This mission is not an introduction to the knight by an intermediary, but a system prompt for the player. After all, when you look at the mini map among a bunch of yellow names and red names, an exclamation mark suddenly pops up, which is really very conspicuous.

Old El is very vigilant, and from the description it can be seen that he is a big trouble. Who is a serious mercenary to take on such a mission? But the player didn't mind. After all, the golden exclamation mark above his head appeared for the first time in this 100% free holographic game. He was surprised and interested, and decided to follow this unexpected branch line.

After analyzing clues on the certificate, it was confirmed that the deceased Kemm was in the morgue of the hospital.

Male, 24 years old, unemployed homeless man with no relatives or friends, a common ordinary person in Gotham City. But this is the current clue, and the nurse also disappeared on the way home from the hospital, so the player is prepared to go inside and explore at night.

There is always a different kind of excitement in Gotham at night. Compared to the bustling daytime, the carnival world of demons under the cover of night is the favorite show of the gutter rats. The knight has changed back to his original blue armor for this mission. Uniforms, after all, standing with cat ears at night is a Gotham feature.

Of course, there was no intention of programming Batman.

The knight told himself a joke without mercy or guilt. Next, he entered the dangerous area, the mission location, and the guards here were as he expected, too tight to be like a hospital.

Ha, a private hospital, you can almost guess how much filth can be concealed in such a place. The knight broke the guard's neck, took the body into the ventilation duct and hid it, and then killed the remaining three guards in the same manner, using wires, blades, and everything around him to make the action easier to deal with them.

Then he continued deeper and walked towards the morgue of the hospital. However, compared to the outside, the inside is actually more empty. The guys in the monitoring room are also dealt with in a sophisticated way to ensure that they will not be threatened by surveillance in the future. Even so, he would avoid surveillance as much as possible, but if it can delay his actions, he would be more relaxed and have a higher error tolerance rate, so why not do it.

The underground circuitry of the hospital looked like it was aging, and the lights kept flickering as the knight made steady progress. The corpse room was pushed open, and the first thing I caught was all the white cloth, and the outline of the body underneath, which was stiff and rigid.

Then a red figure swung a crowbar from above the door and hit the blue hood directly.

The first thing the knight smelled was the strong smell of blood, and then a more violent attack. The two started fighting in a silent room. No one spoke first. They all wanted to suppress the other party and gain the initiative at the first time.

Players know who the image appears before them, Red Hood AKA Jason Todd, his peer.

But they were all attacked with a crowbar. The knight could not be a nice gentleman. He was equally vicious. When blocking the attack, his first reaction was to break the enemy's bones so that he could not continue to move. Then he reacted quickly. Come over and forcefully change your offensive to use your equipment and weight to suppress people to the ground.

Somewhat difficult, but also very easy.

Only now did the knight notice that the red hood was in an abnormal condition. The bucket helmet on his head had been shattered, but the mask on his face was still there. The aggressive expression of emotions, anger and madness made the red hood smile a smile that was quite unruly. This man showed off his charm without any concealment, raising his knee to give the player who was in a daze a thigh strangle.

The twisting and thin waist exerted force, but it was more dangerous than the knight who was in good condition. The man turned around as lightly as he was holding his prey, leaned forward and used his weight to suppress the knight, and smiled with his lips curled up, smiling wantonly and wildly.

The pupils that were stained green by the Lazarus Pond and dilated by the poisonous gas of fear were refocused, looking coldly at the uninvited guest who now appeared here.

"What is your relationship with Deathstroke?"

He is really familiar with such moves and techniques.

Chapter 4 Arkham Cat Detective

Ah this, ah this...

The player feels a little dizzy, not because he was beaten or because he was suffocated, but because the pain level in the game is very low, maybe? After all, he was very insensitive every time he got injured in battle. But this angle...

Being looked down upon by the Red Hood, the man's left leg tightened its muscles and tightened around the knight's neck, with most of the weight pressed on his chest. His right knee and calf also restrained the knight from his shoulders to his arms, blocking the possibility of counterattack, crowbar and pestle. Further above the head of the blue mask.

From the player's perspective, you can even see a lot of damage to the fabric on Red Hood's thighs. The more flexible butt leg straps are still intact. They are tied between the torn fabric and the wound, barely covering it.

The wound that the other party had just stopped suddenly burst open and began to bleed. The guy who hunted him first had burnt marks and bullet scratches on his body, and the smell of blood on his body was even stronger than the smell of burning smoke. It was probably more because of his serious injuries than the contamination.

However, when the player was in a trance, his vest instinct still reacted. The moment he was attacked, he took out his gun and aimed it. His left hand, which could only move, held the weapon steady and pressed it against the opponent's abdomen. The knight did not choose the conspicuous red bat on his chest, nor did he choose the neck and head, which were the real weak points further up. Instead, he directly aimed the muzzle at his waist and abdomen, and the most serious injury was accurately determined under the cover of dark black cloth. location.

The distance between the two of them was close enough, and the atmosphere was as stagnant as a tomb, but it was also mixed with the warmth brought about by the violent exercise of the breathing and heart.

The player was still in a trance. He now understood Black Mask and Deathstroke very well. He, he felt that he was completely fine again. Perhaps because of the love of the character card, the player had a particularly high favorability towards Jason Todd AKA Red Hood, the same person. Then he heard himself say.

"You are very curious. You care so much about that old man? You don't know him, do you?"

Under the mask, the Arkham Knight lowered his voice, his tone was gentle and affectionate, and he deliberately threw the question back in an ambiguous way.

The atmosphere eased somewhat, and Red Hood raised his eyebrows. The fierce aura on his body did not fade at all, and he was still full of a sense of oppression that could suddenly attack and kill the person under him at any time. He sneered as if he was not injured and did not care about being pointed at by a gun, but he still spoke.

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