In order to ensure that players will not encounter the embarrassing situation of not being able to use a vest when entering the world, the game will first have an operation tutorial. The moment players become Arkham Knight, they will find that the tutorial map is quite large.


This is a Gothic city that has just experienced war. It has collapsed and is severely damaged. A large number of abandoned buildings are silently telling their own experiences. The decadent and gloomy atmosphere is the main color that covers everything.

The Arkham Knight feels familiar the moment he sets foot on this land. Players start with exploration leisurely and curiously, walking through the empty streets and alleys, observing the surroundings instinctively. Everything is so abnormal, and full of Gotham-style normality.

There were footsteps, armor friction and mechanical collisions during the action, and only all the sounds brought by Arkham Knight alone, and these messy sounds disappeared one by one after gradually becoming familiar with the body's pace.

The player seems to be assimilated by the city, like a silent ghost walking in Gotham covered by the gray sky.

[System prompt]

Suddenly, the player found a mark pointing to the roof in the field of vision. Arkham Knight subconsciously raised his arm, fixed the hook claw on the eaves, and then took a run and jumped up, jumping directly to a high place more easily than the player imagined.

Just like the body has performed such actions countless times, the habit has long been engraved into instinct.

The field of vision is indeed wider at a high place. The player follows the mark to run between the roof and the building, jumps to a higher position again and again, and then jumps down at the end of the high place, using the hook rope or the strange props he subconsciously touches as a buffer, and also steps on the rusty iron guardrail in the alley to turn over and land on the rooftop that is not low just by physical fitness.

Occasionally, Arkham Knight will enter the room along the main road to explore, and then find that it is full of various sundries, daily necessities, and even models of rotten food, but the player is not interested in trying this anti-human taste, and even a little bored.

He felt that he could vaguely know what those bad things smelled like, but he couldn't eat expired and rotting food in reality, so he classified this as an illusion.

After exploring several apartments in a row, he didn't get anything, and all the items couldn't be picked up, probably just a sticker. The player curled his lips, then manipulated his body to leave this room, jumped onto the roof again and continued running on it, looking for Easter eggs or something else.

After all, the tutorial map will only appear once, and after choosing to end the tutorial, there will be no more opportunities to get familiar with the birth point? Happy hometown? in person.

The player knows Batman well. He is a control freak. If he really dares to run around on the roof like this after entering the world, he will definitely be made into a watch in the first place.

To be honest, the player thinks that Batman may be the biggest boss of this game, but who cares, anyway, he is here to play games, not to get entangled with Batman.

After passing by a roof, Arkham Knight paused and directly destroyed the skylight and landed in the room. He stood up from his half-kneeling position and began to look at the safe house with scattered gun parts and obvious traces of fighting.

Yes, it is a safe house, not the dormitory or bungalow of ordinary people, and the knight confirmed that this was once a battlefield.

The bullet holes and the traces of sharp weapons sliding on the wall are very obvious. Who has confronted or even fought here?

In fact, the knight knows the answer very well. The black figure flashed through his memory, and at the same time, a desperate anger seemed to ignite in his chest, which had nowhere to vent. Even if everything could be burned, something would still remain in the embers.

When the system prompts that the synchronization rate is rising, the player is a little irritable, and begins to get used to and control his body at the fastest speed, moving forward, backward, jumping, gliding, observing, and operating.

Guns, knives, those sophisticated instruments and computers.

The deserted Gotham is silent and empty, allowing this blue bird to fly over the city, perhaps not light enough, but agile enough.

[Arkham Knight Synchronization Rate 20%]

A combat training robot appeared in front of Arkham Knight. This was a new task that was just refreshed with the progress of the tutorial. After entering the combat state, the Knight became more relaxed and even whistled frivolously.

"It's good, it's cool, you can tell at a glance that it's a practical guy that burns money."

When the Knight spoke, he realized that he seemed to be too quiet before.

There was no way, there was no one to talk to in such a Gotham, the silence was too bad, and now, the witch's silence magic was broken. Arkham Knight even had the mood to tease himself, and then his expression suddenly became fierce, and he used his weight to bring this large prey to the ground like a leopard.

The machine is indeed harder and more powerful than flesh and blood, but the Knight found that the battle that he expected might be difficult did not have any stagnation, as if he knew where to hit with his fist to cause the greatest damage without careful thinking.

The electronic eye was pierced by the blade, the flesh and blood fist made a dent in the steel plate, and the armored palm reached into the mechanical core and accurately cut off the power supply system. The Arkham Knight even took out his gun again and shot the core until it was charred and shattered after confirming that the mechanical opponent was scrapped.

The battle ended too quickly. Jason Todd, AKA Arkham Knight, even felt a little unsatisfied. His heartbeat was still beating violently because of the sudden outburst. The high adrenaline made his body swallow subconsciously. The rolling of his Adam's apple made the player realize that he really liked this feeling.

But who doesn't like the excitement and satisfaction brought by this freedom and power? Whether it was flying freely over Gotham or now, it made the player feel it was a kind of enjoyment.

Then he knocked down a few more mechanical enemies. After becoming more and more agile and skilled, the tutorial mission was finally updated to the last step.

[System prompt]: Please go to the bat cave underground in Wayne Manor to end this map

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