

"I remember Bruce here is dead." Arkham Knight said a joke about the AK universe hell that Red Hood obviously didn't get, and successfully choked his own counterpart.

The player began to stretch his limbs lazily and stretch his muscles. He didn't change into the uniform today, so he just showed his face, white shirt and light blue jeans.

Compared with the fully armed Batman Jason, at first glance, he looked like a college student who was still in school, and actually had a kind of comfortable bookish air - except for the conspicuous mark on his face.



But before the two of them could rest for a while, the Batcave welcomed an intruder. The arrival of a man in a bat uniform could be seen on the flashing red warning screen, and Red Hood reacted instantly and left the computer, heading to the outer periphery to fight the intruder. He knew who it would be if he could find this place first.

Tim Drake AKA Red Robin, or even the current Batman. As a homologue with permission, it is not difficult for the player to see the scene, thanks to the good habit of the bats to place surveillance cameras everywhere. The fight between the brothers on the screen gradually escalated into a fight.

Bird Baby is indeed a smart detective who is most like Bruce, but he is still a little inexperienced when facing his brother.

The battle did not last long. When Red Hood dealt with his brother who rejected him as expected, the player also got up and left the core control room.

Does Red Hood really trust him and has no defense, just because they are homologues?

It's ridiculous. Even if the player thinks about the answer with Juan and Jim of Nightwing, he knows it's impossible. The entire Batcave seems to be completely open to the Knight without any reservations, but who knows if the Knight really wants to get involved in their brotherly war, will Red Hood first shoot the homologue with a backhand shot.

Of course, they are all Jason Todd, and the Arkham Knight is not a vegetarian. If they really fight, it is not certain who will win or lose between the super soldier injected with serum and the flesh and blood of the vigilante.

The knight's footsteps disappeared, and his cold blue eyes took on the color of a hunter under the shadow of the night.

It was a non-uniform outfit that seemed to be relaxed and harmless to the Red Hood, but when the cuffs were pulled up, the precision arm armor underneath could be seen, which was thin enough to touch the skin. No matter how you looked at the shape through the cloth or even touched it, it was impossible to see any traces. This thing was even modified by the knight himself according to the various high-tech he learned in the army.

He turned on the holographic screen and used a more hidden line to invade the bat cave again, giving Batman Jason himself the signal and image changes of his current situation with Red Robin while he was still in front of the computer.

Then he entered after shielding the alarm in the weapons room, put the small gift locators on the equipment in place, and took the things away directly. After that, he went to find Tim's "corpse" that was discarded after the Red Hood took off the bat cape.

Players only have a rough understanding of the plot, but Arkham Knight will not become a headless fly because of those so-called plots, and it is even more impossible for him to completely believe and follow the routine. He will analyze, look at the current situation of the city, and pay attention to these bat vigilantes.

Then he saw a city of sin that was not much better than Gotham invaded by the army.

He said a thousand times and ten thousand times that he was tired and didn't want to get involved, but could Jason Todd really allow it, and turn a blind eye to the whole Gotham and the crying and calls for help of those innocent people?

The Knight found Tim, and the Red Hood, who had already fought with the Nightwing who came over, obviously couldn't be distracted to care about them.

He fed the red bird a hemostatic tablet and bandaged him.

And the Red Hood Batcave, which has become a battlefield, can't be safe anywhere.

When Red Robin was dazed and wanted to wake up, he was knocked unconscious by a knife. The Knight had already taken over the driving system here, threw the bird into the Red Hood's modified bulletproof car and sent him out.

The action continued.

Behind him was a sniper rifle, but the ammunition inside was a diffuse anesthetic. In order to prevent the antidote that the bats might carry or inject, he then went to the fire protection system of the Bat Cave, put down the induction device to be turned on in the water pipe, and also poured in the mixed new special digestion liquid, of course, to destroy the insulating materials of the bats' uniforms.

After all, the Knight did think about how to deal with Batman and the Bat Family for countless nights, from the opponent's behavior patterns and skills to uniform materials, equipment and weapons.

Even those locations that might become entry points were set up with new small blasting traps, and the calculated evasion routes were extended to continue to set up seven or eight continuous capture traps.

After that, it was to find a suitable hiding place to deal with the two brothers fighting each other directly after the preparation for the action. The time for this arrangement was very efficient, not even more than ten minutes.


When they reached the edge of the battlefield, they could still hear their roars or analytical conversations. Nightwing still hoped that his brother could seek help and return to the Bat Family, but his expression was also too cold and hard. He was heartbroken and looking at a mistake.

When that video appeared, Arkham Knight immediately seized the opportunity at the moment Red Hood collapsed. Anesthetic gas filled the cave, and Nightwing, who was suddenly alerted by a third party, was alerted. When he went to get the gas mask, the fire protection system was turned on, and the anesthetic was mixed into the water. The solvent and the electric current poured down together, making them unable to react for a while and injured again.

At the moment when the shower stopped, the knight appeared and kicked the Red Hood away, causing the isotope, who was out of control due to collapse and paralyzed by continuous attacks, to temporarily lose its combat power.

That's right, he was prepared from the beginning to make the Red Hood, who was most likely to lose control, lose its mobility first.

And then, facing Dick, who was stunned by his face and did not react for a while and was also paralyzed, the other party wanted to speak, but the Arkham Knight would not give him a chance. The steel cable taken from the isotope's arsenal was tied to the big brother in the parallel world.

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