Dick was more alert. He hid the player further back. From Night Owl's words, he found that the other party didn't know the existence of the player.

But the relationship between Messiah and the system was obviously unusual, with the meaning of "prosperity and loss together".

This is probably why the system can't directly attack the player, but is constantly trying to control Messiah through induction and indirect influence.

Night Owl probably only knows the system, while Nightmare Knights, Barbatos, and God know more.

Dick's thoughts changed and his expression changed. He said calmly, "I don't need your intervention. I will solve it myself."

"Just like I solved the Court of Owls."

This is also the threat of Claw Dick to Thomas. He can kill the group of white masks, and he may also kill Night Owl.

But Night Owl was happier after hearing Dick's threat. He felt that his adopted son and his brother had become stronger and smarter. It was a good thing to have more self-protection ability.

He didn't take this threat to heart at all, but spoke again.

"Since there is nothing to do, we can leave this dream."

"Dream? What does that mean?" The player was alert. He poked Dick, reminding him to stop staring at Night Owl.

To Dick, Night Owl also patiently answered, "This is a dream universe created by someone on a whim."

"No matter how many changes are made, it will be in vain when he wakes up." Thomas noticed Dick's expression, frowned, and did not want the claws to continue to get involved in what happened in this universe.

"You don't have to worry about those claws, they are already dead." Death in various senses.

The people in this universe, as well as the existence of the universe itself, have long since disappeared.

Dick asked the player if he wanted to leave, and the player shook his head. He was a rebellious person all his life, and he insisted on saying no.

Then the claws turned around, abandoned Night Owl who stretched out his hand to stop him, shot the hook gun and chased in the direction Batman left.

"Can you find Robin's location?" Dick asked in the system channel.

"Of course, I'll go save Robin."

Behind him, Night Owl also chased up without hesitation, but did not continue to make obstructive actions, but spoke beside Dick.

"You are doing useless work."

The claw did not answer, and Thomas also realized that he might not be able to convince the other party unless he carried the person back by violence.

Tsk, it's bad luck to be associated with that guy.

"Okay, I can help you, depending on the recovery strength of your previous Dionysus factor." Night Owl's tone became heavy, and he ordered Dick.

"You go save Robin, I'll deal with the Joker."

Speaking of this, Night Owl wanted to tsk again. The Joker in this universe, this guy who is about to die is the most troublesome when he goes crazy.

Even if he has the Dionysus factor, he can't let Dick get close to the Joker again.

The player actually wanted to say no to Night Owl, but he was afraid that if he really said it, the other party would just pack him up and take him away, then what would happen to Batman and Robin in this universe.

So he nodded wisely, and this perverse attitude also satisfied Night Owl.

Look, his claws can still understand his good intentions.

The player thought, I will kill the Joker after I save Robin.

Dick lit a candle for Night Owl, who seemed calm and unmoved, but was actually very nervous to put the Joker in the same space with him. It seemed that the child was going to grow up secretly and then give Thomas a surprise.

Tsk tsk, why can't he lower his lips? He definitely didn't intend to gloat over others' misfortunes and wait to see them suffer.

Yeah: (burns Night Owl's butt) (strike a match) (strike a match) (I strike, strike, strike, strike)

Claw Wing: (I have been strictly trained, I usually don't smile unless I really can't help it)

Claw Wing: (The corners of his mouth rise wildly)

Nightwing: I'm still on the way

Red Robin: I'm in San Francisco, Batman doesn't let me go home more often, I'm sulking

Red Hood: Not here

Damian: I quarreled with Batman, went out alone for night patrol, and then suffered a shame, don't cue

Batman: I really didn't go to the scene, unlike some animal, who stood at the finish line from the beginning and pretended to be at the starting line

System: I said it wasn't me who stole the bird this time, I'm wronged! I was obviously attacked by Night Owl!

Chapter 101 Don't raise hedgehogs randomly

As they crossed most of Gotham City, Messiah followed Damian's clues and separated from Night Owl, and acted alone again.

To find the hidden Robin through Gotham's system map, you must race against time. The longer the time is delayed, the more dangerous the bird will be.

His judgment was not wrong. The Joker delayed Batman's steps, and the two were confronting and fighting.

A monitoring screen appeared above the system interface. There were too many uncertainties in this universe, which always gave people a sense of urgency, so in order to grasp the movements of others as quickly as possible.

The player directly invaded the Gotham network, or even the Batcomputer, took over the monitoring of the entire city, and then quickly checked and locked it, finding the Joker, Batman, and the Night Owl who was still moving forward.

Thomas' head tilted slightly on the screen, looking at the miniature surveillance camera. Although it was obviously a small prop installed by the Batman family, he knew that this was probably Dick's work. Monitoring the city? Monitoring Batman and the Joker? Or monitoring him?

Night Owl did not get angry because he was not trusted. His focus was on the control of the system by the claws, and it seemed that he did not need to worry too much.

He was very satisfied, which proved that his claws had grown better after dying once, which was a good thing.

Thomas was in a good mood. The only flaw might be that his claws clearly wanted to help Batman.


Could it be that he had contact with other Batmen during the time he missed him?

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