Red Hood sneered and left directly. For him, since the Arkham Knight had found the clues, he would always find them after knowing that the old man might still be alive - following the traces left by the Knight's previous investigation. After all, no matter how clean the tail was, this was still his Batcave.

Even if he tried to avoid thinking, his sharp thinking speed made Nightwing almost unable to restrain himself from thinking about what the scar meant.

It was a disqualification, a disqualification as the eldest brother, a mockery of the entire Bat family by the Joker, and another mistake. Dick didn't even react to the departure of Red Hood in the first time, but when he stood up and wanted to chase Red Hood, he had lost his brother's figure when the steel cable fell to the ground.

When Dick's eyes fell on the Knight who was obviously laughing at him with his arms crossed, the other party also frowned.

"Don't look at me, your house game has nothing to do with me."

The Knight was obviously not going to follow this nest of bats to Wayne Manor. He didn't leave directly, just to be an NPC who provided clues.

Players eventually become NPCs, right?


The player was actually quite curious about the Batcave, but after thinking about the endless attempts, he felt that he was no longer good. He had always felt that he was a sunny, cheerful, and leisurely map exploration player. Since Batman was not in Gotham recently, players were considering going to New York or Metropolis to open a new map.

Going to New York, there is the lively and friendly Spider-Man, and going to Metropolis, there is the gentle and reliable God of the World, which one is not better than the gloomy and prickly Batboys.

It's just that all the imaginations are beautiful, and Dick is obviously very clear that he can't treat the Knight with force, so his attitude is very friendly and positive, and even has a kind of sexy and enthusiastic Nightwing who finally took a breath under long-term pressure, showing a really hopeful look to the Knight.

The Arkham Knight is cold and ruthless, and his heart is calm, and he doesn't buy this at all, and even knows that he is just pretending to show him.

Ha, Bat.

But damn, the players eat it.

Even if the synchronization rate drops by 5%, it can't stop the player from being fascinated by the sexy big brother, and the little brain that is not very smart to begin with.

Unable to help but sigh, Arkham Knight held his forehead and shook it lightly, and then put on that cold face again before Nightwing and the others turned back.

They are now on the way back to Wayne Manor. Of course, the servants have left. Now there are only Nightwing driving, Damian in the co-pilot, the knight in the back seat, and Tim in the bat suit who is still unconscious because of the small space in the back seat of the modified car and rests on the knight's thigh. The Red Hood took away the bat cape to stimulate Dick.

As for whether the baby bird is really not awake yet, the knight thinks it is debatable. The player is a little excited. He even used all the concealed skills just to rub the little red bird a few more times. The technique is to touch the top of the head and hook the chin, a bit like petting a cat.

The knight was moved to tears after watching it. It's really fucking that he has no ambition.

“He is indeed an incompetent waste.”

It was quiet for a long time, and Damian in front suddenly sneered. He was referring to the one who was lying unconscious in the car after leaving the replica Batcave of Red Hood.


I don’t really understand the brotherly love of the Bat family! If he had a cute brother like Tim, uh, it seems like an older brother to Damian, but the older brother is also very good, which is obviously so cute. Although the little red bird has been wary of him, testing him, and always wanted to take off his vest, it cannot be denied that Tim’s personality is indeed very good, compared with the crazy isotope.

But no one in the car responded to Damian, so the atmosphere returned to silence. When they arrived at Wayne Manor, the player wanted to carry the little red bird in, but found that the other party had opened his eyes, blinked at him with blue eyes, and got out of the car and followed Dick into the Batcave as if nothing had happened.

The knight suddenly looked strange, stretched out his hand to check around his body, and found two or three listening devices.

It is confirmed that Red Robin could not have the opportunity to place these toys under his sight in the car. They could only have been attached when he was knocked unconscious. At that time, his attention was mostly on Dick and Nightwing, and he was concentrating on the next conflict and battle after simply dealing with Tim.

Obviously, the bird also heard the previous words.

Forget it, I was going to tell them anyway. Even if Tim didn't know, Nightwing would always tell Red Robin, right?


To be honest, the player has already been confused about the family relationship of the bat. Although Damian showed an attitude of eagerness and wanting to force questioning, Nightwing and Red Robin looked calm and didn't care much. They even asked Alfred to take care of Jason Todd, who looked younger in this parallel world.

The knight rolled his eyes. They were all taught by the old guy, as if they didn't know each other. He could even imagine the two birds working overtime, anxious and anxious.

However, he had no interest in being a riddler, so the clues and the Darkseid conspiracy he knew about were quickly handed over to the Batman family here. As for other questions about the source itself, the Knight was too lazy to be an encyclopedia or question-answering machine for them, and simply ignored them.

After the Red Hood settled down, Red Robin was told to find Bruce, and Dick put on the Batman uniform and continued to take over and stay in Gotham with Damian to suppress criminals. The situation in Gotham was stabilized.

The Knight himself did not continue to get involved more deeply. Was he going to follow the bats here to fight criminals? And then become a new bat vigilante called Arkham Knight? This possibility made him feel sick and disgusted.

"Master Todd, is it these foods that you don't like?"

This was Alfred's voice. Both players and knights had very low demands for food. Players preferred to lie on the sofa and read novels on sunny days. Although the taste of novels was difficult for the Knight to approve, it was better than nagging to go on night patrol with bats.

As for Arkham Knight, perhaps these little cookies did attract him during the Robin period, but after coming out of Arkham, no matter how delicious the food was, it would make him feel sick and nauseous. He really didn't want to eat it, if it wasn't for the necessary intake of the body.

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