vigilantes in Gotham, looking for a few chaotic alleys or places with weak calls for help to save people, and then slowly returned to Red Hood's Batcave as if he had just finished shopping.

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