Jason Todd is the latter. He grew up as a human until his death. It was only after he crawled out of hell that he really showed some characteristics of the hell race, but it was not limited to the succubus race.

There should be other races mixed in. Otherwise, it is impossible for ordinary succubi to be resurrected in hell after death. There has never been an example of a mixed-blood returning to hell after death in the human world.

After all, death is death. How can death allow you to return to your hometown?

However, things are not really so absolute. After all, there is a saying in hell that those higher-dimensional beings do not really die even if their bodies appear in the human world and are killed. They will only be weak, and then return to the most suitable place for them to recuperate and accumulate strength again.

"Since we are talking about race, let me tell you another piece of news." Poison Ivy loves plants, and when she met the Messiah, she found that the forest would like this boy. He seemed to be a life form loved by nature, not limited to the human skin.

"Do you know about seeding angels? After all, you are also a half-blood angel. It is better to know about this kind of thing."

Messiah shook his head, but the good thing about Poison Ivy is that she gives information quite straightforwardly, unlike Deathstroke or Batman, who are both Riddler's semicolon machines. One is impossible to pry open by professional ethics, and the other is a needle in the sea of ​​​​the heart of the bat. Maybe because you are young, you will subconsciously conceal those things that are too dark and cruel, just like the underage player protection law, which is very speechless.

Even Messiah and Damian have seen all kinds of big scenes.

"Seeding angels is held by the church. It is a means of turning humans into angels. Of course, don't think that it is a good thing." Poison Ivy smiled, but the smile did not reach her eyes, and there was also disdain for the church in her mouth.

"The children of the chosen devout believers become the vessels of the angels who will descend to the earth, but they are only vessels of angels, not real angels, so they can only reproduce ordinary people, at most ordinary people with good magic talent."

"In other words, only the angels who descend to the earth have the ability to breed angels, or hybrid angel offspring, do you understand, little boy?"

Speaking of this, if the player still doesn't know that he has set the most exciting challenge difficulty for himself at the beginning, he will really be dumbed down by the halo on his head. However, Messiah really doesn't know about the so-called angel breeding. He has been in and out of heaven so many times, how could he not know that the group of angels are playing so colorfully.

From what he knows, except for the wild Lucifer who runs a tavern and is almost going to pole dancing, there are those guys in the main universe heaven who can be plucked by him, plucked feathers, kicked God's dog ass, and every time he glares at him, he can only hang a sign at the gate of heaven because he can't beat him.

But it may be due to regional differences. Maybe the angels in this universe like to play this.

Messiah expressed his incomprehension but respect, and he got the aperture by his own ability, why should he hide it.

"You said it as if angels are rare species that need family planning." Messiah was tired of complaining because there were too many points, but Poison Ivy did not answer. Players also know that in the eyes of some guys, angels are creatures that need artificial intervention and reproduction.

From this point of view, Tim's accident must not be just a single problem, and his race is a big pit. This is too unlucky.

"Do you have any other questions?" Poison Ivy asked again, and suddenly the player had a vision of the NPC who specially sent you information. When you finish asking all the questions, they will ask you if you can shut up and get out. Maybe NPCs also have private lives.

Messiah shook his head. He still cared about Tim's problems, but Poison Ivy seemed to be uninterested in asking questions in this regard and couldn't ask anything.

Then the player reconfirmed the time. It was only three o'clock in the morning, still very late at night, and it was also the time when dark creatures were most active. Then he said goodbye to the kind-hearted fairy lady and chose to teleport back to Gotham directly.

Poison Ivy: "?"

The player came and went like a gust of wind, and the place was empty in the blink of an eye. Even though Poison Ivy had some guesses, she didn't expect that the other party was just here for an outing. She left as soon as she said she would, and even put the teacup she had just drunk back on the table intact. She was very polite. If you ignore that Poison Ivy is a kidnapper, it would still be a tea party that is enjoyable for both the host and the guests.

"This is difficult. How should I explain to those old guys?" Although she said so, Ivy's face did not show any anxious expression. She was still so leisurely, enjoying the darkest time before dawn.

The vines under his feet intertwined, and he wandered into the house and broke off a sun badge in the drawer. The sudden burst of holy power did not cause any harm to the plants. Yes, how can the forest fairies be called dark creatures, even though most of the behaviors of Poison Ivy are more brutal than those monsters.

"Speaking of which, sweetheart, your leaves seem to be a little sluggish. Is it because you are not getting enough nutrition recently?" Ivy caressed the precious flower in her arms lovingly. The golden leaves were about to bloom, and the branches were full. It was obvious that it was carefully cared for. It was as if the fairy heard the words of the plant and comforted it.

"Do you like that child too? It's a pity that he can't stay to take care of you."

"But, an outsider will accidentally pluck off your leaves and damage your body. Wait a little longer. When the day breaks, I will give you and the other children fresh and sufficient nutrients."

Messiah will of course teleport. He can open the small map and go wherever he wants. It is not so convenient even for Didi and taxi. Jason's location is not difficult to find. After all, in a city full of red names, the green dots representing friendship are really rare, and harmless ordinary people are yellow names that are neither good nor bad.

However, when Messiah arrived in Gotham, the incident seemed to have been almost settled. There were only sporadic lights in the whole city, and most areas were dark, but he could still feel the presence of ordinary people. It can be said that because the lord was in charge, the population base of Gotham was still considerable, at least four to five times more than other towns.

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