The topics between adults became more and more ambiguous, while Messiah finally got home. It was a three-story house in a safe area. Alfu helped him move the luggage, and then the boy said goodbye to the old butler happily after confirming that everything was indeed there and nothing was left behind.

When Gotham returned to the night familiar to Messiah, the black bat finally spread its cloak in the sky of the city.

To stop crime, the grappling gun became a boost for the man to keep moving between buildings. The wind whistled past his ears, and his blue eyes could see this magnificent night city more clearly through the mask.

The sins hidden in the darkness were like the other part of the city, those neon lights were continuous.

"Who are you?"

Someone exclaimed, and only when he looked up could he see the black shadow falling from the sky. The weight of more than 200 pounds directly overwhelmed the prey. Without any pause, Messiah raised his hand and gave the guys in this room a justice from heaven, punching hard.

The dark cape behind him slid out of the arc with the action, and it could also be pulled up to block the oncoming bullets. Strictly speaking, this Batman is not a serious character card.

After all, the Batman up pool just doesn't produce anything, and players don't know what's going on. They even began to doubt whether there is no Bruce Wayne in this so-called Batman up pool.

Oh my god, what kind of poison pool is this? It's definitely impossible that his luck is wrong. It's impossible that Bruce saw him and ran away from the card pool overnight. It's impossible, right? !

Messiah spent a long time and finally found that drawing cards will only make people unfortunate.

He really couldn't stand that card pool for a long time, so the player decided to be self-reliant, copy Batman's data, and make a card by himself.

Of course, the copied bat card is really just an empty shell, just like the puppet body he used before, without any muscle memory and built-in skills, a completely blank whiteboard, all of which need Messiah to operate by himself.

However, the basic data is the same as that of a normal bat, such as strength and weight.

The coordinates of this universe are -22, which means that because of the influence of Messiah, although Bruce Wayne exists, Batman cannot be born in this universe. Of course, not only is there no Batman, but Dick, Jason, and Tim, the three adopted sons, have never appeared here.

As for Damian, it is unknown whether he will appear.

The mission Messiah got was not difficult, which was to protect Gotham for a few days. It was a coincidence that the newly made cards had a place to play - as expected! His luck was obviously very good, it was definitely a problem with the pool.

On the first day, Messiah's debut as Batman ended smoothly, and he began to fight criminals at night. During the day, he would become the little boy who lived alone and could catch up on sleep.

Occasionally, Bruce can be seen on TV, or the Wayne couple who always appear together and are very loving.

In fact, Gotham without the Joker is not that dangerous, right?

When using the Bat Card, Messiah does not want to kill anyone. He knows that if it is a normal character card, there will definitely be a bat to stop all his possible cross-line behaviors, but this card is empty and it is also a vest that belongs to him completely, so now, he can only decide whether to comply.

It is well known that the criminals in Gotham, who are full of talents, especially love to rob the rich. There is no way, they are really fat and rich. If they are not vigilantes, players will also want to rob.

And if the battlefield is in a more luxurious area, Messiah will have a high probability of meeting the weak, helpless, panicked Little Wayne who can punch a kidnapper.

Well, it seems that even if he is not Batman, Bruce has a certain ability to protect himself.

However, because of the kindness of a certain little rich man and his bad habit of liking to be the last one, the plot of the hero saving the beauty is still staged several times. Well, he is a hero and Bruce is beautiful, how normal.

On the seventh day of living in Gotham, a large-scale terrorist attack on the entire city took place, and then was suppressed by the player with even more terrifying violence. Batman's reputation as a person who can stop children from crying at night has been continuously added to, but the system task has been completed.

There is no way. Without Batman, Gotham's ability to resist risks is indeed seriously reduced. Although the Messiah does not come, other superheroes will come, but they do not know Gotham, and they are unfamiliar with the place, and the time spent on the journey is enough to cause the city to suffer heavy losses.

Being close and having a certain understanding, the only superhero candidate for the best solution to the incident is Superman, but this time the trouble is the terrifying poison gas. If Clark is infected, it may bring more serious negative effects.

Clark Kent AKA Superman, he is the closest to Gotham and the superhero who comes to this city most frequently. After all, there are no vigilantes in this city of sin, so in the past, this kind-hearted Kryptonian would subconsciously pay more attention to this place.

This means that Clark has been paying attention to Batman since the first day he appeared.

Due to the shielding function of the system, Superman, whose super vision could not see through and super hearing could not catch the heartbeat, thought that lead was mixed into Batman's uniform. Amid the piercing sound of sirens, the hero in a red cape descended from the sky. He knew that the man in black in front of him had solved the problem, the criminals were sent to Arkham, and the poison gas was lifted and dissipated.

"Hello, I'm Superman." The Son of the Sun introduced himself to him with a warm smile.

"I'm Batman." Messiah answered him.

So, the Superman and Batman of this universe had their first, very friendly meeting.

Yay, Batman made his debut, but there is only one chapter, and it was written rather hastily, so you can fill in the rest with your own brain!

It's really finished! The author is packing up and preparing to write the next book.


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