Poison Ivy seemed to be interested in chatting. She took the boy's hand and continued walking deep into the forest where people could not set foot. She continued to say, "Do you know about witch hunting, boy?"

Messiah shook his head honestly. What he knew was limited to the information given by Jason. Although the system could be used to investigate more things, rather than relying on the system for everything, it would be better to let him explore slowly on his own. Only then will the understanding of the world and the feeling of existence become more real.

"At that time, there was a young girl who had just completed her studies from a more enlightened tutor. There was no way. You have to know that men would not be happy to accept a knowledgeable woman as their wife. Naturally, they would not accept anything other than ceremonial flower arrangements. Such learning.”

As a woman who wants to learn in this era, she is so unique and deviant. However, the accusations from men and the gossip from fellow women cannot stop her passion for plants.

From the so-called flower arrangement, she started to come into contact with these tenacious and fragile lives, and then watched such beautiful blooms gradually wither because of broken roots. At that time, she understood that what she wanted was definitely more than this, beautiful green, beautiful The flowers and their beautiful vitality fascinate Ivy so much.

So the girl who was still an aristocratic lady at that time resolutely embarked on the path of pursuing knowledge. She wanted to know more, more, not just the plants that seemed numerous in the garden but could not grow wantonly, cherish them, protect them, and find them. Those rarer and more beautiful lives are still blooming in unknown corners.

"Then, after completing your studies, will you be able to do what you want to do?" Messiah looked up at the woman's profile, showing more curiosity about what was to come.

"I'm talking about the story of witch hunting, not the happy ending of a little girl meeting a prince." Poison Ivy's posture was lazy, telling a story that she was interested in to a stranger she was interested in.

"God loves the world, those political worms who were supported said so. Then one after another burning racks began to appear throughout the country. What's ridiculous is how many people were saying that it was a judgment on evil, and then Each other set their hunting eyes on the same kind, accused and reported, and then the people around them also brought the girl to the trial court."

"Innocent people will not be burned in the fire. If they are ignited, they will be filthy." Poison Ivy sarcastically tasted this sentence and felt more and more ridiculous. She touched it and kept saying it. The boy who was holding her hand and listening attentively had soft black hair mixed with fluorescent blue flowing through his fingers. The more he looked at her, the more she fell in love with her.

"Then the girl named Pamela Lillian Isley was set on fire and burned to an ugly char. Everyone thought she was dead, but it was ridiculous because she was abandoned on the ground, in the The grass in the forest miraculously survived."

"Of course, in the end, those superficial fools got their revenge, which made for some nice fertilizer for her beloved flower fields."

Poison Ivy waited with interest for the reaction of the people listening to the story, but unfortunately, Messiah did not show any fear or discomfort. He just nodded and accepted the ending that seemed slightly bloody.

As a child who is learning and growing up like a sponge, constantly collecting information, Messiah's cognition is quite flexible. He is educated by the Bat Family, but he is also taught by the most deviant one in the Bat Family.

"The result was a vigorous trial. I don't know whether it was witches or more innocent people who were tried, but it was extremely effective and created other, new monsters."

"So I would say that human beings are the most greedy and insatiable. For the sake of profit, sometimes even if there is no need for profit, it is just for some more boring reasons to kill the same kind without any guilt. Do you still think this is not hunting? "

Poison Ivy brought him to a sparkling lake, surrounded by all kinds of beautiful flowers in bloom, but even if Messiah didn't know him, he could guess from their appearance that most of them were poisonous.

"Then you must have used this rhetoric against Batman many times." Messiah squatted by the river and looked down. The water was so deep that he couldn't see the bottom, but the boy's face could be reflected on the surface.

I can only say that Arkham is full of talented people, all of whom are PUA masters. It’s really amazing that Batman hasn’t been trapped by their logic yet.

"It's not good to be too smart. Aren't you afraid that I'll get angry if I'm embarrassed?" Poison Ivy cherished the flowers on the wooden stand, watering them and loosening the soil, but her tone was still unhurried, without any sign of becoming angry. .

"No, I can't be considered smart, but just like you think, using my past as a victim as a weapon is really a good way to deal with Batman."

Then he'll be merciful when he beats you up, or he'll always be willing to give you another chance.

Even though he knows that it is almost impossible to change these people, or to change all the bad things on his own, he still hopes that you can change for the better.

"You seem to like him very much because that demon priest adopted you?" Although Jason is considered a succubus, because his own strength is widely recognized, more people will call him the demon priest.

It is not surprising that Jason adopted the Messiah. After all, there are many children in the church. Most of them were left at the door by their parents, and of course a few were picked up.

The player who was picked up thought for a moment before answering, "Although I like Jason, I also like Batman."

"After all, that's the man I want but can't get." Sighing and speaking in a heavy tone, Messiah looked like the long-lost son of a ruthless scumbag.

Batman Chi, he is either sinking or on the way to sinking.

The player hated it, and felt pain and sadness for Batman. What else could he do? He could only continue to work hard.

Such a tone obviously amused Poison Ivy, who was taking care of the flowers and plants. She sat on the vine swing under the moonlight with the flower pot in her arms.

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