Bruce gritted his teeth and escorted the Vampire King into the car and left directly, returning to the previous Batcave.

Gotham was still in chaos, even the most troublesome vampire criminals were solved.

But those low-level vampires were the most troublesome. There were so many of them and they might create new ones. Damian and Tim rarely put aside their grudges and cooperated with each other. With the help of Oracle and the cooperation of the police, the number of vampires spread was controlled.

In the Batcave, Penny stared at the dense blood sample analysis data on the screen. Now Gotham is a cage, prohibiting everyone from entering and leaving, including superheroes.

Batman strictly prohibited them from entering Gotham for rescue. Bruce must consider that no matter which member of the Justice League was infected as a vampire, it would be a new disaster.

And now, the city can no longer withstand another disaster or a new Vampire King in reserve.

Red Hood and the player didn't care much about Batman's coming and going. When they arrived at the private ambulance of the black doctor, the black faction boss took the player directly to receive better treatment.

Compared to the limited items they could carry, even Red Hood contributed all the emergency medical tools on his body to the Knight's bad injury. A proper hospital would be more comprehensive and well-prepared. After the rescue was completed, Red Hood drove the ambulance directly and took the person back to the safe house to keep an eye on him, including taking care of the fever caused by the serious injury and some physiological needs that were inconvenient to move.

Red Hood guarded the Knight all night long. As for the gang problem, he really had to go there himself, so he called Red Robin to come as a nurse. As a result, Tim came, followed by a demon kid.

This is why the Knight woke up with the chirping of birds quarreling in his ears, which made his head hurt. He sincerely felt that it would be better to be buried in the ground.

Regarding the last chapter, the player cried in the Knight's ear, and he also cried, but this does not mean that the player really only knows how to cry. In fact, when he confronted the Red Hood, the player's true character was exposed. He was an unscrupulous and rebellious kid.

The game system really cares about the players. After all, when the vest is near death and the consciousness is offline, no one will take the damage for the player, so he has to bear it all by himself. Just like when the knight is offline, the player knows what it feels like to be hungry (the knight will feed himself on time, because the presence of eating is low, the player does not pay attention to when he eats, and thinks that he can live without eating and basking in the sun), and the player really feels all the pain and the feeling of dying.

And if the player feels that he is dead, then he is really dead, and the game can't save him, so letting the player run fast is really for his own good.

Le, no one will wait for Batman to save the knight, the vampire king who may destroy the entire universe and his dying son are placed on the scale.

He tried his best to keep the vampire king away from the knight.

And Red Hood, if the player did not save himself but ran away, then when he came, the knight's body would indeed be cold, but the cub has been trying to save himself.

So he held on until Red Hood came to save people.

Chapter 36 Cats Resting [Landmines and Nutrient Solution Extra]

The player was eating puffs. The wounded should not eat such non-nutritious food. But Red Hood couldn't stand his chattering mouth.

Then he also pulled up a bunch of perverse theories that sweets were equivalent to happiness. Damian witnessed the whole scene and said only one sentence.

"You look like you are raising a son."

This sentence made the two Jasons in the audience roll their eyes.

The knight felt that he was the one who was carrying the burden. He was like raising two naughty children and two birds who came to hunt for food from time to time.

And the rebellious period of children seemed to come at any time. The player and Red Hood have been quarreling recently.

It's basically a quarrel. The child is picky and wants to make trouble all day long, and then Red Hood quarrels with him verbally, but he is also very clear when it comes to meeting his demands.

For example, the player is lying on the bed and he is not happy.

He picked up his phone and called Red Hood, who was in the hail of bullets outside, to ask him to bring him puffs. The problem was that the two cursed each other on the phone for a whole morning. To be precise, the player held the phone and Red Hood wore a headset. As a result, the counterpart came back and really brought puffs to the child.

This kind of thing happened after the knight was woken up by the two noisy parrots in the bat's house at the head of the bed. It happened twice a day if not three times a day.

His speechless level was really speechless. The outrageous mother opened the door to the outrageous mother. It was really outrageous.

However, the knight could understand it to some extent. Lying in the hospital bed and being wrapped like a dumpling for several days, and the numbness and itchiness during the recovery period were really hard to bear and made people very uncomfortable. He wanted to do something to divert his attention.

It was too bad. He could even guess that Red Hood probably had the same idea as him.

The knight did not miss the sensory problem after waking up. If he originally had 90% of the negative senses.

Then now it is more like a state of equal distribution. He guessed that the child must have done something. Tsk, his head started to hurt again.

As for Damian and Tim, they both said that the atmosphere in the Batcave and Wayne Manor is so tense that even a fly would have to travel 800 miles to see it.

These two little birds don't come here very often, mainly to take a breath and relax.

It's been busy recently, and the vampire chaos in Gotham hasn't even been completely resolved.

After the vampire king was captured and controlled by the Bat Family, everyone seemed to have learned to be vampires with their tails between their legs.

Hide for a while, then suddenly pop up and bite a few people, which is a small and annoying incident, but you can't really leave it alone.

The situation of the potion is also not optimistic, and in order to crack the potion, they have to stay with Nightwing often.

Tie him up in a straitjacket with a more cautious and vigilant attitude and method than before treating the Joker.

And now Dick is very upset for them. He is not crazy and angry as expected. He just looks at his family with a helpless and guilty look.

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