If Batman here still does something like locking you up because he loves you, Slade can definitely imagine that the Arkham Knight will go crazy.

The mercenary's eyes narrowed slightly. He could communicate with the knight now, but he couldn't lock the kid's location, but it didn't stop him from taunting another old guy.

The words coming from the communicator caused the atmosphere between the two people in the Batcave to freeze. The knight's relaxed demeanor disappeared. He changed his posture, and his body language revealed his vigilance and defense against Batman.

Such a reaction was tantamount to hurting Bruce's heart. He even followed Deathstroke's words for a moment and completely isolated the two people.

But Batman soon realized the mercenary's provocation.

But he looked at the Arkham Knight who obviously didn't trust Batman enough, and for a moment he didn't know how to speak.

"I guess we'll choose the more important vampire thing."

Jason's tone was light, but he had not forgotten his main purpose. No matter what kind of conflicts he had with Batman, they should be ranked after the existence of the entire universe.

Batman suppressed the complicated emotions surging in his heart, and returned his distracted attention to business, and continued to become two rational and cold guardians of Gotham.

Deathstroke was unhappy with Batman, so he became happy, and he didn't mind telling them the information.

"Mary the Vampire Queen is dead."

"That guy is an advocate of non-intrusion between vampires and humans into living their own lives."

"Boy, pay attention to the super villains in Gotham. They should have contact with the new vampire king."

Late at night, Batman looked at the vampire habits that had been sorted out and analyzed through Queen Mary's investigation.

They are good at camouflage and spread quickly.

You don’t have to be afraid of the sun, but holy water may be effective.

Bruce had already gathered all the family members together this afternoon. No one behaved abnormally, and everyone was normal. This made Batman couldn't help but feel relieved and then began to feel distressed.

But this mood did not last long before it was interrupted.

"It's Nightwing."

The Arkham Knight appeared after everyone left the Batcave, and his first words made Bruce clenched his fists subconsciously.

Both Jason and the players have very low dependence on the game system. Their first reaction when encountering problems is to solve them by themselves. This also leads to them not always paying attention to whether a red name appears on the mini-map, and that red name is who.

What's more, when you open the Gotham map, large areas will be red.

But even if the bats have disputes and quarrels, it is impossible to appear in the most extreme red color.

So in the family gathering, among all the blue dots, Dick's red name stood out too much.

So the knight kept observing him calmly in the living room.

Arkham Knight also hoped that there was an error in the game system, but when Batman looked at him inquiringly, he could only say that he had his own way to confirm it.

Batman rarely asked. After Deathstroke's provocation, Bruce finally understood that it was best not to continue placing landmines on the knight's sensitive nerves.

"But there's nothing unusual about Nightwing." Batman murmured subconsciously, then looked at the knight who was bathing in holy water like Alfred today, and spoke again after a long silence.

"I'll test him."

"I will too."

Batman looked at the back of the knight who turned away without hesitation, his fingers trembled, trying to stop him, and then gave up again, only watching the young man's back go further and further away.

After Arkham Knight left Wayne Manor, the first thing he wanted to do was find the big blue bird that was still in Gotham, but Didi's communicator rang again.

The channel was connected, and the knight who chose to wear a headset this time heard the sound of the death knell for the second time today.


The wind roared in Gotham late at night, and the knight flew between buildings. The hook gun was constantly thrown out, taking him to overlook the city from the highest point.

"You're being targeted."

Deathstroke is indeed very concerned about Gotham, and he doesn't know where the guy's power and informants are hidden, but it is obvious that in the darker and chaotic areas, the mercenaries may have better intelligence than the bats.

This made Jason feel a little confused. In his universe, Slade trained him as his heir. This was not obvious.

That's why he yelled like that to the man on the other side of the communication without any burden when he angered Batman.

"You'd better be careful."

Even if he knew that this scumbag was just a stick and a sweet date, it would be difficult for the knight to get angry because of this kind of thing, mainly because he was used to it.

With a sneer, he had stopped taking this kind of mental training. He was now sunny, cheerful, positive, and in good condition, but there was no gap for others to take advantage of him.

However, although the tone was a bit harsh, it was still difficult to accept this kind of person's poor way of caring.

"I know, and don't talk to me in such a hypocritical tone, Slade."

"It's time for the little game of house to end."

"It's natural for you to be partial, Robin Bird."

Low laughter came through the communicator, and it was obvious that the mercenary who had taken off his disguise no longer concealed his sharp aggression.

"What a pity. If you were a little more crazy, I could definitely get you."

But he didn't mean to drive the knight crazy. Deathstroke didn't want to drive Jason crazy and then have to deal with vampires, otherwise the world would be destroyed by such troublesome things.

"Don't call me Robin."

The knight roared an angry warning like a cat whose tail had been stepped on, but quickly calmed down.

Then the two of them did not hang up the communication directly, but continued to chat for a few words in a strange, knowing and terrible atmosphere. The knight was even in the mood to make a few hellish jokes, and then hung up directly.

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