The player believes that killing the Joker is always necessary. In order for the victim to truly reconcile with the past, how can you say that you don't care? Will the thorn deeply embedded in the wound disappear?

If it is not pulled out, even if the surface heals, it will still hurt slightly in all unintentional touches

Jason thinks it doesn't matter whether to kill the Joker or not. He cares more about Batman, but what does he have left after losing the goal of killing Batman? Nothing.

Arkham Knight has no goal to stand in this world at all, and even has no reason to continue living, because he is a suicide.

So he readily accepts this goal, which is even a little abrupt for a person who is deeply influenced by the bat.

And he reversely affects the player with his own perspective and thoughts on the world and problems.

——What kind of existence is Jason Todd.

The player does not really understand that the only Jason he sees in his field of vision is the Red Hood, but it does not mean that he really cannot perceive anything. Maybe his senses deceive him, but the instinct of this body will not.

No matter what kind of game Unit-01 thinks this is, at least it is not difficult to make a choice that he will not regret.



Da, da, da.

The combat boots made a sound on the ground, and the Arkham Knight's pupils, who were gradually approaching, reflected the dense data on the fluorescent blue screen.

These are the current distribution of military forces and the current situation in Gotham. Through the Joker Gang and tracking the whereabouts of Harley Quinn, we did find clues about Joker. Of course, the most important thing is where the Joker infected are hidden. After all, the Knight is not interested in such annoying and troublesome things as killing one Joker and another one popping up, killing one and then a bunch of them popping up.

What bad intentions can he have? He just wants to get rid of it once and for all.

At present, Deathstroke is responsible for the control and infiltration of Gotham. The strange mercenaries who suddenly appeared in the city will definitely attract the attention of the bats. The purpose of choosing the Winter Soldier is also to draw the attention of the bats to Hydra.

Everyone is not a good thing, it is normal to blame each other.

And now that he and the Joker have been quiet for a while, the impatient drama actor has obviously started to make small moves.

Including explosives, covert actions of the Joker Gang, and the Joker's laughing gas flowing in large quantities in the dark corners of Gotham.

This is really a mouse that can only hide.

The Knight narrowed his eyes, raised his arm and moved his fingers on the console with a few movements to unfold the images of various amusement parks and circuses in Gotham. In the highlighted images, several guys wearing clown masks with obvious abnormal behavior appeared.

They all carried colorful gas sprays and various strange weapons, kitchen knives, guns, crowbars, and everything else.

And instead of performing to please tourists, they would choose to exchange or move some well-covered items in remote locations.

This is just a bait that has emerged, perhaps a discarded child to attract Batman to investigate clues, and it does not mean that the Joker has discovered that he has been targeted.

After all, the lack of intelligence is a good enough advantage. The Knight will not be stupid enough to expose himself, but will make the Joker alert.

But it doesn't matter even if he is discovered, he guarantees that the Joker will not survive tomorrow.

A new round of instructions was notified to the subordinates' groups. Jason took a sip of the milk coffee next to him. It was a little sweet, which was not his taste, but coffee without milk and sugar was indeed very bitter.

Soon after finishing a cup of coffee, the knight turned around and walked through the base tunnel to the helicopter. The red and blue lights above hit the cold and hard lines of the knight's armor, and then were left behind.

The heavy electronic mechanical door finally opened, and the figure who jumped up lightly sat firmly. The fighter plane brought up a gust of wind, and then gradually rose and left from the open seat exit of the base.



On the other side, Batman was not in a good mood.

Recently, Gotham has had many large and small incidents, and Arkham Asylum has become a sieve. Maybe he sent Poison Ivy in yesterday, but he saw the red-haired woman who escaped from prison the next day.

And no matter how he interrogated the criminals, he didn't know much. He just knew that there was a force helping them escape from prison, but the other party was very cautious and didn't have too much contact with them. He just sent some unknown mercenaries to contact them.

And those criminals who were released were obviously screened. After several times, no large-scale casualties were caused under the efforts of the Bat Family.

However, Bruce still used the identity of President Wayne to ask Arkham Asylum to rebuild the security system, saying that his life safety was not guaranteed. That night, Batman also came to re-inspect and update the anti-jailbreak settings.

Bruce has confirmed that this group of guys are just tools to distract him. Recently, there are more and more mercenaries with unfamiliar faces, but whether they are interrogated or mixed in, they are all very enthusiastic and respectful of the mastermind behind the scenes, and even many people have conflicting information.

And Red Robin even found out that the figure of Hydra was wandering behind the scenes, and their humanoid weapons arrived in Gotham, making the situation, which was not sunny, even more chaotic.

And the worst news soon appeared, the Joker started to move again.

This morning Batman received a time bomb sent by a girl with clown makeup.

Batman could not ignore the other party's cry for help with tears and fear, and he did successfully save her, and then quickly sent her to Gotham Hospital for treatment.

But he also paid the price of serious injuries from the back.

The Joker's actions are not over yet, this is just a little appetizer.

Now that the situation in Gotham is becoming more urgent, Red Hood and Robin have returned to Batman's side to help him share more emergencies.

Red Robin, who is in Titan, is responsible for providing intelligence collection and backup assistance for all the family's operations in Gotham.



Arkham Knight is watching the movements of all the monitored Bat-vigilantes on the holographic screen on his arm armor.

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